
跟著小V 重溫五大熱門迪士尼電影歌曲


海洋奇緣 Moana

這部2016年由迪士尼製作跟發行的音樂喜劇冒險長篇動畫片,上映之後大獲好評!小編那時因為海洋的壯闊跟齊聲大合唱的震撼在電影院裡面看得雞皮疙瘩掉滿地~故事背景是以玻里尼西亞神話中的傳奇人物-毛伊為中心,美國的毛伊由巨石·強森配音,台灣則是 MATZKA,完全無違和!來聽聽女主角因為煩惱自己的力量不夠而唱的這首 How Far I’ll Go 吧!

《Moana》How Far I’ll Go – Alessia Cara

“To the place I know, where I cannot go though I long to be”

long to 想要;希望


He longed desperately to go back to his home town.

“Everything is by design”

by design 故意地;精心設計地

“I can lead with pride, I can make us strong I’ll be satisfied if I play along”

play along 合作;聽從

Although her ideas are odd, she is my boss. I have no choice but to play along.

“And it seems like it’s calling out to me so come find me”

calling out 呼喚;求救

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

不得不承認小編私心想看 Emma Watsons 所以選這首歌~要說誰能演貝兒真的是非艾瑪不可!完全符合小時候對貝兒的想像,相信大家都已經進電影院看過我們家艾瑪了,那就事不宜遲,趕快來複習她的美聲吧!

《Beauty and the Beast》Belle – Emma Watsons

“Every morning just the same, since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town.”

provincial 鄉下的、地方的

She was worried about fitting in with people in the city as she left the provincial town she grew up in.

“Where are you off to?”

be off to  動身前往

Dazed and distracted, can’t you tell?

dazed 暈眩的;茫然的

He looked dazed and frightened when we told him the bad news.

“Never part of any crowd. ‘Cause her head’s stuck up on some cloud.”

have one’s head in the clouds 作白日夢

get your head out of the clouds 別作白日夢了!

魔髮奇緣 Tangled

(尖叫)小編最愛的迪士尼動畫片之一!你們都看過魔髮奇緣沒錯,但你知道你在看的是製作費最高的動畫片嗎?因為當時製作團隊在製作過程中遇到技術研發、劇本修改及執導層的人員替換,最後花了整整6年時間才完成!這部片裡他們有用到「非真實感繪製」( NPR ),就是要讓你以為「咦?這是用畫的嗎?不是吧,是用電腦動畫做的吧……嗎?」來複習我們樂佩閃亮亮的長髮和壞壞人人愛的尤金深情對唱!

《Tangled》I See The Light – Mandy Moore &  Zachary Levi

And at last I see the light

at last 最後、終於

All at once everything looks different

all at once 突然;同時

“All those days chasing down a daydream”

daydream 白日夢

Don’t indulge yourself in daydreams — that’s all they’ll ever be unless you take action in realizing them.

All those years living in a blur

blur 模糊不清的事物;汙點

冰雪奇緣 Frozen

說到冰雪奇緣你只想到 Let it go?別忘了人見人愛的雪寶 Olaf!當他好傻好天真地唱我愛夏天的時候,一定很多人都被融化並且想起那個曾經好傻好天真的自己吧~一起來看看由美國高中生大合唱的真人版吧!

《Frozen》In Summer

Bees’ll buzz Kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz

dandelion 蒲公英

The hot and the cold are both so intense. Put ’em together, it just makes sense!

intense 強烈的;緊張的

They have been in an intense relationship since the last argument about breaking up.

makes sense 合理

“When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream

hold on to 堅持

Support from my mother is one of the reasons that I can hold on to what I believe in.

風中奇緣 Pocahontas

「沒有最經典,只有更經典」講的就是 Colors of the Wind!印地安人公主寶嘉康蒂深情款款唱出要愛護地球上一切生靈,是不是也讓你更深刻思考我們人類的定位了呢?這首歌裡面有許多值得記下的好句好詞喔~一起來複習87次吧!

《Pocahontas》Colors of the Wind – Judy Kunh

You think I’m an ignorant savage

ignorant 無知的、愚昧的

I was kept ignorant of the fact that my boyfriend had been cheating on me for six months.

Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

grin 露齒笑

I couldn’t help but grinned with delight when I knew I won the competition.

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest

pine 松木

For whether we are white or copper skinned

copper 銅;銅色的;警察


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文/ Elena Chien
圖/ JD Hancock via Visualhunt / CC BY
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