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  • At some point, we all have dreamt of becoming a billionaire even if that wasn't serious.

  • I mean who wouldn't mind having an unlimited supply of cash.

  • In a world where we are governed by capitalism, cash is the king.

  • But the path to becoming a billionaire is challenging.

  • Most billionaires have worked hard for decades to reach that position such as warren buffet.

  • But here in this video, let's take a look at some of the people who joined the billionaire

  • club in the shortest period possible and with absolutely minimum effort.

  • It doesn't sound real, but some people actually did that.

  • The opportunity was presented in front of them, and they took the best advantage out

  • of it.

  • When you think of Facebook, the only person who comes into mind is this guy.

  • However, if you give it a closer look, it was developed by multiple people and along

  • the way when Facebook made it to the top and was worth billions of dollars, all those people

  • who were involved in Facebook at an early stage instantly became billionaires.

  • And one of those people is Eduardo Saverin.

  • If you have watched Social Network, you probably know him.

  • When Facebook was still an idea, Mark requested him to invest 15 thousand dollars and become

  • its first investor and first CFO.

  • Eduardo saw the potential opportunity and jumped on the board.

  • But these two people shared entirely different perspectives, and their relationship worsened

  • over time.

  • So Mark diluted his shares and kicked him out of the company a year later.

  • Although that he was involved in facebook for such a short period of time.

  • His tiny ownership in facebook turned him into a billionaire when the company went public.

  • And today his net worth is over 9 billion dollars.

  • But he isn't the only one who was in the right place and at the right time.

  • With a bachelor degree in computer science in the 1990s, you had to start an online business,

  • because internet was just booming, so Pierre Omidyar began working on a side project that

  • he named eBay, but it grew way faster than he expected, and after 9 months, its revenue

  • outstripped his salary, so he quit his job and decided to give it his full attention.

  • And in less than a year, the website hosted over 800 thousand actions a day.

  • And the company decided to go public making its founder instantly a billionaire.

  • It kept growing to the point where even luxury items were sold such as supercars, private

  • jets.

  • In fact, in 2006, a giga-yacht was sold on eBay for 168 million dollars.

  • The reason behind the dot-com bubble was that people didn't understand what internet is,

  • so they threw money at any online business without really understanding anything about

  • it hoping to make a fortune.

  • And Gery Winnick couldn't let it go without taking advantage out of it.

  • In 1997, he founded global crossing Limited.

  • It was a telecommunication company that provided computer networking service.

  • It was the first private company to finance underwater fiber optic cable.

  • It generated so much hype around that it raised over 400 million dollars when it went public

  • and its massive valuation earned Gary Winnick a total sum of 4.5 billion dollars.

  • ANd like many other online companies, When the dot-com bubble burst, the company crippled

  • and soon (2002), declared bankruptcy but our hero resigned just before that with his enormous

  • wealth.

  • However, the fast person who became a billionaire is someone whom you never heard of - Jay Walker.

  • Like our previews hero (Gary Winnick) he also realized that the dot-com bubble is the greatest

  • opportunity of his life.

  • Although that everyone today books flight tickets and hotels online.

  • When the internet was at its initial phase, no one thought about it except Jay Walker,

  • who turned it into a business.

  • He founded, and they sold over 40K tickets within four months of launching.

  • And in less than a year, it went public and instantly made its founder a member of a billionaire

  • club.

  • But, when the dot-com bubble burst, the company's stocks dropped significantly, but by then,

  • Walker has already cashed out and left the company, the company still operates today,

  • but it's not as big as it has once been.

  • And now it's your turn, who would you put on this list, let me know in the comments

  • below.

  • Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell, thanks for watching and I will catch

  • you in the next one.

At some point, we all have dreamt of becoming a billionaire even if that wasn't serious.

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