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  • What do you see is the biggest threat to your transition right now.

  • Given President Trump's unprecedented attempt to obstruct and delay a smooth transfer of power, more people may die.

  • U.

  • S President elect Joe Biden issued a dire warning Monday when asked about the possible consequences of President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the election and share his administration's co vid 19 vaccine distribution plans to help combat the pandemic.

  • If we have toe wait until January 20th to start that planet, it puts us behind over a month, month and a half, and so it's important that it be done that there be coordination now.

  • Biden advanced plans for his upcoming presidency by meeting with top CEOs and labor leaders on Monday, including the heads of General Motors, Microsoft, Target and Gap.

  • This as Trump once again falsely tweeted that he had won the election while continuing to block his administration from working with the Biden transition team.

  • But I find this more embarrassing for the country than debilitating for my ability to get started.

  • Biden also urged Congress to immediately passed coronavirus relief legislation.

  • Now, now, not tomorrow now and the idea the president is still playing golf and not do anything about it is beyond my comprehension.

  • Least think he want to go off on a On a positive note, Trump has made no headway so far with lawsuits challenging election results in multiple states.

  • And in comments to the global security forum that aired Monday, Trump's national security adviser, Robert O'Brien, broke from the Trump party line by saying he was prepared to ensure a smooth transition to Biden's team.

  • Look, if if the Biden Harris uh taking is determined to be the winner and it's, you know, obviously things look that way now we'll have a very professional transition from the national security question counsel.

  • There's no question about it.

  • Biden beat Trump by the same 306 to 2 32 margin in the Electoral College.

  • That prompted Trump to proclaim a landslide victory in 2016.

What do you see is the biggest threat to your transition right now.

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