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  • Is that where you took the bribe?

  • Japanese train over the Canadian train.

  • I did not take a bribe.

  • All right.

  • I was accused of taking a bribe.

  • I have not been proved guilty yet.

  • Well, they haven't said yet.

  • I mean, they haven't decided that wealthy.

  • I don't think they got no proof.

  • I don't care what they decided.

  • They don't need it.

  • Doesn't matter whether they and then is this when they demoted you.

  • That's correct.

  • They demoted me pending the outcome, and now they're trying to humiliate you.

  • Is that right, motherfuckers?

  • Look, I know how these things work, man.

  • Everything doesn't seem to appear like what it is.

  • But you gotta be completely honest with me, man.

  • What you're talking about.

  • How did you do it?

  • I didn't.

  • I'm innocents.

  • Oh, you're innocent.

  • You know, you're talking to a Catholic man.

  • We've been over innocents before, okay?

  • But I've been through all this, man.

  • So just tell me, how did you do it?

  • I didn't do it.

  • Okay, that's it.

  • That's fucking it, kid.

  • You.

  • Me?

  • No know you up?

  • Get the fuck over there.

  • I don't know what you did to piss him off.

  • What You did good.

  • You know what I'm looking at?

  • Do you know what I'm looking at?

  • No, I do not.

  • Okay, Well, first is my gun at the end of my God.

  • What's your name, man?

  • George.

  • Everyone called Geo George.

  • His friends call him Joe.

  • He's got this kind of eighties skateboard thing going.

  • I makes it work.

  • It's not gonna look too good in his casket.

  • Listen right or just slow down.

  • We haven't reached the deadline.

  • There's no fucking deadline, man.

  • You just gotta tell me the truth.

  • About what bride?

  • Did you take it?

  • I didn't take a bribe.

  • Okay, you got five seconds to save.

  • This kid's like I didn't do anything.

  • Five.

  • Just wait a second.

  • Wait time.

  • I did it.

  • Please.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Say it.

  • I took the bride.

  • How much?

  • It 30.

  • How fucking much?

  • $35,000.

  • How did you do it?

  • I went to Japan to look at these trains.

  • It's part of my job.

  • I I don't get to vote.

  • Okay.

  • I just recommend I chose what I thought was the the best train and the Japanese had the best train.

  • And I made my recommendation before You took the bribe?

  • Yes, As a train you were gonna pick anyway, huh?

  • Yes.

  • And now you're fighting for your job and they're trying to humiliate you, aren't they?

  • No, no, no.

  • I did what I did on, um and it's not, you know, it's not MTs for no Yes.

Is that where you took the bribe?

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