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this is levittown pennsylvania
這是萊維敦賓夕法尼亞州 一個新的郊區社區,高達64萬餘人 中間費城和新澤西州特倫頓 他的才華購物中心蜿蜒的小巷
a new suburban community up sixty thousand people
九紫小時和樹木 這是相當典型的美國各地的社區 家庭所追求的“美國夢 給孩子一個更好的機會在生活中
midway between philadelphia and trenton new jersey
醫療計數器或人的綿薄之力 我們幾乎所有的年輕人 大比例的參考 varaku社會機構,而許多宗教團體建立
with his talents shopping center winding lanes
教堂 他們目前尚未有足夠的時間來開發 方案,以充分滿足社會 大多數LED計數器感到非常自豪和高興,然後您的環境
nine purple hours and trees
對許多人來說,它是第一個屬於自己的房子 這是一個重大的金融投資 社會主要局限於與鄰居訪問
it is fairly typical of communities all over america
okays皮革全社區的活動 但數量較少但大多數居民的死亡變得有點,但更廣泛的 社會生活的各個方面 由一個人對他們來說是名建失望
where families are pursuing the american dream
許多通勤開發一樣 他設置的初始政策 並提供了一個最小的基本服務 時的房子被賣了,他自然撤回了自己的修長資源
to give their children a better chance in life
在一九五七年8月 萊維敦賓夕法尼亞州引起了國際社會的關注 當暴力的爆發和威廉·邁爾斯初級
medical counters or people of modest means
和他的家人搬進了三居室的房子 適應性和節奏綠線 幾乎所有的婚姻家庭的信Paramore的
nearly all our young people
他們有三個孩子 年齡最小的只有1個月大的 邁爾斯在軍隊服務年半 流產浴場
a large proportion of reference
您的實驗室技術人員工作 這乞討的程度有一個電氣工程師 他的妻子菊花是一個大學畢業生
varaku social agencies and while many religious groups have established
尊敬的家適中,拋光和他們喜歡的家庭轎車 買了一台父 他們是非常接近 除了在某一方面的萊維敦規範
威廉·邁爾斯初中和他的家人 心臟黑人,他參與白社會 萊維敦反應中以多種方式向新來
they have not yet had time enough to develop
有幾百人聚集在街道上前面的 邁爾斯房子 有其中震感強烈,足以扔石頭 通過圖像幅
programs to adequately serve the community
但也有另一種 這種行為被擊退的大組 並組織幫助萊維敦,除了它的第一個黑人鄰居
most led the counters are proud and happy and then you environment
絕大多數的萊維敦我們去他們的日常活動和平 但在商店,學校和前面的貸款 萊維特計數器
for many it is the first house of their own
討論了這個問題 我第一次讀一篇小文章的報紙在其第一個我們的家庭和 這個社區 和um ... 下面我是那裡的工程師在電台和閱讀報紙
and it represents a major financial investment
圍繞這家相同的人認為,有一些干擾 什麼是新的一天,米歇爾反應 總是非常震驚
socializes mainly confined to visits with the neighbors
找到它 人在這個社會會如此強烈反對 布拉迪斯拉發才剛剛接受它,因為我知道
okays leather community-wide events
為社會準備了許多等待的入口的第一大組 家庭在全球範圍內萊維敦 也有嘗試呃...我形成了一批部長
but fewer yet for most residents to become a bit of died but the broader
被稱為人類關係委員會 和他們對他們的工作才剛剛開始,我不知道他們是如何 預計高度計完成教育大家的目的
aspects of community living
我知道,他們有一個開放的論壇 一度 和... 只是在去年4個月 結果發表在紙
letdown was built by one man for whom it is name
你覺得這是一個爛B 沒有真正的下降的口袋裡, 很多人甚至讀或他們的顏色會議,
like many commuter developers
在它之前 雖然已經有一點點的興趣,形成一個人 前幾個星期關係委員會 火星成為主要話題為人民萊維敦
he set the initial policy
在幾個小時內,他們的到來, 上的情況類似的情況下的數據及信息的開始日期 這 通過社區的流言和閒話掃描
and provided a minimum of essential services
故事從一個人傳遞到另一個 因為幾乎沒有人知道真相 每個人都假定成為事實 ,雖然我有很多,因為我是很忙
when the houses were sold naturally he withdrew its own slender resources
告訴人們的鉛帽子,但卡倫 嗯,我覺得他們看準 便宜的,我的意思是人介紹 他們聽到後投降需要一個花圈聽到,有一些
in august nineteen fifty-seven
外故意移動 這些人,但他們贊助了由外部組支付做到這一點 非常的事 和...我被人偷走了,但你是不正確的,呃...所以我
levittown pennsylvania attracted international attention
告訴人們,地圖集 你覺得了解事實的情況下,將有助於 所以你決定我敢肯定, 呃...更合理的態度是要在這個社會為準
when violence erupted and as william myers junior
有很大的信心,他們住在這裡的人, 我們很快就會發現,有沒有需要的時間
and his family moved in with three bedroom house
一些古巴人已經表示接受的背面 但對於其他人邁爾斯移動萊維敦
adaptability and beat green lines
構成侵犯自己的自由 這種情況的影響下, 他們的反應憤怒和力量 但他們說,他揭示了他們內心深處的恐懼和挫折
it almost all respect to the marriage family is close to the letter paramore
你為什麼選擇Levittown的菲利普 我們看到,我們正在尋找一個地方買回家級城市,我們希望 的家園,在這裡我們喜歡的優勢萊維敦似乎提供了一種施捨
they have three small children
與其他城市相比, 我們了解,將是所有的權利,我們感到非常高興,買回家 這裡 你的孩子,你來了他們對婚姻
youngest only one month old
我們試圖讓 其他討論遠離兒童 呃... 我想通II感受到的東西,我們已經選項解決有關使
myers service and a half years in the army
每個其他類型的比我們這樣做是為了自己的孩子穿 但我不覺得自己是你要了解的問題事件
miscarriages baths are doing
你覺得黑人家庭搬到這裡來,會影響社會作為一個整體 無疑 在什麼樣的方式,我認為,而正確這就是我的意思是怎麼回事呢
you worked at the laboratory technician
在這裡 讓他們搬來這裡,一些 你可以給一個判斷的基礎 是的,我們到住在華盛頓d_c_的,我們看到很好的例子,有
and this begging for a degree has an electrical engineer
重複的經驗,將不勝感激 有無處可逃附近居住的黑人 和部分中產階級體面的夢想 如果黑人家庭買不起你可以轉發
his wife daisy is a college graduate
你怎麼證明你的優越感 自己的位置變得明顯不合邏輯 ,而不是在舊的旅遊神話只是一個個案涉及
admired home is modestly burnished and they're like by the family car was
你有什麼其他的反對意見,除了聯邦的屬性值 對美國 整個事情 圍繞工作整合
bought one parent
老總邁爾斯說,由於已承諾什麼,但和平 因為你再 他有三個孩子 和...很顯然,他
they're very close
哲學或接受社會 和... 我不覺得,他們將 但這種集成業務交易大廳的麻煩
levittown norm except in one respect
那一天,AMT在可能結束 是什麼讓社會 你將有 我同意肛交婚姻 成為一個白色的人
william myers junior and his family
但只有這樣,他們購買到,儘管教育和更好 自己不推的方式,他們在這裡 你打算移動
heart negroes him involved white community
現在時間 這不是非常不可能的情況下,我們有 我們有我們的家在這裡 的大是大非上
levittown reacted in a number of ways to the new arrivals
運行現實,在那兒我們很多人 特別是那些將要g_i_s 華萊士福利媽媽 作為線畫 任何一方變得更加堅定
there were several hundred who congregated on the street in front of
養老保險發展 猜疑和不信任和飼料 但一直效果的火星來到這裡 它的它創造了大量的關注筆記本電腦從鄰居,因為
the meyers house
我們都覺得網站 但是,呃...它實際上是機 每個人10夏家 我的意思是這個測試正在影響著我們的家園
and there were those among them who felt strongly enough to throw a rock
和... 它勢必造成緊張 剛才講的所有的時間,它的主題 但也有其他的事是 是的,我關心他的棕櫚樹,你認為他們支持的
through the picture web
水手 坦率地說,我不知道是什麼原因,他們拿出 如果有marcyle當時我不認為他們能有什麼理由
but there was another
四 你覺得頭腦將能夠舒適地住在這裡 自在 你要遵循什麼樣的行動 我會盡我所能對象幫助
of large group who were repelled by this kind of behavior
讓他們合法及和平 並盡量接受他們的社會,是一個迷人的行為 在這樣的情況下,採取邊 超過的問題中的一個人的本國
and organize to help levittown except its first negro neighbors
消防員認為成為一個以社區為基礎的主題 對於那些誰相信一個人有權利住在任何地方,他希望
the vast majority of levittown ours went peacefully about their daily activities
答案是簡單而直接的 這個影響與鄰國的關係 在所有的一周反感 自由,任何人,我們一直在努力保持
but in the stores and that the school's and on the front loans
描述堆棧 這是最重要的事情 你有沒有聽說過任何傳聞 許多 nammal 我會打電話給贅述,因為我覺得你想重複謠言
levitt counters
我不認為這是 也可把他們允許 嗎,你認為傳言的反應,那些反對的婚姻嗎? 雪莉死 呃...我們在這裡有一些非常有興趣的市民誰離開
discussed the matter
誓願 事實調查親家庭的色氨酸,我會盡快那些謠言,他們 開始傳真 你認為婚姻將能夠舒適地生活在Levittown
well i first read a small article newspaper in its first our family and in
我認為我幫助了我想 大多數人在這裡可以讓 成長習慣導致,我意識到, 他們的週末,我敢肯定,他們是良好的鄰里
this community
我想多數人或不 但暴力 呃... 以及,我們聽到這麼多的暴力集團 你認為婚姻是一點點的屬性值 呃...我不認為,礦工們有什麼做的一個小城鎮
and um...
財產減少或增加,我認為如果 純粹是一個白色的問題,錢地面棕色 以什麼樣的方式 我認為這是的感覺,呃...
following i am where the engineer on the radio and reading the newspaper
乾燥發牢騷 這將影響 財產 少數群體 誰希望有一個完整的社區,他們的垃圾郵件
that there was some disturbance around this home at the same people had thought
根據自己的v感情應該是社區的一部分 你覺得婚姻將導致一個大量的其他增長
what was your day michell reaction
來到這裡,從現在開始我不認為我的痛苦呵... 將有可能是一個正常的 奇 入口,但可能會有點時間的人
always terribly shocked
誰想要的有害來到這裡,這是不 嗯...什麼樣的人認為不好的 希望將不會有任何羊群,在正常的的支付namphy的
to find it
如何 健康,這一點我希望看到中西醫結合組 我想看到的 以及我的孩子,我希望我的孩子去
there were people in this community would be so violently opposed to it
住在一組,是代表世界 集成的垃圾 他們現在沒有代表 就業拉了回來,嗯,去除...
bratislava had only just accept it as i know
安全問題是最終 你會發現,有沒有更多的,白色的人可以將 無 具有黑人家庭,這一切將被擊敗
was the community prepared to many wait for the entrance of the first big group
最好的呃...和 有可能是呃...退化和它的可能 這將發生在未來的東西 可能在不久的將來
family in the world wide levittown
的人回答它非常複雜 善於過去協會的迷宮,目前就業 有時意見表示了很大的疑慮 和內疚感
well there was an attempt by uh... i'll group of ministers who formed a group
不管他們說什麼,過去的書通過 可憐的美國困難 如果一個人的背景不接受這一決定,
called a human relations council
其實OB 人們不抑制後期 和運移 他們有 孩子,我的孩子 他們有 對已婚
and they were just getting started on their work i don't know how they
和我的工作,甚至不知道什麼 他回來的風扇 任何和他們已經發現了有約束力的漢普頓試圖在回報
expected altimetry accomplish a purpose of educating everyone
地址 ,我認為他們在處理所有的恐懼,你喜歡我的意思是你要是能 梅里克新的,所以也許你想 的方式,我們似乎都可以從下面的梅森 - 狄克遜線你在哪裡可租可買計劃“
that i know that they had a an open forum
帳號聯繫我們English在肯塔基州 也許在你知道黑人的報告,你來帶領的工資 我的父親 恨大衛 和地區 那裡有幾個大學的人
one time
和積極的,我認為他們不希望我最好的朋友了應有的作用 在孩子有沒有什麼妨礙我們成為非常親密的朋友
and uh...
晚年,她已成為一名註冊護士在拼命 在這裡,主要的智利好評氣氛 我們已經說過午睡在2000和瑪麗·安妮·
just within the last year four months
得到了銀行的 他們聘請 死亡,傑基長出來幫我 和氛圍,他們必須住在 的個人關係,並分別在組試圖提高
and results other were published in the paper
你的情況 似乎有所作為 我會...下來... 彩色的人,我很喜歡他們的友誼
do you feel it was a bad b
我不會讓這樣的決定我是否已經與他們成為朋友 呼叫者 呃...他人 你有沒有聽到任何傳言
not really the drop in the pockets and
我聽說過一些寫了,然後赤身裸體 並採取和 傳出去 一個困擾我最擔心的是面膜家族
not very many people even read or where they are the color of the meeting that
不能移動的結束這可怕的白色部分 並嘗試成為第一 家庭加拿大股票
preceded it
他其他的經濟 如果他們之前已經做了, 我相信, 如果他們不來這裡 開球麻煩
although there have been a little interest in the formation of a human
比我對 他們在做什麼守難攻 打一場比賽, 試圖找到他們的希望,我認為我有兩個孩子背後
relations council some weeks before
還有那些 誰住在Levittown 喜歡它的人 並不能留 他們無意按照相同的權限的母親
the mars became the main topic of conversation for the people of levittown
其中一些相當多的舒適說話組中的 你知道,一個黑人家庭已經進入萊維敦
within a few hours of their arrival
我聽說過 你的反應是什麼 炸藥 炸藥的人 但你有沒有做些什麼
in the absence of facts and the start date of information on a situation like
以及愛 我想我們剛才討論的 如何移動的優點,你知道你有什麼感想 監控肯定 來萊維敦之前,你與我的成長有任何接觸
而只有在地板上計劃徒步旅行,或者我們可以有任何顏色的人 當時我有 無論哪種方式可能會沒有感情
rumor and gossip sweep through the community
在我們等待我們的房子要處理的第九章 和...為什麼是我第一次與他們接觸,
as the stories passed from one person to another
經常在通過大學的部分工作 和我很高興,我正進入一個全白的社區 你有沒有與你的孩子討論的優點,整個
because hardly anybody knows the truth
從來不需要為任何房子 任何事物的 電源是無法左右的有色人種 因為我
what everybody assumed becomes the fact
fieldset中 他們有楔 在與他們接觸,瑞士工藝 和是為什麼呢? 90偏見 我想他們已經搬到這裡
all i have lots of though as i was busy
在那放鬆 並與 卡拉王菲的事實,被殺害,如果喜歡這個主意 他們 呃...他們的工作對兒童和
telling people out of the lead hat but karen
邁克無人值守之前離開這裡,他第一次 經常來家裡和美聯儲 有白天它們之間的旅遊
well i think they spotted
它變得方便誇大形式或恐懼 ,並幫助增加了她的一個鄰居 我的孩子吧,他喜歡奧爾蒂斯那裡的每週六
cheaply i mean people presented
通過附近的聲音, 和... K表 有一種說法發生了一些房地產經紀人 4和豐富多彩的,它不是一個參數
after they heard it surrender needed a wreath at hearing that there are some
從那個時候哀悼 整個其餘的夏天之前,我是怕得到 由於紙板斯科特 大家一起 每次,他們會得到航空公司對我來說,我們認為在我去的碎石
outside group had deliberately moved
主要關於它的一切 一個主要因素是恐懼 恐懼的經濟損失 虧損狀態 對暴力的恐懼
these people in but they were sponsored a paid by an outside group to do this
和恐懼通婚 你認為其他黑人家庭會來萊維敦 肯定f 你認為會發生什麼 以及亞姆
very thing
剛剛發生的事情已經 沒有精神的火山口,他們必須 呃...學校教師 而且我們可以 因此,這只是一個很好的例子,將要發生什麼
and uh... i had been stolen but are you that wasn't true at all and uh... so i
什麼是錯的 我不喜歡 呃...有兩個女兒,兩個兒子 ,如果有太多的的彩色人都和我肯定會和我
told people that atlas
認為它可能 我不擔心迷人的彩色人 我十分肯定地湧入磁鐵數學 最終它會來知道如果孩子一起8
do you feel that understanding the facts of the situation will help
他們不會想到的任何東西猛 一起 “我的奮鬥” 在裡面,我不覺得,他們應該是一首曲目
so you decide to i'm sure that
所有的感動 其中之一 提高WUD是相當有自己的社區感到自豪 ,他們是不是很坦率地說,事件actaully Live帳戶,我還沒有
uh... more reasonable attitude is going to prevail in this community
一直回合 一些剩菜 涉及的基本問題,什麼都沒有做通婚 我們的屬性值 虧損的狀態對犯罪的恐懼
and have great faith in the people here and that they live
附近下降 在少數 他們認為這是一個民主的考驗 你的反應是什麼婚姻的移動 我很高興看到這成為超過美國社區
we'll soon find that there is no need for a time
似乎有一大群反對的遊行 這將是你的態度 或在羅得島 呃...我不知道他們是一大群人可能出現輕度畢竟
some cubans have been coming and indicate acceptance of the back
我們有一些 我不知道,我只是到六萬多人的小鎮這些模型 從來沒有超過5 600 如果你去一個購物中心
but for others the myers moving into levittown
但我也他在購物中心waali 10000人, 玫瑰會跟進要求從我們的移動內陸
constitutes an infringement of their own liberties
在他們從事什麼 你不覺得他們有一個更好的大多數反對美國附近移動 Wolf Lodge的41哦 在這裡的近鄰 又怎麼會不驚嘆於前
and under the impact of this situation
積極卡斯特羅的比例 我很高興我的筆記本電腦 庫珀力後,我不認為這是最主要的
they react with anger and force
反正在這種情況下,涉及的問題 什麼是主要 問題是, 這些人看起來像美國的問題,混入了一個良好的
but they say he reveals their deepest fears and frustrations
鄰居 但你要做些什麼 克林頓是一個很好的人 你覺得未來的婚姻導致的工資將導致
why did you select levittown philip
大量的其他重要團體來這裡 我不知道 你認為火星是能住在這裡舒服 我想我會放一點點的時間,但他們會取消
we were looking for a place to buy a home we looked at level town we'd like
你聽到任何關於此事的傳言 故障 數十座的浪漫 但養育正在支付的
to homes here we liked the advantages of levittown seemed to offer a handout
在一個城市的,嗯...猶太人是毫無疑問的,它背後的大鼠 本組該組的背後 所有種相對,其中有些是實驗室夾住
comparison to other cities
作為一個結果,這期間夏季 有各種惡意布倫納 源是荒謬的,你知道 你可以看到人們如何拿起外觀
and we understood that was going to be all right we're very happy to buy a home
在大氣中是我們的人沒有接受他們傳播 但當然,你認為未來萊維敦支付
好,我會告訴你我不喜歡11000 ,我不會破壞u_s_a_,我認為這是為我們提供 國家專 在美國其他地方的Levittown
about your children have you come up with them about marriage
還有那些誰相信的權利和特權的公民 較長的所有人,不論他們的種族或膚色或信仰
we have tried to keep
有也相信在平等 但在較為有限的6個 在我的公司誰有錢,並把信用,我想支付現金購買
other discussions away from the children
一輛車 有沒有歧視色彩的那種宗教或任何部分 已邁爾斯的到來影響了你的家庭作業
個人我的整個生活有沒有影響無關,但 對鄰居,他們有權利 因為平均
i figured i i feel that something that we had options solve about bringing
萊維敦已經出生五個孩子揮發性白色的人把它 方法 如果遷移,成群的黑人,他們有權利萊維敦
each other kind of any more than we have to wear doing it for their children
來這裡,但它是這樣發生的事情,漂亮的礦能賣 途徑,黑人女婿阿拉瓦女兒在法律
but i don't feel that they are all you have to understand the problem incidents
怎麼樣是什麼 他作為一個公民的權利,移動的地方請你上沒有標明 良好 讓我們把這種方式老總邁耶森真主黑人在正確的時間去
do you think of negro family moving here will affect the community as a whole
比他們好,他們一樣好,因為我可以去任何地方,他們希望 我的意思是,他們有權利在他們的上帝賦予的權利,是一個很好的
阿拉伯裔美國人 的民事權利,他們有權利追求幸福的權利,但由 同樣的道理 我們有恩...混合社區的標準,事實證明,這些話筒
in what way i think that while the properly that is what i mean did it go
社區有超過三分之一的空,他已經在那裡呆了 美麗的家園,他們是唯一的原因,老總邁爾斯
down here
進入萊維敦是向人們展示他們能得到他實際上是在任何人 來萊維敦從我個人的意見是有什麼
they're allowed to moving here and a number
這背後的大 是你的個人意見,僅供部件的包 不,我說,這是一個事實 我會告訴抗體
can you give a basis for that judgment
我的意思是,在院子裡的人,我會告訴他們在會議 包括在 紳士們在這個呃...本恩的頭...委員會帶來的老總
yes we used to live in washington d_c_ we saw very good example of that there
馬蒂:我覺得他 當你第一次在這裡聽到美國 我有我錯過了很多的賞心樂事“七流行的故事是什麼,
repetition of an experience that would be grateful
實用洗碗機的意思,我不總是希望得到一份兼職工作,但我已經看到了 在他們的早忙到晚,晚上七 並且如果它是,它是一個工程師
is there to be no escape from living near negroes
你在哪裡聽到 這就是為什麼我是聽他們問我做你的女服務員和淨 看到一個新的鄰居,我可以做 噴氣討論,公眾
and part of the dream of middle-class respectability
你做了什麼 我什麼也沒做 你有它 美國社區 不斷在某一時刻的新聞
if the negro family can't afford what you can forward
鄰居反對鄰居,它們之間的區別應該做些什麼 大約一個星期的成長和他的家人來與他們分享
how do you justify your feeling of superiority
一個更好的生活,為他們的孩子的美國夢 許多人似乎相信,屬性值必須是犯罪時,一個社區,我們的
the illogic of one's own position becomes apparent
附近成為集成 但已作出的研究,證明的相反的是真實的 屬性值 有沒有恐慌性拋售浪潮
and instead of just a case in the old travel myths are involved
甚至當有疼痛 演員的情況已趨於穩定 價格攀升,並經常去,甚至高於他們
what other objections aside from the federal property values do you have
最初銷售時,一個黑人 蘇聯侵略的黑人和白人社區在一個較高的速度 犯罪暴力 或青少年犯罪 並不 黑人生活在以白人為主的社區
against america
喬爾或高於平均水平的總人口犯罪事件 是的黑人通婚的最終目標,在尋求融入
the whole thing
以前相當社區 研究表明,黑人擁有的所有原因 尋求平等的機會 通婚是最不 和所有的恐懼,白人表達
centers around at work integration
這是偉大的 黑人自我的權利,購買或租用住房的種 只有開放的市場,他們可以負擔得起
well mister myers said because has promised that anything but peaceful
這個基本原則 自由企業制度 其中感到自豪 現在是剝奪了他們在許多社區 排斥黑人的白人社區
since you again
和限制僅增長街區 修復負面的想法 巫師進行了一代又一代 這些錯誤的觀念導致的黑人人口的放棄
he's got three children
在我們偉大的城市的大面積 在巨大的成本的國家 借助於一個繁榮 戰後經濟 黑人快速戰時收益
and uh... evidently he
不改善自己的生活 反對歧視的進步已經在許多領域 一個新的N更大的黑人中產階級已經長大了
philosophy or be accepted socially
能夠野心和信心 這些家庭被確定為保留舊的密密麻麻的隔離 鄰里 他們在經濟上能夠做到這一點
and uh...
他們有足夠的金錢 買他們的出路緩慢 在Levittown發生了什麼事,僅僅是個開端
i don't feel that they ever will be
除了在全國各地的社區,是按照 在未來數年 作為黑人和所有其他美國人一樣
but the hall of trouble with this integration business deals
得到更好的教育 更好的就業機會 和積累更多的國家 我們準備我們的社區來接受這些新來的鄰居
that day and the amt at probably well end up with
侮辱m_p_s 或者當我們記錄社區的暴力和拋棄他們的影響 這是所帶來的挑戰,我們萊維敦,或概括起來為自己
what makes it socially
我不認為你可以把這裡的球場中間的戰爭 他們 排名最高的在40非暴力然後
and you will have
了解空化作用提供 亞當有任何的偏見表示,和羽衣甘藍 不過,我想有什麼發生這樣的事
i concur anal sex marriages in
學術上,我們將在克林頓和屏蔽任何其他本機 對他們說,這是不好的 心絲蟲正確
becoming people with a white
住在社會 黑人將生活 易犯錯誤你找他什麼 相信 命名,並希望找到洩漏 協調員如果不
but the only way they buy into that despite education and by bettering
領風的話其實是一個不錯的選擇白色或黑色的褲襪搭配 但市場上所有的移民走出 現在我知道比他們好,他們一樣好,但因為我是唯一的
themselves not by pushing in the way they have here
理由老總邁爾斯 進入Levittown的是向人們展示,在這裡,他們可以得到 哈哈,我只是覺得, 在他們的合法權利,在這裡
do you intend to move
移動或買東西,我沒有怨言 更多的權力和人,可以移動和 ,銀行匯款下坡的帳戶 我不認為這是未成年人的可怕的人
at the time now
財產 減少或增加的 純粹是一個相當突然出現點頭廢話廢話 移交的權利,這些人看起來像美國的問題打破了
that's not very impossible situation we have
we have our home here
and if the cardinal going on
and run realistic that is down there a lot of us
the g_i_s particularly who are going to be
wallace welfare moms
as the lines are drawn
those on either side become more adamant
pension develops
and feeds on suspicion and mistrust
but has been the effect of the mars coming here
well it's it's created a great deal of attention laptop from neighbors because
we all feel the site
but uh... it's actually machine
everyone ten summer home
i mean this test is affecting our homes
and uh...
it's bound to create tension
it's the subject just talked about all the time
but there are others who are part of the matter is
yes i cared about him for palm trees and do you think do they support the
frankly i don't know what reasons they come up for it
if there are marcyle at that time i don't think what reasons they can have
do you think minds will be able to live here comfortably
what course of action are you going to follow
i'll do what i can object help
to get them out legally and peacefully
and as far as accepting them socially that's a charming act
to take sides in such a situation
is more than a matter of one's own country
firemen believes becomes a subject for community-based
for those who believe a man has a right to live anywhere he wishes
answers are simple and straightforward
has this affected your relationship with neighbors
in all week disgusted
freely and people for anything and that we've tried to keep
depicting the stack
that was the important thing
have you heard any rumor
i'll call repeat them because i think you'd like to repeat rumors
and i don't think it's
there to keep them allowed
do you think rumors contributed to the reaction of those opposing the marriage
shirley dead
uh... we had some very interested citizens here who left
pledged themselves to
a fact-finding pro-family tryptophan i'll those rumors as quickly as they
were started by fax
do you think the marriage will be able to live comfortably in levittown
i think that i helped out i think
majority of people here will allow
grow accustomed to lead and i realized that
old they are for the weekend the good neighborhoods which i'm sure they are
i think the majority of people here or not
but the violent
well violent group that we have heard so much of that
do you think the marriage then let it be a little bit property values
uh... i don't think that the miners had anything to do a little town
property decreasing or increasing i think if
purely a white problem money ground brown
in what way
i think it is the feeling of uh...
drying croak
which will influence
the property not
the minority group
those who want an integrated community take their spam
based on their own v feelings are part of a community should be
do you feel that the marriage will lead to a large numbers of other to growth
coming here from now i don't think that i pain uh...
there will be are probably a normal
entrance and but might be a little time people
who want the harmful come here it's not
um... what people think that bad
hoping flock won't be any that's paying namphy in normal
health and that point i would like to see integrative group here
and i would like to see
well my child and i hope my children go to
and live in a group that is representative of the world
not being integrated garbage
they did not now representative of
employed we pulled back the removal of that that the um...
and secure the problem is eventually
when you'll find that there are no more area to which a white person can move
having negro family and all that would be beat
the best uh... and
that there could be to uh... degradation and it's probably
something that will happen in future
perhaps the near future
for someone answered it's tremendously complicated
adept at the maze of past associations and presently employed
sometimes opinions are expressed with great misgivings
and a sense of guilt
the past slips through despite what they say it
being poor american be difficult
if one's background rejects this decision
in fact ob
the people aren't dampening late
and gration
they had
child my children
that they have
to married
and my job doesn't even know what
and he came back from the fan
any and and and they have found out there trying in binding hampton a return
and i think they're in handling all the fear that you like i mean if if you can
merrick new so maybe you wish
by the way we both seem to be from below the mason-dixon line of where you bro
acount in kentucky
at you know maybe negroes report you came to lead the payroll
my father
hate david
and area
where there were several college people
and active i think they don't want my best friends with the proper role
at children have no prejudice we became very close friends
and later years she had become a registered nurse in trying very hard
here that major chilean acclaim atmosphere
and we have talked nap in two thousand and mary anne
got to get the banks
they hire
killed and jackie grow out help me
and atmosphere that they have to live in
a personal relationship and separately within the group was trying to improve
ur circumstances
seems to make a difference
i'll uh... down uh...
colored people that i have enjoyed their friendship
i would not let that determine whether i've become friends with them by the
uh... others
have you heard any rumors
i had heard several write-up which then naked
and taken and
rumors go
the one that bothered me most about the fact that the mask family
can't move the ends this terrible all-white sections
and trying to be the first
family canadian to stock
he other ones economy
if they had done it before
i believe that
if they didn't come here
kickoff trouble
than i am against
what they're doing defensible
played a game
trying to find them hopefully i think that i had two children behind for them
there are those
who live in levittown
who like it
and couldn't stay
they have no intention of according the same privileges to the mother
some of them quite a bit more comfortable to talk in the group
you're aware that a negro family has moved into levittown
i heard about it
what was your reaction
dynamite people
but have you done about it
well love
i guess we just discussed it
how do you feel about the merit moving you know
monitoring definitely again that
before coming to levittown did you have any contact with me grow
while only hiking on the floor plan or we can have any colors people
and at that time i had
might have no feelings either way
while we're waiting for our house to be dealt with the chapter nine
and uh... why was my first contact with them
often work in going through college section to work
and i was very happy i was moving into an all-white community
have you ever discussed the merits of whole with your children
never need for any house
what anything mentioned
power are cannot about colored people
because i
they have to wedge
be in contact with them swiss technic
and why should that
ninety prejudice
i think they have moved here
at that very relaxed
and and
karla faye the fact that killed if like the idea
they were
uh... their work on children and
before mike unattended left here for the first time and he
often came home and fed
there had been travel between them during the day yet
it becomes convenient to exaggerate forms or fears
and to help a neighbor increased her
my boy it he likes ortiz it down there every saturday
through the voice from the neighborhood
and uh... k
there was an argument occurred something realtor
by four and a colorful it's not an argument
well from that time mourned
for the whole remainder of the summer before i was afraid to get down there
because the cardboard scott
at getting together
and every time they would get airline to me that we think the gravel at i went to
the principal everything about it
a major factor is fear
fear of economic loss
loss of status
fear of violence
and fear up intermarriage
do you think other negro families will come to levittown
definitely f
what do you think will happen
well i a m
just what's happening already
don't have a spirit of the crater where they have to
uh... school teachers
and that we can
so that's just a good example of what is going to happen
what's wrong with that
i do not like
uh... have that two daughters and two sons
and if there's too many colored people are and i definitely will get out and i
think it might
i don't worry fascinating with colored people
well i'm very definitely influx magnet math
eventually what it's going to come to know if children are eight together
they're not going to think of anything a mang
mein kampf
inside and i don't feel that they should be a track
all moved
one of them
raising wud be proud to have myself quite communities
and that they aren't quite frankly and event actaully live account i've not
been bout
for some leftovers
the basic issues involved had nothing to do with intermarriage
our property values
loss of status fear of crime
neighborhood declined
are being in the minority
they saw it as a test of democracy
what was your reaction to the marriage moving in
while i was happy to see this become more than american community
there seems to be a large group opposed to the march
what would be your attitude toward them
or the rhodes
uh... i don't know if they're a large groups of people possible mild after all
we have some
i don't know i just close to sixty thousand people out of town those model
never more than five of six hundred
if you go about a shopping center not
but i'm also he was in ten thousand people for shopping center waali
rose will follow up with calls from our moving inland
engaging in what they were engaging in
you don't think they have a better large majorities against america moving near
wolf lodge forty one oh
from the immediate neighbors right here
before the marveling at how wouldn't
positive castro what the proportionality
i welcome the my laptop
cooper force of the post also i don't think that's the main
issue involved in this case anyway
what is the mainly
when issues are out of
these people to look like america of issues with mixed up with a good
but are you going to do about it
clinton to try to be a good man
you feel that the marriage coming to lead the payroll who will lead to a
large numbers of other key groups coming here
i don't know
do you think the mars will be able to live here comfortably
i think i'll put a little time but they will cancel
have you heard any rumors about the matter
dozens and dozens of romance
but parenting all that is being paid by the
in a city of that uh... rats were behind it that the jews were beyond a doubt
this group of that group was behind it
they were all kinds of relative some of them were pinched by the laboratory
summers as a result of this period
there's all kinds of malicious brunner
source are ridiculous you know
you could see how people picks up the looks
in the atmosphere is our people did accept them spread them
but course do you think the future of levittown will pay
well i'll tell you i don't like eleven thousand
and i won't spoil the u_s_a_ and i think it's going to provide for us for this
country specifically
in levittown as elsewhere in america
there are those who believe that the rights and privileges of citizenship
longer all regardless of their race or color or creed
and there are those who believed in equality too
but in a somewhat more limited six
in my business whoever's got money and has put credit i want to pay cash to buy
a car
that has no discrimination color religion or any part of that sort
has the coming of the myers affected your homework
personally my whole life that has no effect nothing whatsoever but
on the neighbors they have a right
because the average
white person whether the levittown has born five children volatile put it this
if the levittown is migrated in hordes of negroes which they have a right to
come here but it is something that happens that way pretty sold mine able
be avenue negro son-in-law arava daughter-in-law
how about what
wasn't marked within his rights as a citizen to move wherever you please
let's put it this way mister meyerson allah negroes have at right time go
better than them they're as good as i am they can go anywhere they want
i mean they have a right god given rights in their and being a good
the rights of the civil rights they have the right to pursuit of happiness but by
the same token
we have uh... mixed community standards of proven fact that those mics
communities are over a third empty he could have stayed there he had a
beautiful home they are the only reason that mister myers
came into levittown is to show people they could get he actually was in anyone
to come to levittown from my personal opinion is this there is something
bigger behind this
is that your personal opinion only parts of the pack
no i say it's a fact
and i would tell antibody
and i mean at barton nobody i would tell them in a meeting
including at
the gentlemen at this uh... the head of this uh... committee for bring in mister
marty i felt him
when did you first hear america moving here
i had to have i missed a lot of jolla seven that popular story what does that
utility meant dishwasher i don't always want to be a part time job but i've seen
in their seven in the morning till night at night
and if it was that it was an engineer
where did you hear
that's why i heard it from the waitresses and net they asked me did you
see a new neighbors and i can make
jet discuss that the public
what did you do
i didn't do anything
there you have it
an american community
constantly in a moment the press
neighbor set against neighbor as they differ or what should be done
about one week grow and his family who have come to share with them
the american dream of a better way of life for their children
many seem convinced that property values must be crime when a community our
neighborhood becomes integrated
but studies which have been made prove the opposite to be true
property values go up
provided there is no wave of panic selling
and even when there is pain
actors situation has stabilized
prices climb back and frequently go even higher than they were
when initial sale to a negro was made
soviet aggression of negroes and the white community result in a higher rate
of crime violence
or juvenile delinquency
not at all
negroes living in predominantly white communities
joel or incidents of crime than average for the general population
is intermarriage the ultimate goal of negroes in seeking to integrate into
previously quite communities
the studies show that of all the reasons negroes have
for seeking equality of opportunity
intermarriage is the least
and of all the fears that whites expressed
this is the great
negroes ego with the right to buy or rent the kind of housing
only open market which they can afford
this basic principle
of the free enterprise system
of which were justly proud
is now denied to them in many communities
the exclusion of negroes from white communities
and their restrictions only grow neighborhoods
fixes negative ideas about them
witcher carried over from generation to generation
these false notions cause the abandonment by the black population
a large areas within our great cities
at tremendous cost of the nation
aided by a prosperous
postwar economy
negroes have held fast to their wartime gains
and that's not to improve their lot in life
advances against discrimination have been made in many fields
a new n much larger negro middle class has grown up
able ambitions and confident
these families are determined to leave the old densely packed segregated
and they are economically able to do it
they have the money
to buy their way out of the slow
what happened in levittown was merely the beginning
apart is to follow in communities all over the country
during the next few years
as negroes like all other americans
get better education
better jobs
and accumulate more state
and we prepare our communities to receive these new neighbors
indignity m_p_s
or when we record communities with violence and abandon them impact
this is the challenge posed for us as levittown or sum it up for themselves
i don't think you can take the middle of the stadium here for the war against
highest-ranking at and for forty non-violent then
knowing cavitation provided
adam had any prejudice said and collard
except that i would like to have what happened that way
we would academically at any other native shielded from the clinton and
speak to them and it was bad
heartworm correct
to lived in the community
negroes would be living
fallible what you're looking for him
belief that
named and hopefully to find the leak
coordinator if not
wind with collar is white or black tights with a good fit if in fact
but the market all immigrants out
it right now i know better than them they're as good as i am but the only
reason to mister myers
came into levittown is to show people they could get here
haha i just feel that
within their legal rights to move in here
they move in or buying something that i have no complaints
ever more power and al and can move and
that account at bank accout downhill
i don't think it from minors awful for people who
decreasing or increasing
purely a quite crop up nodding crap crap
rendition of the right of these people to look like america of issues breaks up
with is a good neighbors