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  • Ash? Good morning!

  • It's... Asha...

  • (chuckles) Okay "Asha", need any help?

  • Did you get everything ok?

  • Yeah... were the rope and the fish all you really needed?

  • Yep, they should be. Sorry for using you like this.

  • (stutters) I wouldn't get too close,

  • it would be a shame having our dear delivery cat get hit by a rock! (chuckles)

  • (giggles) Would they really do that?

  • (distant) Haha you bet!

  • I've lost both of these to those scrawny bastards!

  • ...wanna see the holes?

  • Umar! Quit scaring everyone who comes here!

  • Ah whatever! Well you did the same thing!

  • I... winning?

  • So, Azed? Do you wanna go into town?

  • At least for today, for Canvas' Edge?

  • (Chuckles) I... don't think so.

  • I've got my responsibilities here, and things might get even more hectic today.

  • But you should go out, and enjoy it!

  • Here! Something extra so you can enjoy the festival.

  • Thanks! I'll buy something for you!

  • Azed!

  • You might want to see this...

  • Heh! Lucky him! I wish I could!

  • It's... abandoned?

  • Dad!

  • Are you really going out today?

  • The boat's not exactly... fixed...yet.

  • I wanna catch as much as I can while... the winds are good...

  • On the day of the festival?

  • I can't let good weather go to waste.

  • Not in times like these.

  • Azed's not going?

  • He's not. I don't have anyone to go with.

  • And I wanted to stay up to see the sunrise.

  • (chuckles) You're not going to last the whole night.

  • Why don't you stay up and make sure I don't?

  • I'll make sure to come back for the evening celebrations.

  • Find me near the fish stands, all right?

  • Now, help me get this things out to sea.

  • The faster I'm out of here, the earlier I'm back.

  • See you this evening!

  • Good luck!

  • ...and that is how we make the boats. Any questions?

  • Can you tell us why we make them? Again.

  • It is said...

  • ...that on the first day of Canvas' Edge, when the Great Rift overshadows the sun,

  • the Ancient Spirits come down onto our lands.

  • They lead the dead souls from the Rift to be reunited with their loved ones.

  • We make those boats to send them out to sea to welcome them.

  • The astronomical clock shows the exact time the Great Rift opens up and-

  • Asha!

  • See I may be half-blind and old, but I can see you, you little munchkin.

  • (distant) Ash! Ash!

  • It's Ash-a

  • Azed! What are you doing here?

  • Great spirits it's good to see you!

  • Listen, all the protectors around our barricades disappeared.

  • We don't know what's happening but, we're trying to figure out why they're gone.

  • Maybe they want back to their harbor to enjoy the festival?

  • They would never leave their places, not all of them.

  • (shivers) I've got a terrible feeling about this.

  • Report to the post if you see even one of them!

  • I have to run now, take care!

  • Azed wait!

  • A storm?

  • So much for a festival...

  • Azed?

  • Forget it...

  • Am I...

  • Hello?

  • Is anybody here?

  • Anyone?

  • There's someone down here!

  • Can you hear me? Please!

  • There's a cat trapped in the ruins! You have to help them!

  • We did it! We can save more!

  • I...

  • I don't think I can do this...

  • Wait! Where are you going! Wait for me!

  • No, wait! I can still help! I can do it!

  • There are others that need our help, please can't you see me?

  • Why would you do that?

  • I can still help I could've...

  • Wait!

  • Thank you, for saving me anyway.

  • Is it... not working?

  • Wait...

  • Dad? Dad!

  • What happened? Are you hurt?

  • I...

  • ...I don't think I am.

  • I'm so, sorry.

  • I never should have left you alone.

  • What's that? It looks too big for you-

  • I'm not sure, I shouldn't have this...

  • Dad! There are still cats under the rubble! We have to help them!

  • What are-

  • I don't know what this is, but it can help them.

  • I tried but, I can't get us any closer.

  • That's a-

  • -protector.

  • Dad no! We have to turn back!

  • We're going to the continent, there's nothing we can do!

  • But the continent belongs to the protectors!

  • Turn back, I have to help them!

  • What can you do? You're just a kid!

  • They'll come after you, and...

  • healing won't help you if you're captured.

  • I'm sorry...

  • They're following us!

  • (curses)

  • I'll make us lighter!

  • Huh?

  • You didn't catch anything the whole day?

  • I...

  • I thought I could see her again.

  • Dad? What are you doing?

  • Dad?

  • Asha, I want you to know I love you so, so much.

  • When you get to shore,

  • never tell anyone where you're from and don't let them see the amulet.

  • I love you.

  • May your mother watch over you.

  • You've caused us a lot of trouble,

  • old man.

  • See if there's anything in those baskets.

  • Oh?

  • Getting anxious, are we?

  • Just empty baskets, nothing of value.

  • Then what will we do with the boat?

  • We're not dragging it back with us.

  • It has no worth.

  • More importantly,

  • what are we going to do with him?

Ash? Good morning!

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