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  • Blue Sky, son.

  • Appreciate the assist, Shadow.

  • Six to all stations.

  • That kill is not confirmed.

  • I say again, that kill is not confirmed.

  • We need to search the site for PID on Makarov.

  • Gold Eagle Actual to all stations.

  • Your orders are to stand down.

  • We got nothing but fire and brimstone out there, and that's all the confirmation we need.

  • Six, go to one.

  • Go for six.

  • It's over, John.

  • We nailed that bastard to hell and gone.

  • Yeah, that's what we said about your little shadow graves, yeah?

  • Makarov's dead, Captain.

  • Don't let him live inside your head.

  • Eagle out.

  • Shepard only sees what he wants.

  • His name on a win, another medal on his chest.

  • What do you see?

  • It's what I don't see that worries me.

  • If he's alive, he'll let us know.

  • Where and when?

  • That's the question.

  • We owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the ULF for our success against Vladimir Makarov and his private army.

  • Much has been said about the ULF.

  • Are Farah Kareem and her soldiers a terror organization?

  • No.

  • Farah Kareem is and always has been an ally to the United States and our western partners in the region.

  • How did Commander Kareem obtain American armament?

  • For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to Commander Kareem.

  • To support her missions against Al-Qatala and Russian incursions into Urzikstan.

  • Were those shipments legal?

  • No.

  • In order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved myself.

  • Quiet, quiet please.

  • General Shepard, in October of 2022, did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task force under your command in Las Amas, Mexico?

  • No, I did not.

  • Mr. Graves, were you given orders to use lethal force against TF-141?

  • Yes, I was.

  • Quiet.

  • Quiet in this chamber.

  • Who gave you those orders?

  • General Hershel Shepard.

  • Did you act on those orders, Mr. Graves?

  • No, absolutely not, sir.

  • Quiet, quiet.

  • Fuck me, I stabbed each other in the back.

  • Still saving their own skins.

  • Every man for himself.

  • That's the difference between us and them.

  • We're gonna let this stand, boss.

  • The best way to end the war is to win it.

  • No prisoners.

  • And hunting, Commander.

  • You too, Captain.

  • Nick, take fire back, will you?

  • Straight away, Captain.

  • Right, just prep for exfil.

  • We're going home.

  • Boys.

  • Captain Price, at your service.

  • I need half of your men with my lieutenant.

  • The rest of you on me.

  • Right, stay close.

  • Follow my orders.

  • Let's get on those doors, yeah?

  • Six to watch here.

  • We're on the excom for Makarov.

  • Solid copy.

  • Go get him, John.

  • This bastard won't go down easy.

  • Yeah, well, neither will we, sunshine.

  • Hey, come on.

  • SFO team in position.

  • On you, sir.

  • Watch her.

  • If Makarov's controlling the trains, can we regain access?

  • Attempting to breach their firewall.

  • That hacker was good.

  • Coney spotted ahead.

  • They don't see us.

  • Let's keep it that way, yeah?

  • The guy inside him.

  • All drive owners to 0-7.

  • Take an effective fire.

  • Watch her.

  • We're seeing dead civilians.

  • They may be the first of many, Bravo.

  • Unless we stop Makarov.

  • Hostages in the next room.

  • Watch your fire.

  • Securing the hostages.

  • No casualties.

  • Get them to safety.

  • We're at the crossover now.

  • Watch her.

  • That's Makarov's last known position, Six.

  • Stay sharp.

  • Let's ready up.

  • Makarov may be beyond these doors.

  • On your go, sir.

  • Moving.

  • Push forward.

  • Fire for effect.

  • Yes, I feel her.

  • Coney's guarding the bomb.

  • I see it.

  • SFO, secure a perimeter.

  • Yes, sir.

  • Soap, get on that bomb.

  • Aye.

  • All Bravo, bomb located in crossover platform.

  • I need cover here, now.

  • Roach, push in your way.

  • Fucking hell.

  • Get to work, Soap.

  • Six, bomb in two miles.

  • Captain, I need you with me on the bomb.

  • No.

  • Affirmative.

  • We'll take both of us.

  • Get a snake cam on that right side.

  • I'm in.

  • Talk to me, Soap.

  • Bomb's dirty, Captain.

  • C4 and radioactive powder plowed the tunnel and hit Europe.

  • How do we disarm it?

  • I need the manufacturer logo on the large circuit board.

  • Give me something, sir.

  • The logo on the board.

  • The logo on the circuit board is a bear.

  • Copy.

  • Bear.

  • Cutting the wire.

  • Coy, that boy's so tight.

  • Price, be advised.

  • Makarov is in the tunnel.

  • He's heading your way.

  • Soap, you hear that?

  • Affirm.

  • I'm not leaving this bomb, Captain.

  • Soap, pick your gun up.

  • Captain, cover me.

  • Bravo, we need some pressing fire here, now.

  • We're pinned down, Cap.

  • Tony's blocking the tunnel.

  • Push through it!

  • Off the couch, you son of a bitch!

  • Stay down, soldier!

  • I let you have your way.

  • There's more enemies.

  • We're ganging up.

  • I can do this, sir.

  • Cover me.

  • We're clear.

  • The police are KIA.

  • We'll meet you back on that snake cam, Captain.

  • Bomb left-hand corner.

  • Bloody hell, we're too late!

  • 0-7-6, we're punching through now!

  • Get here!

  • What's next, sir?

  • Locate the blasting cup.

  • Bomb left-hand corner.

  • Copy.

  • Blasting cup attached to the C4.

  • Aye.

  • There's a serial number on it.

  • Give me the third number.

  • Third number, Captain.

  • Find it.

  • Number nine.

  • Copy.

  • Good work.

  • This bomb has two fuses.

  • We need to cut both at the same time.

  • Red wire.

  • Red wire.

  • Charlie, what do you mean?

  • Son of a...

  • Take this to hell with you, Captain.

  • Never bury your enemies alive.

  • They're gone.

  • Bloody hell.

  • Charlie!

  • Captain, the bomb!

  • How do we stop it?

  • Find the red wire.

  • Red only.

  • Soap set, we cut together on three.

  • Copy?

  • Rog, on three.

  • One.

  • Two.

  • Three.

  • Disarmed.

  • Disarmed.

  • We're clear.

  • All stations, this is Bravo in the blind.

  • Threat neutralized.

  • Bomb is safe.

  • One KIA.

  • He was the best of us.

  • The toughest.

  • He'd have fought the world barehanded.

  • Who dares wins.

  • Sleep easy, soldier.

  • See you downrange, brother.

  • We'll take it from here.

  • Rest in peace, Johnny.

  • Rest in peace.

  • John.

  • General.

  • How did you get in here?

  • Met your friend.

  • Lazwell.

  • You're better than this, Captain.

  • We both were.

  • This job is about making sacrifices.

  • For the greater good.

  • Agreed.

  • You got a body count of your own, John.

  • It'll come back to haunt you.

  • Though I am not gonna beg for my life.

  • Not from you or anybody else, Captain.

  • Wouldn't do you any good.

Blue Sky, son.

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