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Ever counted calories using nutritional labels?
But just how accurate are they anyway?
Hey, guys, Julia here for DNews.
大家好,我是 DNews 的 Julia。
Food labels are great.
They give you an estimate of how many calories are in any certain food.
But they have a teeny bit of a flaw.
They fail to take into account cooking.
So we end up with a system that likely overestimates the calories available in unprocessed foods and underestimates the calories in processed food.
The way we currently count calories is based on the Atwater System, which is at least a hundred years old.
我們目前是基於「艾特瓦特系統」去計算卡路里,而它至少有 100 年的歷史了。
The System standardized the idea of the amount of energy available in food, 9 calories in a gram of fat or 4 calories in every gram of protein.
這個系統訂定各種食物中成份固定量所含的能量,脂肪每克 9 大卡,蛋白質每克 4 大卡。
But this measures the availability of energy in food, not the digestibility.
A calorie is a unit of energy.
It's technically the amount of energy needed to heat up a kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
理論上來說,1 大卡是使 1 公斤的水提高 1℃ 所需要的能量。
Our body burns calories in food through metabolizing the carbohydrates and proteins and whatnot into smaller molecules our body can use as energy.
Cooking food changes how many calories are digestible.
Take potatoes for example.
When raw, the sugar molecules in potatoes are too tightly packed for our digestive system to handle.
Cooking causes the starches in the potato to gelatinize.
That process allows us to access the sugars stored in the starch, so we get more calories out of the cooked potato.
On top of that, the type of cooking method might change the chemistry of food as well, whether it's boiled, baked, or microwaved.
On the other hand, digesting raw food takes work: A stick of celery might have 10 calories, but the chewing and digesting burns about half of them.
另外,消化生食時會需要額外的能量,像是一根芹菜裡可能有 10 卡路里,但在嚼它和消化它的過程中可能就先消耗掉 5 卡路里了。
All that work means there are fewer calories for your body to absorb for energy.
But before you go nibbling on an all-carrot diet, consider this:
For our ancestors, cooking meant the difference between life and death.
The invention of a cooked meal might have changed everything.
Cooking food provided more energy and led to humans with bigger brains and bigger babies.
And people who consume an all-raw diet now might not be getting enough calories, even when eating food packed with nutrients.
Some women on an all-raw diet get irregular menstrual cycles—a sign of undernourishment—not to mention the bacteria of your gut steal a few of the calories for themselves.
So the exact number of calories you're getting is affected by way too many factors for those labels to be truly accurate.
But while modifications to the Atwater system have improved it some over the years, there's still no real alternative.
So until nutrition scientists come up with a better calorie counting system, take food labels with a grain of salt.
See what I did there? Grain of salt? It's a... pun... ok.
看我做了什麼?一撮鹽 / 持保留態度?這是...雙關語...
Switching gears for a second, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow, Trace, Amy, and Ian are gonna be chatting with a real-live astronaut about what it's like to live and work in space.
題外話一下, 我想跟你們說,就在明天 Trace、Amy 跟 Ian 就要訪談一位太空人,聊聊真正在太空中工作和生活是什麼感覺。
And if you wanna hang out with us space nerds, be sure to RSVP using the link we've got in the description.
That's at 3 p.m. Eastern time, noon Pacific.
So, do you trust nutritional labels?
Do they need to be updated?
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