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  • Hi everyone! Welcome to The Enthusiastic Buddhist. In this episode I'm going to be talking about the

  • Four Noble Truths and I'll briefly introduce The Noble Eightfold Path. These are considered to be

  • the very core of the Buddha's teachings and fundamental to all the different schools of Buddhism.

  • After the Buddha gained Enlightenment in Bodhgaya in India, he walked to Sarnath in Varanasi

  • where he met with the five meditators he had previously practiced with. It was these five

  • men who had the very good fortune to receive the first sermon the Buddha ever gave. And the

  • first teachings the Buddha spoke on was the Four Noble Truths.

  • Now the First Noble Truth is The Truth of Dukkha. Dukkha is a Pali word that can be

  • translated as suffering or dissatisfaction. In this First Noble Truth the Buddha said:

  • "Suffering, as a noble truth, is this: Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness

  • is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering;

  • association with the loathed is suffering, dissociation from the loved is suffering,

  • not to get what one wants is suffering - in short, suffering is the five categories of

  • clinging objects."

  • So what the Buddha was saying is that to live, means to also experience suffering or dissatisfaction at some

  • point our lives. He wasn't saying that our lives are thoroughly depressing and all we

  • experience is suffering so therefore we should just pray for an early death! Instead, in

  • the First Noble Truth the Buddha is simply highlighting a fundamental truth about

  • our existence and one we might have overlooked, or one we might have been in some denial of.

  • I mean we're all seekers of happiness, so it's sometimes difficult to accept that life

  • is really a mixture of pleasure and pain. The Buddha is just waking us up to this fact

  • and telling us not to be so surprised when we do experience suffering or unease - it really shouldn't

  • come as such a shock. And if we are suffering, we shouldn't take it personally and think

  • that we've made the wrong move. You know, we shouldn't blame ourselves and think we

  • choose the wrong partner, the wrong career or something like that. Suffering or dissatisfaction is just a natural

  • part of our human existence. And knowing this should actually bring some relief because

  • it means we can relax even in times of great difficulty, because with time, suffering or dissatisfaction will

  • pass and change into happiness again.

  • And fortunately the Buddha didn't stop at the First Noble Truth and say, 'Yep, you are

  • all going to have to experience suffering. That's it! See you later guys!' Instead he also taught

  • the Second, Third and Fourth Noble Truth, which were to diagnose why we suffer and explain

  • how we can become free of all sufferings completely, forever, and the steps we need to take to get there.

  • Now I want to look at the First Noble Truth in a bit of detail before we move onto the

  • others. The Buddha was a lot like a doctor; he carefully looked at our situation and examined

  • all our problems first. In the First Noble Truth the Buddha really dissects our suffering

  • and reveals that everyone, no matter who they are, will experience these particular types

  • of suffering, and we can look at these one by one and investigate the truth for ourselves:

  • So the first one is that birth is suffering. Well we only have to see that at birth both

  • the mother and child are usually in a lot of discomfort (to say the least!). The baby

  • being squeezed out of this very narrow opening that's probably very unpleasant, and coming out of

  • its nice liquidy placenta the baby is subjected to many experiences that would probably seem

  • very harsh and painful at first. Now of course, there is great joy that accompanies the birth of a baby, right?

  • Well, the Buddha never denied that there was also happiness in our life,

  • he was just pointing to the truth that suffering exists as well in these events in particular.

  • The next one is Aging is suffering. So most of us are going to experience this suffering

  • first when our parents or grandparents start to age. On a personal note, in June this year,

  • my mother, who leads a life busier than most 20 year olds I know, had a series of strokes,

  • which left her in hospital for six weeks while she tried to learn to walk again. And I can

  • tell you that no one in my family was having much fun during those six weeks, it was terrible

  • suffering for all of us. But fortunately she's back home and she's doing well now.

  • But not only are we going to experience the suffering of old age as our loved ones

  • start to age, we're also going to experience the suffering of aging firsthand as we lose our

  • youth, our beauty, our energy and our abilities. I mean in terms of beauty, the cosmetic industry

  • is never going to go broke because of all of us women who are desperately trying to stay young and

  • look beautiful. And you can't say that this desperation is not some form of suffering.

  • The next one: Sickness is suffering - Now unless you have a job that you hate, or a school

  • that you don't want to go to, I don't recall anyone ever saying that they enjoy being sick. Everyone

  • hates being sick. Whether it's a small cold, or something serious like cancer, sickness

  • is suffering and nobody wants it.

  • Death is suffering. Death may sometimes be a relief from certain suffering, for instance

  • if the person is in a lot of pain. But then there's still the grief and suffering of those who are left behind.

  • "Sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering..." Well, I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

  • "association with the loathed is suffering..." For instance, when we're having to spend time

  • with people we don't get along with, or be in a place or environment that we don't like

  • - these are forms of suffering because we want to be elsewhere or with different people.

  • "dissociation from the loved is suffering..." For example, if we have to be separated from

  • our loved ones, by death or by distance because one of us is travelling, we miss them and

  • we suffer because of this.

  • "not to get what one wants is suffering..." Surely we can all understand this one, not getting

  • what we want usually makes us frustrated, angry and depressed, even. It doesn't even have to

  • be something so important that we want. It could be as simple as going to our local grocery

  • store and not being able to buy the type of milk that we want. Or we wear something nice in

  • the hope of getting attention and praise, but nobody notices and compliments us, so

  • we suffer. Or we move to another city for a new start but we still don't find the happiness

  • we were hoping for and again we suffer. These are just some examples of this type of suffering.

  • Now, these examples of old age, sickness and death, you could say that the Buddha used

  • to highlight that suffering is a part of our life. But he wasn't saying that suffering is restricted

  • to only these experiences. It may be hard for us to fathom at first, but feeling dissatisfied

  • is a common bond that we all share, no matter who we are. Whether we're rich, poor, famous,

  • ordinary, beautiful or ugly - no one is completely satisfied with their present experience: we

  • are constantly looking for something more, or something different.

  • Even if we aren't suffering from the main forms of suffering (like sickness, old age,

  • and death), we still suffer from our dissatisfaction with the present moment. For instance, there's

  • the suffering of relationships. You know, we might suffer because we want one but don't have one, or even

  • when we're in a relationship we're also not satisfied. Then there's the suffering of employment

  • You know, we suffer when we don't have a job, and even when we have a job we are dissatisfied with

  • our work or our colleagues. Then there is even the suffering of wanting the weather to be different!

  • Everything we experience seems to be tinged with this underlying suffering or dissatisfaction.

  • And our dissatisfaction then manifests in us trying to accumulate more, or improve on

  • what we have, for instance: we're not happy so we go shopping for more clothes, or we try to exercise to get

  • a better figure, or organise a trip away with our partner - all these activities are motivated

  • by the wish to find some everlasting satisfaction and happiness. And we live our lives plagued

  • with a constant feeling that true lasting happiness always seems to be one step ahead

  • of us. We seem to believe things like, 'Oh, once I get married then I'll be happy, or once I pay off my mortgage

  • then I'll be happy, or once I retire then I'll be happy!' And we all have these or similar beliefs.

  • So we keep striving towards this goal of happiness somewhere in the future. Meanwhile we're never satisfied

  • with what we have in the present moment. So because of this dissatisfaction - we suffer!

  • And you'll notice that, if you take a look around, that everyone is doing this. Everyone has this

  • belief that happiness is out there and attainable, but if you look around you will

  • see that no one is really 100% happy.

  • So the Buddha then went on to explain the reason why everything we experience is tinged

  • with dissatisfaction. He taught the Second Noble Truth which was the Noble Truth of the

  • Origin of Dukkha (the origin of suffering or dissatisfaction).

  • The Buddha explained to us that dissatisfaction or suffering arises not because there is

  • something wrong with the things out there, it's because of our own mental state that we suffer.

  • Our unsatisfactory experiences come from three main causes: our mental craving, aversion and ignorance

  • but primarily he says here that it's because of our craving.

  • He said: "The origin of suffering, as a noble truth, is this: It is the craving that produces

  • renewal of being accompanied by enjoyment and lust, and enjoying this and that; in other

  • words, craving for sensual desires, craving for being, craving for non-being."

  • Craving here means our desire, greed or wanting. In Pali, the word used is 'tanha', which means thirst.

  • So thirst, craving for what we want, craving to get rid of what we don't want, craving

  • to be someone or somebody, for instance trying to live up to our own concepts of who we are

  • or what we want others to think of us. All this craving leads to dissatisfaction and suffering.

  • Each and everyone of us is caught up in this game, and we're so involved in it that we can't see it.

  • We are always trying to arrange our lives in a way that is pleasant and happy to us.

  • But no matter what, we're never 100% happy.

  • Because we're constantly crave for more, materially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and because

  • of this we experience pain. We might want to be more attractive, have more money,

  • more friends, have a better job, have better relations with our in-laws, or we want we want more

  • excitement in our lives. We expend so much energy on trying to acquiring these things,

  • but we never seem to reach the point where we can sit back and say 'That's it, this is happiness,

  • I don't need anything more.' In fact, the craving is endless, so much so,

  • that people are still craving for something else when they breathe their last breath.

  • So it's this endless craving and desire which is the primary reason for our dissatisfaction.

  • Also our craving, we have the craving of wanting permanency or stability, and that's only going to lead to disappointment as well,

  • because there is nothing, no object, no person, no phenomena that can ever remain permanent,

  • so unless we come to understand that everything is impermanent and unreliable,

  • we suffer because our desire doesn't match reality.

  • One way we can identify what our cravings are is to also take a look at our expectations.

  • Craving usually manifests as expectations. For instance, we might expect our partner

  • to act a certain way in a certain situation. So we're craving for this, and if we don't get it, we're angry and upset

  • and ultimately we suffer.

  • Now fortunately the Buddha didn't stop at the 2nd Noble Truth. He went on to explain

  • the Third Noble Truth which is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha.

  • So there is an alternative! We can completely rid ourselves of this dissatisfaction. Suffering

  • can be extinguished if we remove its cause. The Buddha said: "Cessation of suffering,

  • as a noble truth, is this: It is remainderless fading and ceasing, giving up, relinquishing,

  • letting go and rejecting, of that same craving." So if we can let go of craving, then we can extinguish

  • our suffering. This is fantastic news, it's not all morbid, it is not all doom and gloom!

  • There is an end to suffering. There is a way to end dukkha, to end this fire of craving

  • and the rolling ocean of emotions that usually accompanies it. What a relief! And the secret

  • is to let go of our craving. If there was ever a Buddhist motto, it would be

  • two words, 'Let go.' The analogy used often used is that the cessation of dukkha

  • is like a fire being put out - that the burning has ceased. And this burning is really a mental

  • burning - this burning of the mind that continues to crave and not find satisfaction in the

  • present moment. But to extinguish this craving that causes so much suffering in our minds,

  • we need to train our minds in a different way. So it was in the Fourth Noble Truth that

  • the Buddha taught The Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Dukkha which explains

  • exactly how we start on the path of releasing us from our craving and dissatisfaction.

  • The Buddha said: "The way leading to cessation of suffering, as a noble truth, is this: It

  • is simply the noble eightfold path, that is to say, right view, right intention; right

  • speech, right action, right livelihood; right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration."

  • The Buddha taught that by learning to use our three doors (of our body, speech and mind)

  • skillfully, it would lead to present and future happiness. Especially by learning to refrain

  • from unskilful actions (of our body, speech and mind), it would remove so much unnecessary suffering.

  • So by controlling our body, speech and mind in ways that helps others, instead

  • of harming them, and by generating wisdom in our minds - we can end suffering.

  • Therefore, true happiness is achievable through personal endeavor.

  • Now I'll be going over the Noble Eightfold Path in more detail in future videos. Meanwhile

  • there are some great articles and free ebooks that I highly recommend that you read. I'll put

  • links to these on my website, Enthusiastic

  • I just want to quickly mention that some cravings in life are actually helpful and indeed encouraged.

  • These are cravings to live a life of virtue and non-violence, wanting to meditate, to have

  • peace and discover who we truly are - these are considered wholesome cravings that we shouldn't be trying

  • to eliminate as they are necessary in the beginning of any spiritual path. And we shouldn't

  • fear that our life would be boring, uninteresting or nothing without craving. We can still live

  • in the world and make plans for the future without craving, you just wouldn't have all

  • your happiness contingent on achieving a particular goal. You could actually be bountifully happy

  • right now. In fact, a person free of craving is said to experience the greatest happiness,

  • peace and bliss in their body and mind because they're fully present in the moment

  • and have no need for anything else. Their life isn't boring and bland, in fact everything

  • is new and all their actions are free and spontaneous because they aren't worried about

  • meeting the expectations of others. So having a life free of craving is not something to

  • be feared but something to aspire to.

  • So what cravings can we identify in our lives that might be causing us unnecessary suffering?

  • What cravings do we need to let go of? It might be our craving for our partner or child

  • to be different from who they are? Or our craving to be the next millionaire? I know

  • my craving of wanting to see everyone just get along is something out of my control and

  • something I need to let go of to have some peace of mind. Or my craving for my parents

  • to live forever is a big one that I'm constantly having to drop. So what cravings can you see

  • in your mind? We all have them, whether they're obvious to us or not. So anyway, that's

  • all from me for now, please subscribe to my channel for future videos. Please like and

  • share this video if you found it helpful. So have a lovely week everyone and I hope

  • to see you in the next video.

Hi everyone! Welcome to The Enthusiastic Buddhist. In this episode I'm going to be talking about the

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