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  • Hi everyone, welcome to my home. It's a beautiful Sunday over here. It's really sunny outside

  • So that's why I thought I would sit in front of my garden

  • We have this garden, which is really really tiny

  • But it suits me because we don't have a lot of time to to take care of it

  • So but I love having it anyway. Anyway

  • today, I want to talk about a special topic called "Dying To Be YOU". So instead of dying to be me, it's for you.

  • It's about dying to be you

  • And before I go into it, please let me know if my sound levels are okay if the video looks okay

  • Can you hear me? Can you see me? If there's anything

  • that's

  • that's not quite working

  • Let me know because we only realize it from your feedback how we're doing and also, you know

  • just pop in say hey and later on I'm gonna go into questions, but what I love is

  • questions that directly relate to the subject and you'll know more about the subject as I talk about it and

  • while I'm at it I just want to also say I

  • apologize to the people whose questions we don't pick up or we don't see or we don't take. I do go back and read later

  • And then sometimes I'll pick a few questions which I then address the following week, which is what I'll do today.

  • it's really hard to actually catch everyone's questions because the comments move so fast while the

  • you know, while we're actually broadcasting. So anyway, I see a comment from Kelly Deegan. Hello. Hi Kelly

  • so

  • today

  • I'm talking about dying to be you

  • and the reason for this topic is because I still get a lot of people who write to me and

  • they say things like

  • they wish they had their own NDE in order to understand or in order to get the level of

  • understanding that I speak about and

  • So one of the reasons that I share what I share is because I believe it is possible

  • for you to get that level of clarity without actually dying. That's why I share it. If I didn't think it was possible

  • I wouldn't be here telling you and making you feel frustrated and

  • because I share it not because I want you to think hey

  • I got that level of clarity and like nay nay and boo boo. No, that's not the reason why I do it

  • I do it I share it because it's like okay. I know what happened and I think

  • everybody can access it. That's why I share it and

  • people, a lot of people who have read my book

  • actually write to me and say thank you for explaining it. I get it

  • and it changes their lives and

  • It gives me a lot of satisfaction to hear that

  • but I still get a lot of people who say that it's easy for you to

  • experience what you're experiencing or for your life to go the way it is or for you to understand but you died

  • For us without having had that experience, how can we have it? So that's what today's topic is about and

  • my belief is that you actually CAN die to who you are

  • Judy Huang has commented you look and sound perfect. Thank you, Judy. By the way, Judy, thank you for everything

  • you do. Judy translates my videos into Chinese. She puts Chinese subtitles on them

  • So please check her out

  • Please check out her YouTube, but we will be including those subtitles on the videos on my youtube channel

  • So thank you Judy for everything you've done

  • Really, I am so grateful to you

  • So anyway, I actually believe it's possible

  • for you to die to the person you were yesterday up until yesterday

  • So here's what I learned while I was in that near-death experience

  • that leads me to believe that we can all die to who we were and be reborn if that's what we want

  • So this is what happened to me. I literally died to the person I was. I was this person

  • who was the people pleaser, the doormat

  • The one, the person who got so drained and so tired and who would feel so guilty doing anything for myself

  • that it took cancer for me to actually start taking care of myself

  • And even then I worried more for other people than I did for myself, even when I had cancer

  • It was more important to me that other people perceived me correctly or that I wasn't

  • misinterpreted or that I still worried more about what other people thought and felt than I did about taking care of my own

  • well-being and it only took death for me to understand it

  • But here's what I understood in death. What I understood is that who I was before

  • was shaped by my past conditioning and here's the thing. My past conditioning

  • was beyond my control

  • because you are born into it. You may have chosen it from before you were born, but

  • from the level of this perspective

  • everything that's happening to you as a child as you're growing up, things that you're buying into, things that you're believing, things that you're

  • conditioned to believe, none of it is your fault

  • But they become the filters through which you start to view the world

  • They become the filters through which you shape your life. Tell me if you think I'm making sense

  • So here's what it is like, to give you a solid, a tangible example. For me,

  • I grew up in a culture that was not my own culture. So I looked different

  • I was bullied at school because I looked different. I was darker skinned

  • I was hairier, you know, I had more facial hair and hair on my arms and and my hair was frizzier

  • and I was darker and so I looked different and I was bullied for that and it shaped me into believing that

  • my physical appearance

  • was inferior because of my

  • because of my color because of the color of my skin because of the way I looked

  • I remember one boy when I was a kid

  • He actually said to me that I was ugly and that's stuck with me and I really and I believed it

  • And so what does this do when you start to believe things like that?

  • What it does is that it makes you hide; it makes you shy away from other people

  • It makes you afraid to be seen as opposed to

  • wanting to be seen, so it changes who you are

  • but it also changes your experience of the world. Now, imagine if you look

  • if you are somebody whose appearance that everybody around you approves of and is attracted to and

  • people are saying, oh my gosh, you're so cute, you're so beautiful

  • You're so gorgeous. Gorgeous. You're so amazing

  • what that... what that does to you is that it makes you want to be seen; it makes you

  • want to attract attention and of course that could bring about its own filters and its own

  • layers and its own

  • problems maybe later in life that maybe as you lose your looks and you're not a scene

  • it might bring about an insecurity. But here's the thing.

  • as we are growing up, we can't control that

  • But as adults

  • we still carry that baggage with us and we don't realize it and

  • we think that what we see is the world around us

  • We think we're seeing the truth, but actually what we're seeing is through our own filters

  • so let me give you an example. After growing up being discriminated against for the color of my skin and

  • believing that it that I was inferior for being... for being browner than everyone else around me or being darker than everyone else

  • around me

  • let's say if I'm getting on a flight or something and I get

  • and I get singled out for a random security check. My head is immediately going to think

  • Oh, it's racial profiling. Now it may truly be a random security check

  • But my head is going to assume it's racial profiling because I've been racially

  • discriminated up to that point and this is what I mean. So you start viewing the world through these filters and

  • your experiences of the world will start to mirror those filters because

  • as I said

  • if you don't want to be seen, you will not be seen, but then

  • when you notice the people who want to be seen are the ones that are getting chosen and

  • maybe it's got nothing to do with your appearance or maybe as an adult, people don't

  • you know, notice your appearance anymore or you you look different as an adult because as I grew up I

  • did actually start to take more of an interest in how I looked and I I did actually

  • let's say remove the extra facial hair and, and had my hair done in certain ways, which looking back

  • I don't think I needed to. However I wanted to fit in. But what happens is

  • even if I were to look stunningly beautiful at some point that

  • conditioning has already been

  • done. It's implanted

  • I'm still going to

  • view the world through those filters and I'm still going to process my experience through those filters and I'm going to try

  • harder than the person who never got discriminated against. I'm gonna try harder than them to fit in

  • I'm going to try harder than them to be more like them and this is what we end up doing

  • So what I'm trying to say, so now let's say as an adult

  • I'm not being discriminated against but I'm going to assume I am, so I'm going to

  • hide or be more invisible while someone else who's never been discriminated against is

  • going to be more visible because they're not afraid of being more visible and they're the ones that are going to get picked and chosen

  • for the part in the movie or

  • for whatever reasons. They're the ones that are going to get heard; they're going to get seen and that will continue to fuel

  • my own belief that it's because of my color that I am being treated inferiorly. Does that make sense? In other words

  • I'm bringing it on myself

  • by hiding by making myself smaller. I'm bringing it on myself because I believe

  • that I am inferior and less than because I don't want to be criticized

  • I don't want to be hurt. It was so hurtful when that happened to me

  • so I'm gonna protect myself with this layer of coating and

  • so as I do that, people don't see me and then it feeds into those beliefs and this is how we create

  • our reality in our world around us based on our past conditioning

  • What happens is that if you decide to

  • die to your past conditioning and you decide to just wake up with a fresh clean slate and

  • see the world for what it is

  • through clear glass filters with no different colors and layers and things added to it

  • you will see a very different world and I promise you you will and then you can decide

  • who am I actually and how do I want people to perceive me?

  • and you can then choose to add what you want to add because remember when you were a kid, you didn't have a choice

  • You were being shaped by the environment around you and you just believed it

  • You bought into it into your education system, your peers, your schoolmates

  • You just wanted to fit in. It was a survival mechanism at that time. If you were being hurt, you developed layers

  • so to protect you from being hurt, so it was totally a survival mechanism

  • Today as an adult when you can see that's what it was

  • you can choose to put that down and that's what having the near-death experience was

  • It was putting all that down. It was seeing that it was all the accumulated layers and

  • coming back reborn with a clean slate as an adult and

  • deciding what I wanted to take on.

  • An analogy I like to use which as I've told you, I'm writing my third book which is called "Sensitive as the New Strong"

  • I actually describe this by using the analogy of if you

  • imagine that you are carrying, as an adult

  • you're carrying this backpack with, say, a 20 pound bowling ball in it

  • it could be a 15 pound bowling ball, 20 pound bowling ball, and you're carrying this backpack every

  • single day, every single day and you don't put it down and

  • you look around you and everybody's got their own backpack

  • Even when you go to sleep, you literally... it just falls off your shoulder when you fall asleep

  • But when you get up in the morning, you're like, okay

  • where's my backpack and you put it back on and you go about the world and you go through life

  • carrying this backpack with this 20 pound 15 pound bowling ball, but as you look around you

  • everybody around you has this backpack with this... with the... has a backpack

  • Everybody's backpacks are different sizes, different shapes, different colors, you know, depending on their upbringing and their dramas

  • but everybody's got a backpack and everybody's

  • bowling ball or the weight of everybody's

  • backpack is different. Some have a 30 pound backpack, some have 20, some 10, some 15

  • but everybody's got that dang backpack weighing them down and they're trudging through life going

  • Oh, my god life is so hard. It's just so hard. I have to shoulder all this pain and

  • responsibility and all these problems and everything

  • Now I imagine one day

  • you're sitting quietly

  • you're kind of in a stupor meditative mood and

  • there's this voice that comes into your head and it says: just put down the backpack what's gonna happen?

  • And you're like, I can't put down the backpack. I've always worn this backpack. I can't put down this backpack ,and

  • and this voice says yes, you can just try it and

  • so you think huh... Okay

  • so you take the backpack off and you're like

  • okay, this feels a bit weird, but it feels good

  • I'm not used to it, but it feels good and you stand up and you're like, oh wow

  • I feel so light. I feel so free and you just feel amazing

  • But you're kind of looking around a little bit insecure

  • But you're thinking no, but this feels good

  • I don't want to go back to the person I used to be

  • who is carrying that backpack because that person was getting sick all the time from that weight and

  • they were tired all the time and they were like... they were feeling drained all the time because of that backpack

  • I don't want to go back to wearing that backpack anymore

  • So you go out into the world and people see you and they're like, what's with you? You're different. You're looking amazing

  • Oh my gosh, and you, and you start telling them, it's like it's that backpack on your back

  • you can put it down and you say, no, I can't and

  • and you say yes, you can. It's actually your choice

  • You can just put it down and be free

  • free from the backpack

  • The backpack being the metaphor of all your past conditioning and they tell you... and you tell them they can be free

  • Now imagine this, imagine if they tell you

  • No, I can't. How can I be free from all these problems that I've grown up with?

  • How can you possibly undermine the fact that I've been abused and you're saying it's my fault that I was the victim?

  • that it's up to me to stop to put my backpack down? How dare you say

  • it's my fault and you will have people saying that to you. You may even lose friends and

  • eventually, you know what might happen? If you become so fearful of losing those friends

  • you may actually put your backpack back on

  • so that you can again be like everybody else and this is why

  • transformation is so hard, not because it's hard to let go of your past and die to who you were yesterday

  • That's not hard

  • Holding on to it is hard and bringing it into this paradigm, into the... into your life and holding on to it

  • That's what's hard

  • This is why I tell people to be aware of this, be aware of what the actual challenge is

  • The challenge is not in dropping your past programming

  • It's in living it in a culture or in a reality or a paradigm that you have created

  • while you were wearing the backpack

  • You see, the life around you has been created while you were wearing the backpack.

  • If you want to take off your backpack and live the life that is free of wearing a backpack

  • you need to create a new paradigm

  • So it's about changing yourself

  • but it's about realizing that you now have to go out and look for people who are also

  • not wearing a backpack

  • You cannot continue

  • to be among the people, who are

  • wearing backpacks and be the only one who's not. Now I'm not saying neglect them, ditch them, be mean. You're not judging them. You're

  • absolutely not judging them because you were one of them. You love them because you were one of them

  • but they may resent you for being the one that's doing well

  • They may resent you for being the one that's flying high. They may make you feel guilty

  • They'll point out to you all the other people who are suffering and saying, how can you ignore that?

  • It's all very well for you. Then...This is the kind of thing that people have said to me as well

  • You have the luxury of doing this but what about all those poor starving people who don't have the luxury?

  • Here's the thing. You cannot help those poor starving people

  • if you are one of them. You cannot help them if you're still wearing the backpack

  • You need to be the one to inspire other people to take off their backpacks

  • That's what you need to be

  • And as people take off their backpacks one by one, they will... there will be a trickle effect

  • They will help those poor starving people to get to a place where they too will see a different world

  • so

  • that's basically

  • What I wanted to say is that you can die to who you were yesterday at any point in time

  • You just have to take off that backpack that weighed off your shoulders and

  • And you have to be prepared that the paradigm around you

  • may not be ready for it because you have created that life while wearing the backpack

  • You created that life through the cultural

  • conditioning that

  • that you... that you were carrying and so now you are the one that's changed. So it's not their fault.

  • Don't get mad at them, but don't go back to being that person.

  • You will inspire them. They will come around and as you stay in that space of being this person

  • you will attract more people like you. You are creating a new paradigm for yourself

  • So the thing to do is to focus on, okay

  • if I am creating myself anew, who am I? who do I want to be?

  • I have... I don't have that backpack anymore. But what do I want? Well, how do I want to see myself?

  • Do I want to see myself as someone who's light, who's free, who's successful, who's creative?

  • How do I feed that creativity? You have to stick to that view of yourself

  • which is the view created by who you are today, but without all the baggage

  • without the baggage

  • So for me to do that when I did that, I had to leave my surroundings

  • I literally had to leave. Thank God

  • my husband was with me on the journey and he came with me

  • But I had to pick myself up from where I was and move to somewhere new

  • when nobody knew me

  • So the person they got to know was the person who was already without the backpack. So they couldn't judge me

  • I hadn't changed. I hadn't become someone different to them. This is who they got to know

  • They got to know the person without the backpack and it may take that for you to truly change, but

  • really, that's what I wanted to tell you today. So thank you for listening. And now I would love to go to your questions

  • Thank you, Raquel Gonzales. So thank you. "Your message is truly beautiful. Thank you for your..." You're so sweet. Thank you so much

  • And what I'll do is, as my wonderful intrepid husband Danny is looking for questions up and down

  • I'm going to cover a couple of questions that I saw from

  • last week or that I've seen on my facebook live. One of them is a question from someone

  • I think she wrote in and she actually said: are empaths introverted

  • and I say not necessarily

  • Not necessarily

  • you can be an

  • extroverted empath, you can be an introverted empath. An empath which is someone who feels all the energies around them very strongly and

  • things that happen tend to get exaggerated in our head so... but I know

  • empaths who get recharged by being with other people and if you get recharged by being with other people

  • that would kind of make you an extrovert but I think

  • mostly empaths are introverted but not totally. I'm forced to be an extrovert because I speak to a lot of people but I do

  • recharge my batteries by being alone, so it could be a combination. But thanks for that question

  • Okay. Okay. So we have a question from Judy Vallhardt Harris

  • "I was terribly bullied by my classmates, and my mom and siblings was so incredibly mean to me"

  • I'm so sorry to hear that because I know how it feels to be bullied by your classmates and

  • Your mom is still awful to you and as a result you've developed

  • Fibromyalgia, I was a doormat and still AM. I'm working on taking my backpack off. How do you suggest I do this?

  • Okay. So the thing is you need to get away from that environment

  • You really do need to get away and you need to wake up in the morning telling yourself that

  • this is a fresh new day. I don't have to carry my past with me

  • It's... you do need to spend some time. It can be a week. It can be two weeks. It can be three weeks

  • where you literally feel every day that this is a clean start that I have died to who I am yesterday

  • and if if you have such a strong conditioning

  • that has such a strong hold on you, you really do need to get away and like I actually mentioned

  • I could not be this new person if I stayed in that environment

  • However years later as I became stronger in this new person

  • I was able to accept everybody back

  • I mean I did not judge them because that was the environment I had surrounded

  • myself in because that was the person I used to be but

  • But several years later after my life started taking off in a direction

  • which I feel I was creating, because listen, you have two choices when you're carrying the backpack, you're victim of your life

  • When you are... when you let go of the backpack and you're free, you are creating your life

  • so I'm inviting you to create your life and

  • I am NOT saying that it was your fault that you were the victim and I want to be clear

  • but it is your choice to

  • remain the victim or to let go and

  • heal that and let go of that victimhood and to move forward and to create the life that you want

  • And it doesn't mean you will be completely

  • problem-free but your new problems and your new issues will be the result of this new

  • person who you are and the problems will be more manageable

  • because you are creating this life from a place of

  • consciousness and from a place of

  • becoming somebody who you want to be as opposed from a conditioning that was not your choice

  • Something you couldn't control. So all those layers were added from when you couldn't control it

  • In fact, what I am actually starting to do now is I'm creating more

  • retreats and workshops

  • that are five days seven day long

  • for this very reason because I realize that if somebody's been conditioned their whole life, they want to learn to put the backpack down

  • but they want to do it in an environment that it's safe to do it where you can actually be embedded with five

  • with a classful of people for five days seven days, but even if you don't come to one of my

  • retreats

  • Go away for seven days or 14 days. Take a break

  • take a holiday go to a new environment when nobody knows you and

  • discover who you really are

  • That's what it is

  • It's about discovering who you really are without all the baggage around you. That's so important

  • That is actually... that was actually equally if not more

  • important in what I did for

  • transformation than it was to actually die, because I tell you, if I can tell you this, if it was more important to me

  • to stay in the environment I had already created as the person who got cancer

  • I would have just got cancer again

  • So this is what drives me to even

  • create these new retreats that I'm doing

  • It really is so that people are away from their environment in a safe place for five days seven days so they can truly

  • Get it

  • Grounded into the feeling of who they truly are inside

  • so

  • another question that I received

  • or I saw on Facebook, on my Facebook page

  • was in fact a couple of people have asked this is when they have posted things from other teachers

  • and they've said to me but so-and-so

  • seems to contradict what you're saying

  • Do you agree with their teaching?

  • So what I want to say, is that every teacher as long as they're coming from a place of love

  • It doesn't matter whether what we say contradicts each other

  • It's about them coming from a place of love and about you following the teachers and following what they're teaching

  • also from a place of love for yourself

  • It's not about fear

  • So as long as you're doing it from a place of love and you're not saying oh my gosh

  • I got to do this because so-and-so said this. If I don't do this this will happen

  • That's a fear-based reason. But, no, if it's like, oh that person's message resonates. Take it on board

  • I don't care who it is

  • Every teacher has their own truths and you're free to swap around or follow one or follow ten

  • You're a free bird. This is not a cult

  • So I want to make sure you know that

  • You're free to follow who you want and not follow who you want and you're free to follow certain things from certain people and

  • other things from others. One thing I realized I don't talk a lot about is I don't talk a lot about for example

  • diet reform and

  • detoxing and and how to detox. That's not my area of expertise and I'm aware

  • there is so much information out there about it

  • The hing you have to do is follow what

  • resonates with you and don't feel fear that oh if I don't do this, if I don't

  • eat this or not eat this or don't juice or not juice or whatever, I will get sick. I will get cancer

  • That's not the case

  • Follow whatever teacher has a message that resonates with you

  • And if it feels like you're loving yourself by following them, do it

  • Wayne Dyer used to always say, how can I be of service? How can I be of service?

  • People have pointed out to me that could

  • contradict what I say because I say love yourself and being of service is almost like being of service to everyone else and

  • And it makes you a doormat. Actually. I don't see it that way

  • I think that the best way that you can be of service is by taking care of yourself

  • It's by loving yourself and taking off your backpack

  • And when you are light and free, which is what I feel right now

  • I can be of the most service to people because I am light and free and I took care of myself first

  • So the best way you can be of service, how can I be of service?

  • I can be of service by being who I am, by being light and free and by inspiring others to do the same

  • So many messages that you may think on the surface

  • contradict each other. They actually don't

  • Sometimes when they're taken out of context, they may appear to contradict each other

  • But they actually don't, as long as the teacher is coming from a place of love

  • they won't contradict each other and that was a very good question

  • which I feel needed to be explained and have we got any more questions?

  • People like to hear your voice by the way, he's being awfully quiet

  • Where are your retreats? Okay, Sarah Jane Sutherland. Thank you. I will post them here

  • whether you're watching this on Facebook, YouTube or my newsletter. I will post it on a link

  • But basically what I have coming up, I have a weekend here in Los Angeles coming up

  • But I have a um...

  • Oh ok, great. See, did you hear that voice? That was him

  • So many people have been writing in and saying he has a great voice for radio and they want to see him. So I

  • have a weekend in Los Angeles coming up

  • And the thing is if you attend this weekend

  • we're actually giving away for free for anyone who attends this an online course

  • The online course is also for sale on its own

  • But I believe it's like a 20 week

  • 20... it's um...yes, it's 20 lessons online

  • and so this one is together with Michael Neal and it's called "Experiencing God" and why we chose that title is because

  • when you can experience that part of yourself

  • that is connected to God, you realize there's no separation between you and God

  • So that's the next one coming up and then I have "Celebrate Your Life"

  • which is a retreat with lots of my friends, other speakers, which is coming up in November in Arizona

  • and then I have some exciting long retreats coming next year

  • which is really what I've earmarked for next year

  • I have two coming up in Omega, five-day retreats, two coming up at

  • 1440 which is in Santa Cruz, five-day retreats and I have a seven-day cruise coming up in June

  • I love these five-day seven-day events because as I say that is where we can really get into some deep work of

  • letting go of that past programming in an environment that's safe for you

  • I love the cruisers because there's something really special about being out in the middle of the ocean

  • And kind of and you're kind of cut off because the other thing I warn you about the cruises

  • is that the Internet's not great. There is internet. You can get contacted in emergencies. You can check your emails but

  • but people are discouraged from being on the internet all day long. And I think that is so good for you

  • It's really part of the programming cleanse, the programming detox that we go through

  • So have we got any more questions? (Danny: we have indeed)

  • I'm sure we have tons because usually after the event, I go back and it's like oh my gosh

  • there's so many questions. (Danny: We have... We certainly have lots and lots of questions. I'm just scrolling through them as

  • while we were pushing up the slides, I lost the next question that I had in mind.)

  • Uh-oh

  • But yeah, keep asking and preferably if you have questions related to the subjects I've been talking about

  • that would actually be great

  • And by the way, thank you all for the love because sometimes I forget to say this

  • I forget to say how much I appreciate you guys

  • I think I have the best audience ever ever ever ever because you guys are so full of love.

  • Your comments, sometimes they make me cry - in a good way

  • I mean they make me overflow with love and I just ... you really

  • feed me and recharge me with that and I just love hearing back from you and

  • it is so rare that I get a comment that's negative or nasty and I feel so blessed because the Internet can be a

  • minefield and sometimes it's pretty scary, you know when people put themselves out there

  • but I have really really... I'm so blessed because I really have got the best audience ever

  • so I just want to tell you how much I love you guys and how much you mean to me and

  • why I do this is because I hear you

  • I hear you when you're in pain and you're suffering and.. and.. and that's why I give you everything that I have

  • So have we got any burning questions?

  • (Danny: Indeed we do)

  • (I'm just scrolling through. A lot of these placeholders telling me thank you for your voice Danny and

  • you're very very welcome. I do hope you enjoy my idle bantering while I scroll through this and...) his radio voice

  • I think one day you should come on video. We should do a conversation together

  • (Danny: I'm not a hundred percent sure that that is a good idea.) I think it's a great idea

  • I think people want to know what you went through when I went what I went

  • (Danny: I think we can do a pole right here.) Okay. Well here I would love to hear from you

  • Do you think Danny and I should do a conversation together?

  • (Gestures asking audience to say yes)

  • He can't see me right now

  • Nothing, nothing

  • Please and I'll get him to read the comments. I actually think we should do

  • conversation together

  • Dolce Vita, Hi. "You are so inspiring and appeasing." Oh, thank you. "Life is so amazing." Yes, it is

  • "I was just talking about you to my best friend when I came across your video." Oh, thank you

  • "Be blessed." Thank you. You be blessed too

  • See, that's what I mean. I really... I mean you guys are just amazing

  • I wish that you, all of you and us, all of us could just hang out together and it would just be this amazing

  • love fest. It really would. So thank you all. Let's go with one more question. (Danny: I have a question here from Vanessa Diaz)

  • (I'll punch it up on screen for you.) Hi, Vanessa. "How do you know when it's time to move on from your environment?"

  • Great question, Vanessa. It's time to move on

  • when it's draining you, when it's feeling more..., let me see if I can make this really easy

  • So

  • Are you escaping all the time? if you... if you go somewhere fun

  • like let's say if you go on holiday. Imagine this, you go on this fabulous holiday right now. It's amazing

  • It feels like an adult Disneyland or something to you. It's whatever. It's your dream holiday

  • Are you dreading going back home? Are you kind of bummed that I gotta go back home? I gotta go

  • That's the key. So because the thing is where I'm at right now, I love going back home

  • I love what I've created. I love doing what I'm doing. When I'm away from it

  • I go...I only take things, I only take opportunities like cruises and things because I love that

  • I love going away and I love going back home. And that's what ideally you're trying to create

  • So here's what happened, what actually told me I needed to move away from my environment

  • After I had the near-death experience and it was like the backpack had come off and I was a clean slate

  • I died to who I was yesterday. I was excited, I was buzzed

  • and then when I went back home, I started to feel the weight coming back because I was getting the same old

  • programming and again I want to say it wasn't their fault

  • This was the environment I had chosen to be in when I was wearing the backpack

  • But it's... I started to realize that everybody expected me to have the backpack, but I didn't have it anymore

  • but I started to realize when I went away from that environment, I felt fantastic and I dreaded going back and

  • even... for example

  • When Wayne Dyer discovered my story and I started

  • and I started entering a new phase of my life of sharing my story and I had an audience and

  • I was writing and I was doing all these things but I was away from my environment to do that

  • I was coming to a different country. I was coming to America, but it's it's irrelevant what country it is

  • It's about being in a new place where the people are around you feel like your tribe

  • They feel like they love the new... the person who you are becoming and they are

  • encouraging you to become the person who you are becoming as opposed to discouraging you

  • I would... I started and so I was here temporarily and I started to feel every time I went home

  • I started to feel oh, man. I gotta go back there

  • That's when you know, it's time to leave

  • It's time to leave. When you start

  • delaying tactics

  • if you're... if you love your work and you keep delaying going home and you dread going home

  • These are all signs that it's time to leave. It's time to change your environment. So thank you for that amazing question.

  • I really really hope this was helpful for all of you. I love to hear your feedback

  • Because it's your feedback that drives me to do more and more. It's your feedback that helps me to know

  • what it is you want to know and so

  • And and so this is what digs deeper into me because remember having a near-death experience

  • It's not like just one dream and it's done. No.

  • It changes your perspective of life. It makes you see life differently

  • so every experience I experience is

  • different from this perspective than it would have been had I been that person with the backpack on my back, that person

  • who was getting drained and sick so...only by your questions only by your feedback

  • can I keep coming up with content and answers for you. So I love to hear from you. Thank you so much

  • I would love to see you at my events if you're at any of my events, come and say hey and

  • at events I always try and come up with new content as well, so you're not hearing same old same old

  • We try and create a different energy so that we can all feel

  • really good together and and really get on a... on a higher frequency together

  • Thank you for tuning in and see you next week if not sooner. Bye

Hi everyone, welcome to my home. It's a beautiful Sunday over here. It's really sunny outside

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Anita Moorjani / Dying to be YOU (中文字幕) (Anita Moorjani / Dying to be YOU (Chinese subtitles ))

  • 28 1
    馨華 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary