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  • 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 Hello.

  • It's so nice to see you.

  • Good to see you.

  • This is your first time here.

  • I know.

  • Crazy.

  • We have met-- haven't we met?

  • We've met.

  • We have.

  • Yeah, I don't remember where or when, but we have.

  • I think we've met at sort of-- well,

  • my grandmother has been on your show a few times.

  • Well, your dad, of course.

  • So I hear about you.

  • Steve Tyler is her dad, and then--

  • Steven Tyler.

  • And then your grandmother is an etiquette expert.

  • Yes.

  • She was on, getting me ready for the Oscars.

  • She--

  • [LAUGHS]

  • She loves you.

  • She always talks about you.

  • Hi, Gigi.

  • Hi, Gigi.

  • Hi.

  • Good morning.

  • Hi, Gigi.

  • I don't know that I've done Gigi proud.

  • I don't know that I'm the best--

  • Oh, there she is.

  • Cute.

  • What is it like to have a grandmother who's

  • an etiquette expert?

  • Do you have to--

  • did she correct you if you were doing something wrong?

  • She still does, yes.

  • Yeah?

  • It's amazing.

  • I mean, I actually grew--

  • I lived with her when I was a kid as well.

  • My mom and my aunt and my grandma all raised me.

  • And I learned a lot from her, which now, later on in life,

  • it really shows up, and you really appreciate.

  • But she still tells me that I need

  • to get my teeth straightened, and don't need any salt,

  • and not--

  • Well, that's not etiquette.

  • That's judgment.

  • Wear gloves.

  • I mean, that's--


  • I think we had her on, like, obviously, as a joke,

  • like I was going really learn anything.

  • And clearly, I didn't.

  • But she's lovely.

  • You have amazing manners.

  • Do I?

  • Yeah.

  • Well, I'm a polite host.

  • As far as a dinner table, I'm like a wild animal.

  • I really-- it's horrible.

  • You're living in London now, right?

  • I-- well, yeah-- I-- yes.

  • Yes.

  • But shooting here.

  • I'm filming here.

  • Right.

  • But I live in London with my family.

  • My fiance, David, is English.

  • And we moved to London to be with him.

  • We have four children together.

  • We're like the Brady Bunch.

  • And do they have accents now?

  • Do the kids?

  • Yeah.

  • Yes.

  • So I have-- Lulu's three.

  • Sailor's four.

  • We call them the babies.

  • They have full English accents, which is really funny.

  • They call me Mummy.

  • Mummy?

  • And I'm like, no, it's mommy.

  • But they're really aware of all the different--

  • I love that they're correcting you too.

  • You've got your grandmother and your children

  • all ganging up on you on how to do things.

  • And Steven Tyler is a grandfather.

  • How is he as a grandfather?

  • Oh.

  • [LAUGHS]

  • It's interesting.

  • He's a different kind of grandfather.

  • Yeah?

  • The normal grandfather is--

  • well, Granddad wears nail polish, but--

  • Right.

  • And lots of scarves.

  • And more makeup than me, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • He's very sweet.

  • Have they seen him perform?

  • They must see what he does.

  • Yes.

  • I'm trying to think.

  • Milo has been a few times.

  • He's very shy.

  • He doesn't-- like, he's my 15-year-old son,

  • who's 6 foot 2 now.

  • And he'll hate that I'm talking about him on television

  • because he's very shy.

  • But he will have nothing to do with me as an actor,

  • or my dad as a performer, or his dad as a performer.

  • But he-- if my dad's performing, he will stand in the corner

  • with his back to the stage and just--

  • it's like torture for him.

  • Wow.

  • All right, so it's--

  • Rob Lowe has been telling me-- and he's a friend of mine.

  • He's been telling me about this.

  • So it's "9-1-1, Lone Star."

  • Lone Star.

  • It takes place in Texas.

  • Uh-huh.

  • But you shoot here.

  • We shoot here, yeah.

  • Pretend like it's Texas.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • I love Austin.

  • I wish we got to spend more time there.

  • I love Austin too.

  • But it does take place there.

  • Yeah.

  • And you play--

  • You have the bluest eyes ever.

  • Thank you.

  • There's so beautiful.

  • Well, thank you.

  • They're crazy blue.

  • They're aqua blue, not just blue-blue.

  • Thank you.


  • You have blue eyes, too.

  • Yeah, but not like that.

  • Well-- anyway, um--


  • So you and Rob have-- there's a dancing scene

  • that I understand that he didn't quite rehearse for.

  • Yeah, we have to do a honky-tonk kind of dance.

  • Uh-huh.

  • And well, that was the first time

  • the whole cast had ever met.

  • We were meeting at a rehearsal, which was a great way

  • to break the ice.

  • Right.

  • Very embarrassing.

  • But funny.

  • But he didn't come.

  • But he was great in the actual, final thing.

  • Uh-huh.

  • But--

  • [LAUGHS]

  • Yeah, that was--

  • Because he's a good dancer.

  • He's got good rhythm.


  • Well, what I've seen anyway.

  • Maybe he's-- all right, it is called "9-1-1, Lone Star."

  • It premieres January 19th after the NFC Championship

  • game on Fox.

  • We'll be right back.

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 Hello.

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