Today's Sentence
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Vanilla vines take two to four years to fully mature, and their flowers only bloom for one day of the year. In order for the plants to produce beans, they have to be pollinated that day. In most places where vanilla is grown, it isn't a native plant, and there aren't bugs or birds capable of pollinating the flowers.
Original Video:
Why Vanilla Is So Expensive
Key Vocabulary
1. vanilla 香草蘭;香草
[vəˈnɪlə] (n.) 香草蘭;香草
pumpkin spice
(n.) 南瓜派香料
[ˈsɪnəmən] (n.) 肉桂
5. native (動植物) 原產於 (某地) 的;土生的
[ˈneɪtɪv] (adj.) (動植物) 原產於 (某地) 的;土生的
6. capable of sth/doing sth 有能力做...;能做...
capable of sth/doing sth
(phr.) 有能力做...;能做...
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