Today's Sentence
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Max 6 minutes
We've invited you all back to school today to talk with a total stranger about growing up in your different generations.
Key Vocabulary
1. invite to ask or request someone to go to an event
[ɪnˈvaɪt] (v.) to ask or request someone to go to an event
(.) to invite someone to come to your house
2. stranger someone you do not know
[ˈstreɪn.dʒɚ] (n.) someone you do not know
[ˈstreɪn.dʒɚ] (n.) A stranger to a particular place is someone who has never been there before
3. grow up to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part through time and nutriment
[ɡroʊ ʌp] (phr.) to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part through time and nutriment
[ˌɡroʊn ˈʌp] (adj.) If you say that someone has grown up, you mean that they are an adult or that they behave in a responsible way.
[ˈɡroʊn.ʌp] (n.) an adult, used especially when talking to children
4. generation all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family
[ˌdʒen.əˈreɪ.ʃən] (n.) all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family
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