Today's Sentence
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Max 6 minutes
It's believed that hundreds of starving piranha can devour the flesh of an average-sized adult in a matter of minutes.
Original Video:
What If You Were Attacked By A School of Fish?
Key Vocabulary
1. starve to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this way
[stɑrv] (v.) to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat; to make somebody suffer or die in this way
2. piranha a small South American freshwater fish that attacks and eats live animals
[pɪˈrænhə] (n.) a small South American freshwater fish that attacks and eats live animals
3. flesh the soft substance between the skin and bones of animal or human bodies
[flɛʃ] (n.) the soft substance between the skin and bones of animal or human bodies
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