Today's Sentence
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Max 6 minutes
A coma is the result of either a dysfunction of the RAS, or damage to both cerebral hemispheres.
Original Video:
What Would Happen If You Never Woke Up?
Key Vocabulary
1. coma a state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain after an accident or illness
[ˈkəʊmə] (n.) a state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain after an accident or illness
2. dysfunction a problem or fault in a part of the body or a machine
[dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn] (n.) a problem or fault in a part of the body or a machine
3. cerebral relating to the brain or the cerebrum
[ˈserɪbrəl] (adj.) relating to the brain or the cerebrum
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