Today's Sentence
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Max 6 minutes
Given the technical limitations of the time, all 17 Pizza Planet kids and adults were created by making variations to the Andy and Mom CG models.
Original Video:
20 AMAZING Behind the Scenes Facts about TOY STORY
Key Vocabulary
1. technical relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry
[ˈtek.nɪ.kəl] (adj.) relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry
2. limitation the act of controlling and especially reducing something
[ˌlɪm.əˈteɪ.ʃən] (n.) the act of controlling and especially reducing something
3. variation a change in amount or level
[ˌver.iˈeɪ.ʃən] (n.) a change in amount or level
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