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The guy's Js you sense here and we're gonna do a small form factor.
Build something I haven't.
I think the last small form factor, Bill, it was probably the Loki ghost s one case, and that was pretty frustrating.
But this has a whole different goal in mind.
Raising a whole different chassis all off the shelf parts, no custom water cooling or anything like that.
Just to see if we can't build a badass gaming rig.
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I wanna start today's video by giving a huge thank you to micro center who supplied some of the parts you see here today and sponsored parts of today's video.
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You wanna find links to what we use for micro center in this build and learn more about their store.
Please click the link in the description below huge partner for us.
I cannot be more excited than having this partnership with them.
So again, Thank you, Michel Centre.
Now, in terms of the parts that start with the chassis, because when you're dealing with I t X builds, this is the single most important thing we are using.
And I know it's not a new chassis.
See, not all builds need to be using the something brand new.
It's gotta be something that just came out because relevance last longer than a couple of minutes.
You know, this is the evolved shift.
Now they have a new shift coming out, and I thought this would be kind of a good opportunity to build something in this, even though they're getting ready to release a slightly newer version of this where the glass panels on the side are being replaced by fabric panels, kind like a speaker grill almost to allow better cooling for air cooled systems.
Now we are gonna be trying to do duel a iose in this.
You know, it's possible I've seen pictures even mentioned in the manual, but that's gonna obviously make things a lot tighter in here.
But I think if we can at least deal with a iose in this, it'll give us better cooling than just choking it off of the glass side panels and not waiting for the air version.
Besides, it's kind of like sticking close to my heart at water cooling.
But I mean, there's always debates on whether not Iose are truly water cooling, although they're filled with liquid and they use a heat exchanger pump to move that fluid.
But apparently they're not water cooling, but they also have a shift X version, which is quite a bit taller.
It's like almost 23 inches tall, whatever that translates to in centimeters and millimeters.
But I speak American meters before you guys start throwing things at the computer going.
But I thought rising to was the best ever 9900 k.
The reason why we did that is because we want high clocks for shooting for that five gigahertz plus probably won't get it on a single 1 20 a Iot, but we're shooting for five gigahertz.
And because this is a primarily gaming centric build, we know that the 9900 k and its superior clock speeds versus the new rising to stuff is gonna give us benefit here in this particular scenario, not to mention have other plans for i t x on x 5 71 seat 39 50 comes out.
So there will be I t X small form factor stuff for a m D with a whole separate purpose and goal.
Can anyone say mobile workstation slash editing rig that can also play games for the motherboard?
We are using the RG strict Z 3 90 I gaining.
The reason I went with this motherboard is I've used it in two other projects.
This is actually what's inside our locate Ghosts s one case has been extremely solid.
It's got lots of functionality room for two dot in dot to plenty of fan headers, argue beheaders.
The whole deal.
It's also the same motherboard we swapped into our course there.
One, if you mess, Remember that video?
So it's treated us well, and we're going to continue using it because of that, keeping our system cool.
If we can fit all of this, I'm gonna be trying for dual Iose.
Yes, th 60 is probably not gonna get us to five gigahertz under 9900 K.
But when you're dealing with small form factor, even a 1 20 millimeter, a Iot is gonna be better than a lot of low profile air coolers.
Especially in this chassis that doesn't have the mods and the extra panels on the side.
They're gonna make it better for air cooling.
So we are going with a Iot for the 9900 K power supply DVDs sent over their G 6 50 or 6 50 gm, which is a fully modular SFX power supply.
Because this is not an A t X power supply.
16 gigabytes of G skill tried an RGB 3200 c l 14.
So it's fast memory.
It's got very tight timings, and you can overcome this memory very easily to 3600 and beyond, but because we're dealing with a gaming PC, we wanted to go with 32 gigs dual 16 gigabyte sticks.
But the cost to reward on that is, if this were like an editing rig, then for sure, we'd probably try and put 32 gigs in here.
But we think 16 of fast memories.
Plenty for gaming storage.
This is where you can quickly fill up your chassis when it comes to I t X builds, you're dealing with Saito drives and Seita cables and extra I t X Power State of Power cables.
Then it can easily start to get cluttered.
That's why we chose to just go with the Intel s SD six.
This is a two terabyte N v m e m dot to SST.
No, it's not PC Jen for that where we'd be on a name be billed to utilize all of that speed, but it's a single m 0.2 that's gonna allow us to not have to have any extra cables for our storage.
And given the fact that this is a gaming PC, we think that two terabytes of fast or just more than enough if you need more use an external and then for graphics.
Even J sent over one of the R T X 2080 super hybrid cards.
This is based off of the, uh, reference PCB, but it is water cold will allow us to maintain better clocks.
And even though it's going to get a little bit on the warmer side, being in this chassis it's still better than choking off an air cooled card even more so.
That's our goal.
Here is both of these.
A Iot is fitting in this chassis, and we're in trying Make it pretty here with some cable mod RG bees that are or a sink compatible.
The irony because we're using an A C s motherboard, but they'll work with Mystic Light, all that sort of stuff, too.
So what you guys say we start building it.
Are there any answers?
I'll wait.
That's better.
All right.
So the first thing I tend to do when I'm building a small form factor stuff we know we're gonna be able to put the CPU and the motherboard, and in this case, CME dot to also in the motherboard.
We need the plan a little bit here.
So we've got to tear down our chassis.
The shift, this pretty dope.
Actually, I feel like this chassis is where now I know.
Their got their inspiration for the They're they're one.
Of course.
They're one Chessie.
Very, very similar.
And this came out first, but I grass, You know how many did it to support any claims there that was still screwed in those air tight, man, It's like a car panels when you first take him off, how?
They're super like it's like they're gonna break.
Okay, so because we are using another SFX power supply, it's gonna relocate it.
So we use this guy amounts right there.
Looks like it's gonna be like it's a little door that flips up and down to cover wires and stuff to make it look better.
Okay, so now that that is prepared, I'm I want to use different fans in this.
The only fan this comes with a single 140 millimeter exhaust.
But because I'm gonna be putting a fan down here in the bottom and a Iot here, another a Iot here bringing air in.
I'm debating, also making this an intake and then just having all positive pressure in here.
It's gonna be working for its intake.
I can tell you that like, would be knee is And I bet you they already exist.
There was a website that made custom panels for the evolved that had, like, extra milling in them and then had a grill behind it.
I bet you they make them for this, which, if they do in you're watching like you did last time.
Email me.
Let's get this 1 40 off of here.
I feel like we need to get that 1 40 replaced with the higher static pressure.
Higher rpm fan.
Phil and I kind of agree that in a built like this, it's okay for it to not be silent.
It's not gonna be silent.
It probably shouldn't be silent.
You should be having functionality and cooling person.
Foremost J functionality was important.
You wouldn't be going with the chassis like this to begin with.
Well, we like it.
So this is actually my first time personally unboxing one of these.
My friend had a bill using a dedicated his wife on box it.
Here's your decor.
Hey, go thing like you climactic now.
Normally, this is when I would say, You should always do a test boot of your stuff.
Um, we're not doing that today.
You just gotta trust that it all works.
But you really should set it all up, like on the box plugging the power supply and Cebu and all that stuff just to make sure it works.
We don't go through all that effort just to have it go.
Aw, mobile photo sounds very Star Wars E Join the Republic.
We have doughnuts on Saturday.
Now, some people might look at this angle, but that's not in the newest SST is a gimmick like we're gonna scoff at two terabytes of m dot to envy.
Emmy NAND, huh?
That's right, A Zeus.
You like to make me have to put on the little screws going mount my motherboard.
It's more.
But this cheese like that, it's gonna look good.
Man, I I'm finding myself.
Although I'm about to do another a new personal rage for me and bring stumper, expect to the studio permanently.
I find myself just so intrigued.
I t x build.
They always look so good.
I love how there's like there's no dead space.
Although dead space is good for cooling.
It's just there's nothing here that, like everywhere you look, it's a components and it's a brick of computer parts and it's more powerful than yours.
Motherboard is installed.
Go and do kill porn now because I forget later.
No, I don't really savor that.
Did little good is oh, dude new die knowing so cute I want to squeeze it We have to try and do as much routing up front as we can cause like once these parts start going in there, man, it's not gonna be any opportunity to do it again.
So this this little guy, it's done.
I can't even imagine the design like revisions that go into a 90 X case.
Like how many times it's been changed, been revised, even that just that little past due right there to get my screwdriver in there, Right?
Someone on cad somewhere probably didn't have that until they went to do like their first Pittman testing.
And they're like, Oh, I need a screwdriver in there and they're like, Well, we have the whole there, you know?
I mean, now is the hard part, right?
Can I fit both a iose?
That's That's the thing that I'm most concerned about.
Like I said, I've seen it done a bunch of times.
So no really reason why I couldn't wait.
Yeah, I do.
It's me the reason why the fan has to go in the bottom.
It's because the height of fan and radiator in the top won't leave us enough room for the fan and red right here.
So I don't wanna mess up our thermal paste, so I'm gonna put some tape around that.
Hold it on.
So the idea here I looked around.
It's fan here, read like this.
The course there won't be straight up and down, but whatever.
That's just that's just Oh, see the thing that has to be gotten over there.
So we have someplace we could leave it there, fan cable there.
We're gonna do now before I actually mount the cooler because I still have to mount the Ram and all that sort of stuff.
I don't want any of this in the way.
Let's go into our groups card.
See how much room we have there?
No, Like I said, this is the DVD a 2080 super hybrid.
It's based off a reference PCB so not the prettiest card, in my opinion.
But that's okay, because in this chassis amounts backwards like that.
So what you're gonna end up seeing is the back plate.
The only thing that kind of sucks about this is we have won a Iot with braided Perigord braided tubes and one, This is rubber.
This is almost like, Dude, how much time have I spent planning this build?
I'm starting to think all this planning time was actually well spent.
I feel prepared for this build.
Well, so do you want to get because that way, E.
I don't want to say anything right now because it's going to be good.
I'm concerned.
I feel like that's the most tasty sex thing, though, is that we're worried when it's going right.
We're never works when something's going wrong, because that's part now, where it gets closest, and this is true for every card is look at the gap for the power plugs right there in the fan, so I might even have to dismount that card to get it in there.
In fact, a lot of people have said you have to run a slim fan to get it to fit, But I've already seen, like, I can push the cart out a little bit like that.
Then the cables real good.
In fact, I should just mount this cables now because I'm having to use a pigtail really concerned.
Look away.
Look away.
Dude, That's how tight it's in there.
That's not going nowhere, right?
You want to talk about like, a glove?
I was really expecting like this to be, like, an all day type of build.
I feel like this is all so well planned out.
Not just from like the research I did, but the chassis design.
Hey, Tex.
Cases that are just big for the sake of being big and huge for custom water cooling loops.
In its way, it doesn't even look like cluttered like there's a lot happening.
But look, it's not like I guess I'm ready for cooler now, huh?
All right.
This is gonna be the most triggering part.
Honestly, is the fact that this is gonna be sideways?
I guess I could.
It's all twisted, but it reaches.
It's on now.
So Rita ran it.
Try that.
Where the pretties And because it's gray, it has all the people that speak English get really mad when we say Z and aluminum his aluminum.
Yeah, that was That was very satisfying.
All right, I know I am really nerdy out over this build.
There are no I text cases on the market right now that we're getting these excited is this one?
I'm so late to this party because it's been about two years e I don't care.
Better late than never, I always say, Well, it took me just over an hour to build this, including making a video while doing it.
It's the no name I t X build featuring Evolve shift a lot of other crap.
The question is, is it going to post?
Just wanna get the bios.
It's all I care about.
We've got a motherboard light.
Who would know?
Rgb strip lighting.
But that's okay.
That's a start I can't even see The cure could read something.
This isn't having what's what.
Oh, my God.
Why am I so excited about this?
There are years excited as I am about this build.
I am actually this build from the moment it was considered was for you did Brian and I've been planning this for weeks.
It was supposed to be for your birthday, but we did get the parts in time.
Which is why we went and got the other ones that were waiting for.
Yes, I'm dead.
Seriously, um, I don't know what to say to my Why don't you go ahead and give us the peel porn?
Because that's why I didn't feel these.
We got static.
We just lost video.
Guys, I'm sorry about the shaky camera.
Not done this and hope I don't even don't even say, Well, I have to get home because I have a six o'clock appointment.
Now he has to edit his own present present video.
So there you go, man.
Hopefully you appreciate it.
I can't even do this.
That's awesome.
Thank you so much.
This is amazing.
So it's been a little while now since we built this.
Phil's had time to kind of revel in the fact that this is his new baby.
He's got the operating system installed, so I wanted to just a moment here to talk to you about some of our final thoughts regarding this particular chassis.
I'm glad I made the decision.
I did to go the hybrid card on this because with all the side panels on the hybrid card in heaven will still reach about 75 76 c with the 73 degree ambient temp this 28.8 degrees Celsius.
In fact, when we took off the front panel, which remember, we have the A on the front pulling air in, we also have this fan appear pulling air in in from the bottom.
So it's all positive pressure.
You can feel all the heat airflow coming up.
What, you took the front panel off.
We saw Temps come down to about 64 seats.
We saw Lowe strikes in 62 then we'll come back up.
So it's one of those things where I'm kind of hoping that the same company I think it was mod my mods.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but they made and sent us actually custom panels for our old evolved.
That allowed us to be able to have better air flow for the intakes and that they do that for these panels as well.
I'd like I'd certainly like to buy a set because they would dramatically help with air flow The other thing we could probably tryout is Fantex is going to send us the replacement side panels that are made out of fabric, like the speaker girl fabric Thio put on the sides, which would also help us have just a lot of more natural dissipation of the heat.
The problem is that the radio can't get the air through the front, which is the metal cover.
Putting open sides on here wouldn't make that much of a difference.
We took the glass off.
Nothing will really change in terms of temperatures because the supply of air is coming from the side that's more choked up.
I think some cooling minds are probably bound to happen in terms of the chassis ease of build.
It was not difficult.
Everything fit in, UH, no modification was needed to make duel a Iot spit.
In fact, the tolerances were so tight you could tell where they made adjustments to make sure that they would fit.
I feel like there's some areas that could have added 1/4 inch here eighth of an inch there and made ah lot easier of a build process specifically with where the graphics card power plugs go, since they have two point right at the power supply.
And you saw that are right at the you have a Iot, which is where the gravis cardio is, how they were interfering with the fan.
So I feel like if they added even just 1/4 inch right there, or let's just say five millimeters are, think quarter inches about six millimeters.
Then you would get a lot more easily fit mint there, which would make a lot of newer and less experienced builders not feel like they're gonna break something by trying to make it.
Seaview Temps on here seem to be doing just fine, but that's because it's getting a cool supply of air right from the bottom, which is a new restricted.
As you can see, it's just got this vent down here grill so it gets a nice, cool supply of air.
It's the GPU that's getting a little bit on the warmer side, so it's kind of wanted to be the ice and final thoughts regarding the building.
The hitman on this and at the end of the day it is what it is.
You sacrifice some thermals for the steak of the sake of aesthetics.
And if that's the trade off you're willing to make, then that's what you do.
Phil and I have talked about this already.
The aesthetics of this are perfect for his setup.
He's already gotten kind of arranged and ready to go so we could take it home.
And he knows that there are some formal sacrifices that are made.
When you make design choices like this, they're purely based on aesthetics.
So you guys tell me what you think of this build aesthetically.
And, uh, if you build this before, where your experiences, what parts you're using, a ward of the temps and stuff like we feel like there should be a fan of top.
Honestly, we feel that's all that's missing.
Is assistant fan on the top to pull out?
Even though it clicks open like this?
You could have still mounted there, and then the fan would close with it.
So that's one of the things I would change.
Fan up top quarter inch five millimeters here and there in different parts of the case would have made a huge difference.
But you guys are the consumers, so you sound off in the comments below.
And how you feel about this chest.
Thanks for watching.
We'll see you in the next one.
And Phyllis already installing world warships.
This is actually what's inside the Yoki.
The jokey thing.
Other thing, too, is that we are going to be using.
I gotta start all the parts ration.
So cool.
Voice cracking.
All this is so cool.
So the guy from Monsters, Inc.
Oh, no.
We're gonna be in trouble.
Uh, good luck out there.
Shut up.