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  • So if you guys didn't see our last video, well, we did a video.

  • I don't know when it went live timelines.

  • Whatever we did, a video about the Corsair won.

  • I won 60.

  • The 9900 k small form factor that's water cooled with a 20 t I.

  • That's also water cooled and all crammed into this CD Beady little package.

  • And I said in that video, we weren't gonna do a tear down or anything.

  • I talked about maybe mentioning.

  • I talked about maybe changing the fan on the top because I thought temps could improve even though they were good.

  • And a lot of you guys were like Lisi Juhi did.

  • Nobody didn't tear it down.

  • You should tear down even though I said we looked at what the inside looked like at sea.

  • Yes, hears we're gonna do today.

  • I'll go ahead and tear it down.

  • I'm gonna show you how to upgrade things like the Ram, the hard drive, which I mentioned.

  • I'll probably change within SSD, and we're gonna change out the fan on top to see whether or not changing that out to something a little higher rpm and more static pressure will improve temperatures in this, and we're going over clock it things I usually wouldn't recommend on a small form factor PC.

  • If she breaks, she breaks.

  • Even J offers a full range of components, including video cards, motherboards, power supplies, cases and peripherals, regardless of your needs.

  • E v g a sure to have you covered to see what even Jay can do for your next build head to E v g a dot com So the phantom would be using on here is one of our 1 40 millimeter maglev fans from Corsair.

  • It's kind of beat up on the edges.

  • It was ones we painted for Skunk Works and ended up not using.

  • If you haven't seen our review video of what the performance and temperatures and stuff was like at stock without touching anything in this, then please go and watch that video first.

  • But if you have already seen that, or you just like to watch things out of order, then by all means continue watching.

  • So to open it up.

  • Basically, everything comes apart from the top.

  • So is this button back here in the back?

  • This one was not very easy to get off it first.

  • So you push this button to make the top come off, and it's one of those things where I had to push really hard on this, but harder than I thought I needed to.

  • But then the more I took it on and off, the easier it got.

  • So just give that but nice firm push and you see that popped up a little bit.

  • And then a little bit of a snap in the front that there we go.

  • So it is attached right here.

  • It's a little bit of a gap.

  • There is the cable, and it came right off just like that.

  • Now the fan that's in here, we're pretty sure is actually a maglev fan.

  • This one is a 2000 rpm fans.

  • Obviously, we're going for him or so performance out of the acoustics.

  • This one was very, very silent at 1500 rpm.

  • So this one allowing us to go a little bit higher should give us a little bit better performance.

  • But both are P W M.

  • Now you can use any family want in here like I'm probably gonna try a few different fans as we as I kind of play around with this system moving forward, I've got some Vardar one forties as the Furious Vardar is like.

  • There's even a 3000 rpm not to offend, just for laws we might try out.

  • So, um yeah, so we'll be taking that off.

  • But in terms of opening up the sides, there are some things that you can change in this system to make it.

  • Uh ah, future proof up, upgrade ability, Whatever.

  • Now, in terms of opening up the sides of these four screws right here, so two per side and then the sides basically just open up, basically like butterfly wings or something, I don't know.

  • So when we open it up, you're gonna see both of the independent loops that air in there, This side right here being for the GPU in this side right here, being for the CPU, you can also see if you look the GP radiators a little larger than the CPU red.

  • So this is the GP right here, though this is Ah, basically, I want to say it's an NVIDIA reference card, but I'm not so positive anymore because this Iot shield is not an NVIDIA io shield.

  • It could be a reference PCB, which I'm pretty convinced it is.

  • But it's not an actual in video card because the Io Shield is much different.

  • But if you take a look at the way the cooler is on the jeep, you we've got this fan that pushes down through a heat sink that's touching the V R.

  • EMS.

  • We've got our H 100 I style or even H 1 50 pro style pump on here.

  • Non RGB actually looks like it might be RGB, but they have the lighting turned off that's running to the radiator right here.

  • This makes me feel like I could potentially put like a Titan Artie X in here or something.

  • But I'm concerned that the SFX um 600 watt power supply from course there might not be up to the task.

  • I'm also thinking about doing a mod to this case that Phil that would be neat about stripping all the analyzing off and polishing all of the metal parts of making it just a big, shiny like, almost like a monolithic but polished, monolithic deal.

  • But anyway, so the graphics card is separate from the CPU because it has the chamber divide.

  • Plus, it's just got a PC riser card, which is connecting it and all the wires air just running along the side right there.

  • So nothing special on this side.

  • I'm gonna go ahead and put this side back together before I screwed up.

  • If we go ahead and look at the inside of our system now, you can see everything that is just crammed in here.

  • So we have got right here is where our hard drive is.

  • This is the two terabyte hard drive that I was mentioning that I would probably change out to an SST.

  • I'm considering taking this out and just putting in a one terabyte, maybe a two terabyte.

  • That man's about it was about $300 upgrade to go the two terabyte SSC.

  • For now, I think the hard drive would probably be fine, but it's basically just a notebook drive.

  • If you want to upgrade this, your first inclination or thought might be under those screws.

  • Don't do that.

  • There's two screws on the side right here that you'd undo.

  • And when you do that, then that slide that is a whole tray and then you can change out the drive create easily now.

  • It's not gonna be a lot of room on that, as you can see, so make sure once it comes out, rotate it and then you can get to the state of cable and the power cable.

  • So this is the Corsair power supply.

  • It's a 600 watt, and as you can see, it's a very standard side.

  • It's not the extended SFX, basically just regular module cables that air twisted and tied up off to the side.

  • You got a USB three right here, so this power supply could be switched out to something like, say, my B J 6 50 gm if I wanted.

  • So this is a higher wattage, higher everything power supply.

  • And it basically retains that same form factor so I could upgrade that the cables.

  • Unfortunately, they don't use the same.

  • Um oh, I am So the cables.

  • I would have to change out all the cables in this and trust me when I say they are routed and tied down in a very specific manner that would make this white the job.

  • So the motherboards, Nothing proprietary, either.

  • This is a Z 3 70 93 90 we talked about in our review, they kind of cheap out on the motherboard.

  • Didn't go the full chipset feature that you would want with 9900 Kate Ninth Jen ai nine seep you, but I'm not sure why they made that decision.

  • But if you want to change this out, you could again.

  • It's fully serviceable.

  • Nothing proprietary.

  • Nothing custom at all.

  • In fact, I even took the box from are already strict Z 3 90 i gaming, which, in my opinion, this is the motherboard they should have used in this.

  • The concern, though, is the I t X layout is very complicated where things go, and not all manufacturers tend to use the same logic in that.

  • But you have to make sure the chest like this if you wanna upgrade it, is where's the USB three point?

  • Oh, gonna?

  • Land where the power plugs gonna land?

  • Because the routing in this task is very specific.

  • This was the better board.

  • This is the one Corsair should have used.

  • Um can't imagine there being enough of a cost difference at $3600 for this thing.

  • For this not to have made sense, they're still profit in there.

  • So a little bit of a tangent there.

  • But I digress at all.

  • I guess they have their reasons.

  • Maybe they'll make a revision change in the future.

  • In terms of Ram, this is Corsair.

  • DDR 4 26 66 LP exits, low profile memory.

  • You do have enough height, technically to go with higher profile Ram.

  • If you wanted to like something RGB or whatever, it won't hardly show anyway.

  • But I think the reason why they did this is once you fold these tubes down, they sort of occupy that space on top of the ramp.

  • So I think if you go tall Ram, then there won't be clearance for the tubes, which is probably why they did that.

  • So I'm gonna go ahead and do this.

  • I'm gonna switch out this fan with the maglev fan.

  • We're over clock this a bit and see how much oven improvement we get.

  • So if you can't figure out upgrade the fan, then you probably shouldn't be upgrading anything in this system.

  • It's literally these four screws.

  • Make sure the orientation is, you know, pulling air out the top.

  • So in terms of acoustics with the new fan.

  • Jin.

  • You hear it?

  • It's good.

  • I mean, it's not know this fingerprints all over it.

  • It's not the quietest system in the world.

  • It's quieter than Skunk works.

  • It's quiet them of the gold build I built because it's just one fan, All right, so the fans set to default now, so it's going to use the same logic and curve, which is just a percentage.

  • So now, because of let's say, 60% of 2000 is clearly higher than 60% of 1500 overall, we're moving more air through this with the exact same fan curve.

  • All right, so we've been running now for probably 20 minutes or so.

  • We're pretty much dancing back and forth right now between 56 57.

  • That's where it's staying.

  • You see, our course speed is at 17.

  • 55 17 40 bouncing back and forth.

  • We look at the software, we're only at 1500 rpm.

  • So now what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna go ahead and see what the temperatures do.

  • If we put the fan curve at 100% and run the same test, I want to see how much farther down, those temperatures will come, Which what kind of show us how far we can go in the over clock.

  • Okay, so the fan of 100% which is only about 500 more rpm.

  • All the factory clocks were dancing between 50 and 51 earlier.

  • When we did this, we saw 49.

  • But the ambient temp in the room has come up two or three degrees Fahrenheit, so that makes sense for the difference there.

  • So we're seeing about a 6 to 7 seed drop.

  • That's why I want to put a 3000 rpm fan in here one day.

  • Maybe we'll get it down into the forties now with a custom loop.

  • Yeah, this would be down into the more mid forties.

  • No problem.

  • Because we're going to do We're going to now over clock this and see how far we can actually get out of it.

  • So what about another 20 minutes worth of looping here in our over clock that we realize this is wrong?

  • We'll show you a nemesis.

  • I afterburner once we're done.

  • This is this your showing?

  • Lower clock that it's actually at.

  • We pushed the memory over 1000 megahertz over clock and we're gonna be running around 2050 maybe 2100 on the actual core max temp at 53 c with the fan of 100%.

  • So we've obviously traded some acoustics because it's not completely silent.

  • But with the hum of the air conditioner running in here, it kind of blends into the sound floor of the actual room environment.

  • So it's really not intrusive, and our clock speed did actually stick right around 1985.

  • It started at 2145.

  • Came down from there.

  • That's obviously because of the temperatures were sitting just under 2000 megahertz in this small form factor.

  • That's what makes this absolutely insane is that you can get this level of over clock and these temperatures in this form factors.

  • So we've been spending a while now trying to over clock the CPU, and it's interesting, like no matter what we set the bios to on our turbo clock, like we have a set to five gigahertz right now or 4.8.

  • I mean, you could see it for a second.

  • That drops down to 45 on all cores.

  • We've changed the turbo mode.

  • We changed the logic.

  • We changed.

  • We put it to a fixed ratio, which it boots at 4.8.

  • We played with the A V X instruction offsets all that sort of stuff, and we can't get it to stay at where we're telling it.

  • We've even increased the theoretical power limit capability to 1000 watt, so it won't power draw limit.

  • Unfortunately, this is, in my opinion, having dealt with them aside motherboards M s, I has these second worst bios in the industry as far as I'm concerned.

  • Second on Lee two gigabyte being the worst.

  • So I hate emphasized bios is why I think I'm gonna probably end up changing out this motherboard quite honestly.

  • Like the basis, because it's better in every way, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Okay, So line load calibrations now set to Mode three, which is adding a slight amount of voltage bumps we saw appear that V I d is drooping slightly, um beak or 1.248 So I mean, 1.254 point eight should be no problem whatsoever.

  • So see what the cores do, and right back down to 4.5 instantly, so I have no idea why it's doing that.

  • If, you know, put in the comments below Oscar around with it.

  • But again, this is why I absolutely, positively hate emphasized bios.

  • Now, if we go over to Cinna bench, Cinna bench will just roast those seat fuse.

  • So if we run that you can see the clock stay at 4.8 4.81 and our attempts are sitting in the sixties and our hardest core hitting 72.

  • So obviously we have a lot of over clocking headroom it.

  • Remember our score previous to this was in the other video was a 1950 I think.

  • And I just got us a 2000 and 70.

  • And that's simply because they locked in our previous test with all the factory bios settings.

  • It was fluctuating the cores as it should.

  • All right, so we're locked at five gigahertz.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • 2165 1 So what do we have?

  • Uh, man, we're gonna call five gigahertz the feasible over clock on this, at least on this particular silicon, this could be a silicon dead too.

  • You just lost.

  • Lost the lottery.

  • Okay, So some of you guys had asked the review about upgrade ability and why didn't to tear down and stuff.

  • So, yeah, there we go.

  • I want headed toward down.

  • Replaced the fans like it.

  • So we got that 50 white led going on in there, which we didn't have before.

  • You guys don't sound off.

  • What did you think I should do on this chest?

  • Should be pretty simple.

  • You just tear it all down, take the skins off the side, which you just screwed on there.

  • And then you could strip the energizing pretty easily with the chemical bath or paint it pretty pretty easily as well.

  • So you guys tell me what you think I should do.

  • Ultimately, I'm gonna make the choice myself.

  • OK, this is my computer to look at, but that's what makes these little things fun.

  • These old projects, because you can just kind of go balls to the wall with them, and, uh, today it's whatever makes you happy.

  • Speaking of what makes you happy, if you click like like, you'd be way happier too.

  • No way you can.

  • Just like that was like away on correctable error.

So if you guys didn't see our last video, well, we did a video.

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海盜一號的超頻與拆解。 (Overclocking and Tear Down of the Corsair One)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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