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Thank you for being here.
That that just can't get old.
That kind of love, that adulation.
People were so excited to see you.
I think I didn't say that.
So you doom or great?
Uh, great.
I mean, people go first of all, that your beloved, the Indiana Jones movies.
Uh, you could name this movie anything.
It's Indiana Jones and the crystal skull.
Crystal skull.
It doesn't matter.
It could be Indiana Jones in the river of soup.
People will go see this movie.
Yeah, they will see this movie.
Well, I'm glad they will.
And I'm very grateful for that support.
I think we got a good movie.
Yeah, I'm very happy with.
Are you?
You're here.
It must be happy this thing is over.
I saw the movie.
You're doing a lot of stunts.
A lot of work went into this.
You must be thrilled.
It's done.
Uh, well, you know, it's, uh it ain't over till it's over.
And I'm I'm glad to be here.
This is the last part of the job, you know, to bring people's attention to the movie, and we're opening it tonight here and in New York.
And then tomorrow night, I guess.
Is it tomorrow everywhere else you're asking me?
No, no, we changed that.
It's three weeks from now in Cincinnati.
It's gonna I'll be back.
No, no, Please stay.
Oh, uh, Okay, uh, let's talk about the stunts, the stunts.
You you do stones stunt guys do stunts.
I've been saying this over, don't you?
Listen, You always get every time you're on you get mad at me within seconds.
Matter you.
Before I even got out, I went backstage to say hi, and he punched me in the hit me and I went flying.
I do.
I do as much as I can because I want people to see my face they want.
I want them to be consistent with the character.
Not consistent with the back of a stunt man's head.
So that's the reason I wouldn't care if I were in your position.
I would have them tie a Conan mask to their face.
I would be in my trailer drinking heavily.
I would not.
I want to be involved in any kind of danger.
No, it's not dangerous.
It's just work.
Hard work, big question for you.
I had the privilege about a year ago of getting to go and visit Lucas film.
See, a lot of his.
George Lucas is memorabilia from the different movies he's made.
And I thought to myself today, Harrison Ford must have some cool, you know, memorabilia from the Indiana Jones movies.
You must have kept something.
Have you kept?
You kept?
You kept a bull whip, haven't you?
You've kept a hat, something.
It's worth a $1,000,000,000 right now.
No, I don't think I don't wantto like crapper on my house.
Uh, you don't want that crap around your house.
No, I don't.
I don't need all that.
A very rich man, Theo.
All right.
Well, you might not want it.
There are people that would want it.
We have a guy on our staff named Jordan Slansky.
He's an associate producer.
This guy has built a religion around the Indiana Jones movies.
Hey, knows everything about them, if you don't mind.
We thought it be interesting if he tested you on your Indiana Jones trivia.
Right now.
Let's get let's get Jordan Slansky in here right now.
There's Jordan Slansky.
He's a nice looking man Yes.
Uh, this isn't going the way I thought it would.
Uh, thank.
Jordan has a question.
He's gonna try and stump you, Jordan, once you let her rip.
Well, the bullet in the original film belonged to the stunt coordinator was made by David Morgan in Washington State.
It was eight feet in length and was made of calfskin with a 12 plate overlay.
Subsequently, kangaroo hi versions were using the following two Sequels.
They were most often 10 feet and had red hide falls at the end.
What was the color of the original whips fall?
Who gives it Jordan?
And I think you have your answer.
I think you know what this means.
Yes, I do.
A little break more, Harrison for just a moment.