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um, so this is gonna be a different kind of video today.
It's like the old days before that guy works for board.
That guy for that guy worked for me, all right?
Phil's got work to do on a different edit.
So we're doing things.
So we're gonna do things old style here, using my old Sony Handy cam where I am going to be doing some of them in 1928 stuff.
You guys, I got new merch.
It's available now.
Probably dot com slash tasty sense.
Guys slip up hoodies.
We got tri blend.
We got a new logo.
I digress.
Since 2012 it's a rest.
A little.
He has been asking for that anyway.
What kinds of stuff?
Putties, Beanies, polos.
Don't take my word for it is.
Obviously I can't do this ad.
So just looking description below and you got to find a link.
So, as you can see right here, we've got the in 1928 I'm sorry about the audio.
Is gonna sound kind of crappy, but this is literally how I used to get back in the day.
So we've got the in 1928 completely disassembled.
We've got the motherboard trade back here, fans and stuff out because we're gonna be painting all these parts where Howie said the finish on here is terrible.
How That's just fingernail right there.
How the finish is so rough that just handling it looks like that's Skins E.
That's just gross.
And when you make amazing stuff, please fire whoever's doing all the coding for your stuff.
I guess we're going to be putting the CPU block and the CPU in the motherboard.
I was thinking about kind of marking where some of the past, your fittings, they're gonna go.
I'm gonna be passing fittings through the motherboard trade like I did with Skunk Works.
The problem is, I'm not entirely ready to do that yet, so I'm gonna probably have to do it after the fact.
Which means I could take a chance of chipping and nicking the paint and then having to touch it up.
But that's just a chance.
I think we're gonna have to take the reason why I'm not doing it today when I don't have my step.
It fitting with me.
Actually, yes, I do.
But to.
I don't have the past through bulkheads.
At least not all the ones that I need until it's all reassembled.
I'm not sure exactly where everything's gonna have to go, so that's what we're gonna do today.
But I could take the motherboard out because I could put the CPU and stuff in there without it inside the case.
But I do think that we're gonna have atleast two tubes coming through the top right here and into the CPU block.
I kind of want it all to be separate, I think, but drilling anything before I know where I want the loop to be is just a bad idea.
I'm telling you right now, one of the best things you can do if you have a build like this, has a lot of parts you need to set aside that you're so big Tupperware tubs like this so that you could set your parts in there, go looking for them because you lost them.
You're on.
I've done this very thing any kind of sudden but losing them.
But I've lost so many small parts, especially screws and stuff, which is also why I have these magnetic tins when I'm working on things so that I don't lose the screws and make sure they're all nice and flat next they don't fall out.
So these are all the screws from the tear down.
Last thing I wanna do is be losing these.
So those are also going in there the motherboard out and prep this because we are gonna be painting it.
Um, painting.
I said a 1,000,000 times is the simplest way to mod.
It's one of the cheapest things you could do for Ma Ding.
We painted those tubes in that last build, and I said before that I don't like the idea of painting tubes and stuff.
It turned out so good.
Clearly, I was wrong about that.
The other thing I did in preparation for this is I cut out all of the fan filters because these are on the exhaust under the air's coming up through this so I don't want to block off the air flow for air, to come out of the radiators and through the top.
So I did that for both.
Actually, that's that would have pictures.
This one had filters.
So I did that for both of us.
Actual tops of the radios go.
You can see here is no perfect prime example of why I'm doing this pain.
You see just how gross that's gets.
In fact, if you go and look at in one's own website like their own video about the in 1928 there's grease all over it.
There's fingerprints.
There's fingernails, scratches because, literally, I'm never gonna stop harping on this until they decide toe upgrade their energizing quality.
It is the worst on the market, some of the best design cases in terms of aesthetics and just being different.
But the worst finish when it comes to the actual aluminum parts, not the out the outsides.
The brushed aluminum part.
But the crow are the core, the main parts of the bill.
You can also see here on the motherboard.
Trey, how I've got multiple pieces still attached.
That's because I don't want to necessarily take some of these pieces apart, get paint buildup, and then where they won't go back together nearly as tight or it flushes.
They fit now.
So because this piece, the bottom piece and all that are gonna be saying together we're gonna get a nice even coat all of it, and I can't get to stand up.
It is gonna cover up like the pain is gonna cover up some of the screws and stuff.
But I don't plan on taking this apart like this particular piece, so I'm okay with that.
So to prep it, we're just going through a kind of scotch writing.
I'll take it out of package.
We're just going through a scotch writing all of the surface to get off Needed like fingernail.
Duncan slipped.
I might actually be on there and just give a better promotion Cartesian when it comes to the team that's gonna be going on here.
But once you do that, you have to wipe it down because there's going to be able to pick it up on camera.
There are little fibers and stuff.
Starts eating my fingers were there, left behind.
And for that, we're gonna be using that high pressure PC blower thing that I've had for a while.
And if we need to wipe it down, I've got these painting white flops that are designed to sort of pick up all of that debris and loosen up the circus.
You know, I don't feel anything there.
So that's what we have to do now, too.
All these parts.
Okay, so all the parts are prepped.
They've been scotch righted.
They've been wiped down and de grease and all that sort of steps that they're ready for pain.
I love these gloves.
These are the venom steel, rip resistant gloves I use them working on.
Computers were like finger oils and stuff like that.
If you're gonna be painting or working with tubes and all that sort of stuff, you don't want to get finger grease everywhere.
Use these.
There's no talcum powder, anything.
They are amazing.
And since I'm gonna be painting, I wanna get all over my hands and stuff I'm using.
He's obviously for that very reason, but you can kind of see by looking at the finish.
It looks a lot more.
Um, Matt.
Now I guess the best way to put it.
But it's extremely smooth to the touch.
Now, if I rub my finger nail on it, it's still transfers, but not nearly as bad as it used to.
But it's still rough enough towards gonna give us a good promotion.
A promotion of adhesion adhesion promotion.
Yeah, that's it.
So I've kind of got some stuff on Amazon to that I'm going to use for, um, making a painting wreck, because the last thing I want to do is be painting this stuff and then putting it down, like flat on the table or whatever, because then anything that paint touches obviously, um, is gonna stick to the table or cardboard box or whatever, and because I want this paint job to be as good as possible.
Um, it means that we need to make sure that we are doing it right.
So I bought a couple of cheap, like $17 rolling clothes racks like you would hang like shirts and jackets and stuff on from Amazon.
I went toe lows, and I bought some of this.
This is just solid.
14 gauge wire is about 15 bucks for the role.
It's 50 feet worth, and it can use this wire to hang it.
Yeah, there's cheaper wire you could find, but I didn't have anywhere nearby where I could go on get, like, just single strands of wire that were thinner than this.
But this will fit through the screw holes so I can hang this from the rack.
Someone go and put that together And you guys want to know links that stuff, I'll put it down below.
If you guys wanna do something similar for your own painting setups and then we're gonna be painting outside like we've been painting everything else.
So we basically just created like, these are hooks and things.
Sending an automotive shop, painting pieces.
I guess you could get to it from all angles.
And you want to spray vertical rather horizontal spraying down doesn't work as well.
You can get big drops that come out of the can.
This is the color that I'm going with right here.
This is the trial on fusion.
All in one painting primer.
I was gonna consider using the engine enamel that I used before, Although this is more of a gunmetal color than the black.
And it turned out well, just not exactly like I liked.
All right, so here's the way that they look with about three coats of paint on their very metallic finish.
It's still got a lot of over spray on it.
A lot of dust that has to be taken off.
You can kind of hear the texture there on how rough it is, but I've already started wiping down here off.
But as you can see, the way it let's say it's much, Yeah, I'm making that noise now because I've already sort of started smoothing it out.
Okay, So slight change of plans.
I've decided to go ahead and scotch bright all of the parts because there was just too much of that metallic flake sitting on the surface.
It's not like paint particles that you can sort of buff off these air far too heavy and far too thick to do that.
So I went ahead and use Scotch bright and made it nice and smooth, Which means that now we're gonna have to prep this for clear coat.
I wasn't planning on doing a clear coat, but now I'm gonna have to, because clear is how you're gonna make the scratches and stuff like if you look in there, you can kind of see others marks and stuff the scotch, but also evens out the paint.
You've got high spots, and what this will do is it will allow you to more easily, uh, make the paint.
Even which is what is gonna make the paint look terrible if you got high spots.
Low spots, high spots tend to be shiny er, because their sticker pain So it's more like wet looking.
Um, so yeah, All right.
So it's actually the next day, and the reason for that is a couple of things have happened in between turning off the camera last.
I told you guys I was gonna have to do the clear coat on there because of just keeping it nice.
And even it's turned into a much bigger project than I think I ever wanted it to.
Not to mention one of the wrecks did fall over when I have a little parts on it.
Because I wasn't thinking I didn't put a sandbag on it in the afternoon winds picked up her to crash.
Fortunately, the scuffs and chips and stuff on there, for the most part are masked by the metallics.
But there is some damage to some of the pieces you can kind of sort of see, There, you see some damage along the edges right there.
You can see some right there on that edge.
So I'm not too happy about that.
But that's just what happens when you start rushing things.
And, of course, that is a lesson, a lesson to be learned for everyone.
So please guys were, uh, paying attention in class right there we're gonna do today.
This is obviously like I said the next day, this paint needed time to dry and cure.
I've got about three coats of clear on it, um, gloss clear, which means now I have taken on the responsibility of having to wet sand and smooth that out.
Otherwise, it just looks like an orange peel mess.
Fortunately, Phil will be able to help today with the filming, so at least you guys will be able to see some of that process.
All right, so what I gotta do now is I've gotta basically wet sand all this stuff, and I've got some standing blocks for that.
I've got 1,502,000 Griff.
Now, here's the thing.
I'm not using automotive grade paint thistles.
Never gonna be as good as a car.
The orange peel is always going to be there To some degree.
Here's one of the top plates I did right now.
In between takes.
This is freaking smooth.
There's a little bit orange peel, but there's a reflection.
I can see Phil Car's air so much easier because you have big flat surfaces, even a curved surfaces, a flat surface compared to say this.
And the problem is, you take a sandy block to anywhere near these edges, you're gonna burn through the edges.
You could see this one's actually already burned through slightly, so I know what I'm gonna do.
I might to put another coat on this and start over.
I don't know, but anyway you were and you were.
So they move forward.
If halfway through, I don't like the way it's turning out, just stand it all down again and start over.
That's the cool thing about this project.
There's no timeline.
I could just take all the time in the world.
I want on it, and I'm not on anyone's scheduled but mine.
So that said, Let's start Phil off camera to part of the problem is this paint that we're using?
This is super thick automotive paint.
That's why I'm going 1,502,000 grades in 2,505,000 like you went on a car.
Metallics in here also super big versus what you find in a car.
So that's why it's always gonna have, like, that slight, bumpy ridge, because the metallics in this are huge, Which is why I'm not 100% certain that I like the way this is turning out.
So I'm gonna just do a few pieces.
If I don't like the way it's turning out, then I'm just gonna sanded down, start over.
It's the motherboard trade that matters most.
The thing I have to remember here, most of this medal is not visible.
Once the loop is in and the radiators air in and all the fittings and the motherboard is covering that trey and the reservoir on the pump, you're not gonna see a whole lot of this great.
This part I'm standing is on the back.
This party's invisible.
I also know that I'm doing long streaks like this.
Like people would get mad at anyone that does proper wet sanding.
You want crosshatch show You go on one direction, you go over 90 or 1 80 the other direction or 90 the other direction.
But this is not a car So it's a computer.
Keeps you forgot you wouldn't download a computer.
But you can still see all the metallics and metallics cause, like those little ridges.
It's like dirt.
So here's what you can get Good idea the size of the partners right here.
Look, these are just all the metallics and listen, my fingers, it's referencing the sandy block.
Feel the block.
Okay, I feel that.
Oh, yeah, that's like That's like 120 grid.
Theo, Phil and I can't unsee the emoji in there.
Now It's like the power cord all over it.
Don't focus, my God!
So I decided to do the large piece right now because if I can't get this look like I want, there's no point in continuing with the other pieces, starting with 600 cause it's really thick and built upon here like there's actually friction.
Well, it's any good, but what I mean, it's not gliding.
I don't need to be too crazy with it, because the motherboards gonna block most this.
It's here that's most important in here.
That you can see ain't perfect, but it's mine.
Not bad for a royal can job.
The CIA reflective it is outside.
Oh, it's really not bad.
It's just rattle can job.
And I was like, it looks much better outside because we're getting even light.
Whereas in there were shining light directed at it.
So if you could make it look good with the light shining at it, you get out here with even life.
So this is roughly how the inside is going to end up looking.
You're not gonna see your face in it.
It's a little It's a little rough right there.
I need to fix it there.
But yeah, man, this is No, I actually think Polish was the right move.
Well, it's not perfect, but I've got over seven hours worth of wet sending and polishing here.
It's good enough for me anyway.
So now I'm gonna take all these parts and do the true challenge.
Can I put it back together without scratching it?
All right, So I'm showing you guys what it looks like before I actually show Phil.
I think it turned out pretty damn good and with some of the accents, and they're already like the water blocking the Ram.
I think you kind of see my theme coming together here.
So as you can see, that back panel looks so good seeing me with the bottom down there.
But obviously I'm going with a very blinged out theme and that let's just phenomenal.
I'm so happy with the way this turned out.
But Phil hasn't seen it yet because he's actually been busy editing this video while we're making it, Which is something we've never done before.
I've never worked on it a while.
We're still working on it.
Is this for another video?
States be right.
No answer.
I feel is a kind of guy that if it sucks, we'll tell me it sucks.
I don't think he's gonna kiss ass, cause I'm his boss.
I'm intentionally looking that way.
So I don't look at it until, like, walking closer.
Don't look at it like about here.
Okay, dude.
Oh, so all Oh, So our theme here is just because of this polished champion edge on this gun metal, this brush gun metal exterior.
So I went with the polish gunmetal metallic flakes interior.
And then we're gonna be doing small black accents like with the motherboard and stuff like that in the blocks down here and then chrome everything but in terms of material that was used to get this effect.
Like I showed earlier.
This is the crime on fusion.
All the one painting primer, very heavy paint.
That's because God primer in it, as well as the metal flake plus the base coat.
That's why we couldn't get this completely orange peel free.
But honestly, the texture doesn't really show that much.
And then in terms of clear coat, I was a real pain, like I just stacked this job to be a hardest possible.
The GHT wheel paint clear is a very thick and also again very orange peel E.
But I went with a thick stuff because I had to overcome the flake on when I polished it out.
I just use the Maguires ultimate compound.
This is a cutting compound.
So also did some sanding while it was also buffing.
And then you saw is using my power buffer with a yellow pad, which is the courses to pad with most correction to get out deep scratches and stuff, which is why I was able Thio make this not look terrible.
Now this this guy right here, this SL I bridge is a serious point of contention because it's the only non shiny thing in here.
That's a that's a color spectrum or the silver stay tuned in my next video, where we've actually got a fun planned for this.
Thanks to, once again one of my very smart followers who set me a suggestion that we're going with.
So you guys want to see that makes your subscribed so that you can see our next video or two or three.
I don't know where it's going to be in the lineup, but yeah, this this is gonna turn out really, really good.
Skunk Works is now jump works.
I don't have a name for this one yet, so guys help me name it, not jump words.