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  • a guy called the pawn shop and he's got a

  • 1967 berry mini T doom buggy these things could be really hit or miss but I know how much my dad loves this stuff

  • So I'm gonna give my dad a call and let him come check it out and Bill

  • Our car expert is gonna meet us 200 60 s buggy pretty sweet not like your makeshift vehicles. This one actually works

  • Supposedly, of course, it works. There's not that many parts to break

  • yeah, I

  • Called the pawn shop because I want to sell my Barre mini t dune buggy. I've had it for two years

  • Worked on it the first year the second year. I just been driving and having fun. These things are pretty awesome the first

  • reported publication of a dune buggies 1959 once a Mexican VW chassis just by itself and took it out on the beach and

  • Then shortly thereafter. It started into the whole dune buggie craze the curve - and the fitted windshield is

  • Specifically what makes this but Barry mini t but I can tell there's been some modifications done to the dashboard there

  • These are not the original seat here. So

  • overall condition

  • She's had a few owners. Does it rocky runs great. Tranny is good. No don't grinding the gears engine is good

  • I'm willing to take a gamble. Let's take this thing for a ride you find with this drive in it. No problem. Alright, let's go

  • Alright here we go. Definitely not made for a big guy, you know

  • Please tell me you're driving faster than that. I Drive it that thing, but I don't have two fat guys, and I'm one fat

  • Comes see you think it's an arrow over this hill

  • It looks really cool out there I'll give them that

  • Whoa, whoa. Well, she drives like a model-t

  • Yeah, I need some butter

  • So was it pops

  • well

  • It's got stock suspension

  • Yeah, she needs a little bit of refining. Hey, what do you think it's worth?

  • Well the fiberglass buggy market

  • It's not a real high-end market and the condition that it's in based on what these things are selling for currently

  • On a good day

  • 2,500 bucks

  • Okay

  • Thanks, man, everybody. Thank you. Good seeing you guys. Take it easy. Hey, thanks for let me drive the car. No problem

  • All Right, see you guys

  • Okay, how much do you want for this thing? I

  • Started at 6,000 for this car and I would like care

  • Mechanically, it's a great bug underneath but on top that is

  • The world's worst bodywork I've ever seen. I mean we have the seat from a minivan in there

  • Absolutely, that's what it is

  • I'll tell you what, I'll give you a thousand bucks for it. Oh

  • Okay, I think I'll pass on $1,000. Okay, I'll give you 1,200 bucks

  • No, we're not even in the same ballpark. Okay. Well, thanks for let me drive it man

  • Good luck with it. It's definitely a project good enough

  • We're coming around on with you. Cory drives crazy through the mountains. No go with Cory. I have to make a stop somewhere else fine

  • You

a guy called the pawn shop and he's got a

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當鋪明星。賣家欲高價收購67年沙丘越野車 (第16季) | 歷史 (Pawn Stars: Seller Wants Top Dollar for '67 Dune Buggy (Season 16) | History)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary