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  • really?

  • I mean, full duck, You weren't the only one.

  • Yeah, but I'm the only one who could be held accountable.

  • The thing that really gets me.

  • Air Force's question, my loyalty.

  • I've dedicated my life to defending this country, You know, judge like this.

  • Now, Episode eight is a wallop.

  • You know, the danger that Hynek has now realized.

  • He's brought into his home.

  • I mean, a man get shot and killed in his house for Quinn.

  • He realizes that he essentially been sleeping with the enemy.

  • They are practically destroyed.

  • It, you know, at the top of 209 particularly Quinn.

  • And both are considering leaving the program entirely just cause it's just not worth it anymore.

  • But, Hein, it comes across this incredible case.

  • A plane collided with a UFO over Canadian airspace.

  • Collided.

  • Well, Canadian Air Force.

  • They don't have a UFO program.

  • They asked if we would, uh, assist with the investigation.

  • It's not like anyone I wanted to check on you.

  • They even be able to get ahold of you.

  • Plus, I, uh I already bought the tickets cases before we ride off into the sunset.

  • And then over the course of this episode.

  • The irony is sort of this Russian presence in their lives has almost destroyed them.

  • And then yet they encounter with what they realized to be these Russian pilots.

  • Sort of a Soviet UFO program happening on the other side with these with their enemy.

  • That's Russian bomber.

  • Which means that those two are Russian military.

  • You sure he is Now the hell you need our help for her needle was on that plane.

  • I'm pretty sure is intact because it wasn't everything within five miles of here would be destroyed by now.

  • Five miles.

  • That's roughly the blast radius of ah of a nuclear bomb.

  • Are you telling me you had a nuclear bomb on your point is what I'm saying?

  • Yes, and it still out there.

  • And if it goes off, start World War Three.

  • They end up having to partner with the enemy essentially to save the world and certainly prevent what could be a disaster from occurring.

  • And through doing that, they revitalizes and they realize how important the work that they do with Project Blue Book is just came up here to do our jobs, which makes the work you do more important than ever way.

  • Need you on the field, both of you.

  • Yes, sir.

  • Generals, you for a moment.

  • See you back at the base.

  • And I love that they start off ready to quit.

  • But yet, by the end, they have a newfound commitment to the importance of the work that they do.

  • Certainly poses some interesting questions.

  • Demands further investigation.

  • Well, I guess that means we're back in business.

  • I guess we are.

  • Professor Project Blue Book.

  • All New Tuesday at 10 on History.


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藍皮書項目內部。斷箭(第二季)|歷史 (Inside Project Blue Book: Broken Arrow (Season 2) | History)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary