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  • all right, so 5760 water block time.

  • It's kind of funny that we got water blocks before we got custom cards.

  • I mean, how could this take less time?

  • Toe Philip figure out in machine would hold that brands really have to do is just make the plate sort of match up with the new core.

  • And then, however, they want to handle the R M and all that.

  • But whatever that's besides the point, today we are checking out the special edition Vector block from E.

  • K.

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  • Additional USB slot to learn more about the Sennheiser PC, 37 x from drop, click the link in the description below.

  • So this is our reference 5700 x.

  • T.

  • We do have a nemesis.

  • I model as well, which is just again, a reference with a sticker on it.

  • But this is the one aim the scent.

  • It's been running superposition now for about 30 minutes, maybe a little bit less on loop, so we could get it nice and hot because we want a check right now is what out of the box with the stock fan.

  • Curved edge temp and hot spot temp is or TJ matter, T Junction To see how much we're gonna improve with the water block.

  • Now, we know already from previous testing with not just this card, but all the way to the Vegas.

  • Siri's always back to fury as well that the better the temps are, the better, um, you're gonna have when it comes to the boot.

  • Self boosting and boost block and all that sort of stuff.

  • No different with the video and one of the way the boost clocks work with G.

  • P uses a magnificent video.

  • A M d.

  • Is if you have power, limit overhead and you have temperature overhead, then the clocks will go higher and sustain themselves.

  • Yes, we can go into a global what man and we can lock those settings and all that, and we can trick it.

  • We can play the fan curve and all that sort of stuff.

  • But the point of today's video is I want to see by just taking out of the box settings, touching nothing which is believed or not the way most people operate their graphics card.

  • They take it out of the box and stick him in, and off they go.

  • That might play the slider a little bit, but I want to see what will happen when we just take it water block and put it on.

  • So we're gonna compare things like EJ temp TJ Maxx.

  • We're gonna also or they call t Junction way.

  • Want to see?

  • We're probably with ready mark time spy extreme cause that's a huge load on the GPU just to see what happens to our graphics score because we already know that if we can keep the temps down, we keep the clocks up and it keeps the power draw down as well.

  • The cooler it is, the less power it actually draws.

  • So that's why you also have a different conversation between T, V P and Max thermals and all that sort of stuff.

  • They're not the same like TTP is not necessarily power draw, and it's not necessarily temperature.

  • It is a weird correlation between a few different things that are happening there.

  • So what we're going to compare here today?

  • Like I said, what are times by extreme story is and what our max temperatures are now in terms of getting Max temperature.

  • We've been running, um, super position here for approximately 30 minutes now, just looping, loopy, looping.

  • I don't have my thermal camera on, but I dared Phil to touch the back of the court.

  • So if you guys know on the back of this card, the core is exposed, you can actually see all the SMT s and B's and stuff.

  • He touched it and nearly burned himself.

  • It's hot, the back plates hot.

  • The cooler shroud is hot.

  • Everything about this card is hot.

  • The factory fan curve is extremely conservative, where it's favoring high temp over acoustic, which is making everything heat soak really, really badly.

  • So this would be even hotter if it were in a chassis and it wasn't exhausting.

  • Very well.

  • So let's go ahead and hop in here.

  • Thio Global What, man?

  • Well, what man?

  • And the sea, where temperatures were.

  • So our Jeep, You Max was 1932 and our temperature was 84 C.

  • If we come down here too, T Junction.

  • You see, they're currently the same right now, but it's not showing us a junction temp 98.

  • See, now these thieves seem extremely out of control, but they're not.

  • We covered that with the radio on seven.

  • In fact, in video cards do the very same thing.

  • But just like CPS and stuff, they tend to favor either an average or like an edge temp to make the temps look better than they really are.

  • Every guy has a hot spot in an edge time.

  • So am diseases being forthcoming with at least showing you those temperatures.

  • Now, I wish in video would do the same thing.

  • So now that we've got those numbers recorded, my super scientific way of recording it right here and then we want to see our average is here our average with 79 92.

  • So What we want to see is if there's gonna be any sort of improvement there.

  • Now, what I'm doing right now is I'm gonna go ahead and just let the card cool down is even right now.

  • It's still sitting in the sixties that fan curve is extremely, extremely conservative.

  • So what I want to do right now is, I just want to go ahead and Max out our fan to cool it off in between tests right now.

  • So that's what the card sounds like.

  • 100% pretty typical blower cooler.

  • But they because we couldn't hear it at all, even though we have the A C on right now, and it is 100 degrees outside today, so we want to control the environment without introducing too much ambient temp.

  • It's amazing how much they really favor noise over performance, But that's the thing.

  • You don't need a wire block, you can go into the settings and you can play it that fan curve.

  • And if they were inside a case that would be muffled even more.

  • But it's like we're cooling off.

  • Our shroud is still kind of warm here, though we want this to be nice and cool.

  • 34 34.

  • 33.

  • So why wait for it to hit about 30 31 and then we'll do Is we'll just do the times by run?

  • Like I said, we're only gonna be looking at graphic score.

  • That's all that matters in this test.

  • So all assistance rebooting here.

  • I decide to go and plug in the digital RGB header too.

  • Are you sport?

  • And you could see it there.

  • The radio on.

  • It's got a nice ingredient to it, don't it?

  • Kind of sucks.

  • Is if you're not vertical mounting this in a case you see no lighting from the direction that you actually, you know, I guess wherever this goes in, we're at the vertical mounted, aren't we, Phil?

  • All right, so our graphic score was a 39 45 are original score.

  • When we first tested the press drivers was a 39 27.

  • I think it was so Yeah, we are definitely right in line with where we're supposed to be.

  • We're not seeing any craziness.

  • Uh, so yeah, we saw the temps.

  • We saw our score.

  • Now, so now we've got to go ahead and hot we gotta cool it off.

  • And they were in a solvable.

  • All right, so here it is, featuring a special edition block, which, as you can see, they made the 1,000,000 kind of match the factory card to put the dent in there, too.

  • Although it's not a real dent, that's just the way it's milled.

  • I kind of wish they'd put it in the same spot and made it kind of carry over into the chrome.

  • So it's not in a different spot, but whatever.

  • Um, I also chose not to use the back plate they provided.

  • I'm using the factory back plate because I feel that this looks better.

  • I don't like Nickelback plates with assets hall blocks if I have a nickel block, not to be confused with Nickelback.

  • Uh, if I have a nickel block, I then go with Nickelback plates, so I don't like it mixed and matched like they sent it to me.

  • I just like the way that factor backlit looks.

  • Plus it still says radio, I've tested this in the past.

  • Where want to water cooled the front of the graphics card?

  • There's not nearly as much heat soaking through to the back if you're using an air cooler or at least in this case, the factory blower cooler right here because they're using these thermal graphite pads, which I don't think or nearly as good at transferring heat.

  • I feel they've got on abundance of this left over because it discontinued the radio on seven.

  • Which is why we're seeing it here.

  • I believe gamers Nexus did a video where he used thermal paste instead of the this graph iPad where the temps came down.

  • Don't quote me on that.

  • I didn't see that video.

  • I believe we talked about it, though in person, briefly.

  • So whatever.

  • Let's go ahead and hook this up.

  • Let's get a 240 mill right on here because I believe that's gonna be plenty.

  • And of course, we've got a hook up our digital RGB because we want to see all the radio on letters glow again.

  • Okay, so I've been running here same pump in reservoir that we actually use when we do our ice bucket stuff with the gamers nexus challenges that we do, um, difficult radiator.

  • We got our mentality, your fans and, of course, our optical fittings tubing and then our water block.

  • I've got to mention this, though, and I and I do this every time I forget to put the link down below.

  • And I apologize if I did that again this time.

  • But please check down below.

  • I put a link to these.

  • I fix it kits.

  • I know they sponsor a bunch of techie tubers.

  • I'm not one of them.

  • My wife bought me this for Father's Day, like, two years ago, and it's got all the fittings and stuff that you would need to work on your own computer.

  • So every time I show these kids people gas three million times, like where'd you get it?

  • What kid is that?

  • So it comes with all the stuff you need, like the spiders.

  • And this is actually a kid that you'd use for fixing, like phone.

  • But obviously you can use a computer and I static, strapping all that sort of stuff.

  • So anyway, they're not that expensive.

  • And they've got every fitting bit you would possibly need to work on the electronic.

  • So, like I said, not a sponsor.

  • But if you guys wanna help out the channel, there's a link to description in this picture below where you could buy that on Amazon.

  • All right, so weapon running.

  • First things first.

  • All right, so our idol temps air at 31 on edge temp 32 Injunction temp.

  • That's pretty much the same as what the air cooler is doing with its factory curve.

  • And the reason for that is this GPU Nabby, when it goes idle, pulls back the clock as far back as six megahertz.

  • At least it's what's reported.

  • I don't know what the true megahertz are, but every monitor we've looked at, it said six.

  • We're currently running 61 megahertz because we have the time spy screen open.

  • But that's why we're not really seeing an improvement to temperatures at idle, because the power draw has got to be stupid low at this particular frequency.

  • So we're gonna do right now is we're gonna go ahead and leave global Walkman open.

  • All settings are factory, um, hitting reset.

  • Just to be sure.

  • Okay, there we are factory and we're gonna run times by extreme.

  • Now, we're only looking at the graphics score because we can compare that to our first run and we will see how much the score increases.

  • I believe 39.

  • 29 was our official benchmark run when we did the review, and it was slightly higher than that by, like, a couple of points when we did our test.

  • Prior to this, we want to see if the water block is improving any of the boost algorithm or how far it can go by just keeping it in school.

  • So original score it launched with a 39 29.

  • Our score at the start of this video with the non press drivers with the reviewed or the release drivers were 39 45.

  • And now we're 39 90 Force.

  • We've gained almost 70 points in times by extreme, which is actually a lot times why extreme is extremely difficult to run.

  • We gained a full F.

  • P s.

  • But the reason for that is if you look up here, this temperature drop our junction temp down to 41 c.

  • R.

  • A souvenir junction tipped down to 60 to see our edge temp down to 41.

  • Brought up our GP frequency to 2007.

  • Remember, we were at 1935.

  • I believe it was Phil can annotate if I'm wrong.

  • So we gained additional piece state or turbo clock because of the thermal headroom.

  • It's no surprise, though, that nappy and risen and Pascal and touring and all that scale with temperature.

  • The lower the temps, the longer you maintain the boost blocks and the higher the boost blocks.

  • Congar.

  • So if you look at the frequency curve, though, that orange line right there, it's 17 98 18 69 18 17 1931 peaks up to 2007 right there.

  • But our power draws.

  • Also slightly higher are Max Power.

  • Draw was 193 watts versus our previous run, which is actually 100 and 66 watts.

  • But that's because we went with a higher target or higher clock frequency for a longer period of time.

  • It pulled a little bit more power, But that's fine, though.

  • I mean, we this card is running so much cooler we could actually touch the back of the GPU core with all the S M.

  • D's without burning yourself.

  • I would highly recommend not doing that if you're running a factory card, but if you want to test it yourself and you're running with these 5700 ext.

  • Ease with the blower cooler.

  • I dare you to touch the back of it.

  • But any injury you sustained, it's totally on you, not me.

  • So what we do next, fill?

  • You think we should over clock this real quick or just let that be that 41 64.

  • And all we do is Flicka signal button.

  • But it maxed out at 2086.

  • Our temperature 44 72.

  • We're doing a stupid, dirty over clock.

  • Apparently doing it wrong.

  • We just max the power power limit.

  • And then he locked the minimum frequency at 2050 and the max is 21 fifties.

  • Were given 100 megahertz to play around with their We're trying to keep the the low from going down.

  • And then we allowed it the maximum amount of voltage it wants.

  • So this is kind of like the way he would almost over clock like Kepler based card, because you don't have voltage control anymore on Pascal or during does this Even gets through here, doesn't crash.

  • We know we have a temperature.

  • Headroom doesn't crash immediately.

  • That's probably a good sign.

  • So we played around with a couple of different things.

  • The manual over clock.

  • We got upto over as like 40 to 39.

  • And then auto undervolt actually brought us up to 4042 without touching anything.

  • So just auto undervolt give us enough additional power limit and temperature limit to where the card automatically boosted itself to, what, 2038 megahertz and 40 to see on the edge temp 65 c on the junction temp.

  • But this brings up a really interesting conversation that we have to talk about.

  • So we just got our highest score yet.

  • 4251.

  • But if you look it, we did it on a stock card.

  • The stock killer.

  • Why is that?

  • Well, that's because Silicon Lottery I got to the point where, no matter how cool you keep the car, you're only gonna get so far with it.

  • So brings up the next discussion.

  • Is water cooling the 5760 worth it?

  • Well, only you can answer that.

  • See, here's the Here's the logic I always employ.

  • When it comes to Is it worth water cooling?

  • I'm a water cooled enthusiast.

  • It's It's a fun mod I like to do.

  • I enjoy it.

  • I enjoy the problems that come with it half the time, the other half the time I don't enjoy.

  • That's kind of how that works.

  • But usually the logic I will always preach to people and I try so hard to instill is if you have to sacrifice buying a more expensive graphics card to afford the water block.

  • That makes no sense because you're not gonna make it the performance difference by water cooling and over clocking a lower end card than just buying the faster card with an air cooler.

  • In this case, there's nothing higher than 5760 ass tricks Radio on seven, which this scorer nearly beat.

  • But there's nothing higher than 5700 x t.

  • If you're only willing to buy a M D.

  • Because you take the price of this particular block north of $120 for an Ikea water block and add it to the $400 price point of the 5760 put you smack dab in the middle of the starting pricing 4 2070 Superstorm in video.

  • Now, if you're the kind of person.

  • That's like, I don't care what brand the card is.

  • I just want the best performance I could get for the money I have to spend.

  • Then putting a water blocking the 5760 doesn't make F.

  • P s since or financial Sense because although the scores are doing very, very well, if you look at synthetics and some gaming benchmarks, it approaches 27 Super Territory approaches like 2017 on Super Territory, for sure, but the 27 he's gone 2070 Super now would make more sense in terms of getting F.

  • P s for dollars.

  • But there are plenty of people that are out there that are like Hell, no, I'm never buying and video graphics card.

  • In which case this still may or may not make sense to you because we just showed that by sticking with air and just putting a stupid fan curve on there with same settings, we got the same scores.

  • And so that means when the cards come out with their aftermarket air coolers, you're going to get these level of scores without the hair dryer sound effect that comes along with the blower star card you've already got a blower style card.

  • You were just waiting for water blocks.

  • And this whole video made no sense to you anyway because you were already planning on doing it.

  • So our recommendation would be if you're a water cooling enthusiast and you liketo water cool, then who cares what we have to say or anyone else do what you want to do and what you like.

  • But if you want to maximize your money, it might make more sense to spend the 50 ish maybe $75 premium that you might find on the over clock custom PCB air cooled cards that are coming in the future over going in the water block.

  • That's always been a recommendation.

  • It's never changed.

  • No matter how many times I preach it.

  • People still challenge what is warded cruelly stupid.

  • Some people, it is stupid, but not to people like us.

  • And I happen to think that we people are the ones that matter now.

  • I'm just three people.

  • All of my personalities would agree that water cooling is fun, but I still like, I said, would not recommend buying a lower end card toward our guys.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • Hope you learned something today?

  • Um, I sort of validated.

  • Invalidated water cooling all in one breath.

  • That's how we like to do things around here.

  • Controversial.

all right, so 5760 water block time.

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水冷和超頻的Radeon 5700 XT...值得嗎? (Watercooled and Overclocked Radeon 5700 XT... Was it worth it?)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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