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(TED-Ed Club presents: Seven Way to Perfect Your Public Speaking)
(TED-Ed Club 推出:讓演講完美的七種方法)
(Presentation tips from teen TED speakers)
(TED 青年講者的演說訣竅)
(Tip 1: Talk Slower)
(訣竅 1:慢慢講)
If I had one piece of advice to give to someone who's about to give a talk,
I would say to practice talking slower than you would actually do it and then you'll have a bit of a range to not talk really fast, but not talk really slow, and you'll find that perfect balance.
As long as they are readers willing to devote themselves to any story, the packaging doesn't really matter.
So, remember: Don't forget to read.
It's so much fun.
(Tip 2: Positive Body Language)
(訣竅 2:正向肢體語言)
Have your shoulders open and relax, and it would make the audience know that you are ready to give your talk and that you know what you're talking about.
We are the generation of problem-solvers; we can come up with better, newer solutions, and it starts simply.
(Tip 3: Leave Your Words on Stage)
(訣竅 3:將你的言語留在台上)
To leave your words on the stage so that the audience can soak it in once the conference or your talk is over.
So, be passionate, be emotional, and, um, just... just bring the fire.
My walk, my talk, my swagger, my collar⏤I'll pop it, my kicks' so sick even Jagger Mick couldn't get with.
我的步伐、演講、昂首闊步、我要翻起的衣領,還有我這雙酷炫到連 Jagger Mick 都望塵莫及的鞋。
(Tip 4: Make It a Conversation)
(訣竅 4:把它變成對話)
If I had one piece of advice, it would be to have fun with it, to literally just make it as personal as you can.
Treat it like a conversation, treat it like you're having a conversation with the crowd.
Every time you hear someone being talked down to or taken advantage of, you're going to make a decision.
And that role you choose will define you, and, ultimately, define us all.
(Tip 5: Stage Presence)
(訣竅 5:舞台存在感)
Really have a stage presence, and, um, to⏤use the full extent of the stage, and really connect with every single member of the audience.
It's really the golden era for innovation, and, so, the question I asked all of you today is:
Why wait? Together, we can build the future today.
(Tip 6: Talk to the Heart)
(訣竅 6:往心裡聊)
Connect with the audience's heart⏤I think that's important.
That's when people listen⏤is when you appeal to the part of them that is human, that is emotional.
I trust blindly and I love unconditionally.
And I held my sister's hand in that hospital even though I had no idea what would happen.
(Tip 7: Imagine the Applause)
(訣竅 7:想像掌聲)
Imagine that you've already given the talk, and people are applauding and cheering for you, which makes you give a more confident talk.
That would allow you to empower our new generation to go faster than any generation ever has.
Thank you so much.