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we buy time because time is the one thing that you cannot replace.
This second there.
You watching my video?
That second is gone.
The minute you watch this video that minutes gone, you can replace it.
I can replace it.
I cannot replace.
That customer is replaceable.
Money is replaceable.
Time is not.
I cannot create manufacturer.
More time money.
I can always make more money if I have the time.
If I run off time, I cannot do that.
That's why time to rich people is our most valuable commodity.
That's why I fucking hate it.
When people waste my time, it's worse than stealing from me.
It's worse than stealing money from me because money I can always make it back.
The minute that you the minute that I waste, I cannot get it back.
And if you use the time wisely, I could use it to make a lot of money.
So the reason we buy time, we buy talents me by people, we by people that could help us.
We buy we by people that could save us time, right?
So that's why that two hours you spend cleaning your home doing long to stop mowing your lawn.
Quick, quick story.
One time was visiting a pre pretty, pretty successful seal.
The company's probably doing 2020 $30 million a year and a visit.
His office and I went to his office.
I couldn't believe it.
The minute I got there, he was mowing the lawns in front of his office like What the fuck was that?
Right right there.
It tells me, my God, this CEO does not value his time.
The two hours to spend more on the lawns like he could not have found better things to do.
He couldn't have found better ways to invest his time.
He couldn't find a better way to utilize his talents.
He's mowing the fucking lawn seriously, right?
It makes no sense.
When I talked with him, I was giving him a hard time, right?
So you don't so which people we don't just think of return on investment.
That's one of the words that you gotta learn all why we turn with thing in terms of return on investment assets the liability.
But we also think in terms of we turn on time invested.
We turn on o T.
I return on time invested that investors time doing this thing.
What's my return?
Right, So I know if I spend two hours watching the movie, that movie doesn't then just cost me 2030 $40.
That movie cost me thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands of dollars.
Then I know that when I watch a movie, I have to ask myself, You're not that I don't watch.
We got love watching movies, right?
But I know also, realistically, that is not a $40 thing, right?
That cost me tens of $1000.
So then I asked myself, Okay, it's the escape.
Is is that experience?
Is that worth that kind of money?
And I look at that.
That's okay.
You know what it is?
You see, the problem is, with you guys watching videos on YouTube.
You see all these?
You're talking about entrepreneurship, about business.
You want to get to this point overnight or you want to get to this point without going through these steps.
It doesn't fucking work.
And this paralyze you because from where you are to where you want to go, you're making fucking no money.
You want to buy a roast, boys, give me a fucking break.
Where the fuck are you?
You need to go from here.
Let's get a fucking job.
Does this go from here to here?
Get a fucking job making 1000 $2 a month from their side.
Hustle, right.
High income skill.
Go 2 to 3 3000 4000 5000 10,000 Get to the 100 k a year.
200 care year.
Now you are at a different place.
From there you start your business, right, you grow, you market yourself.
Then from there you scale with your team.
You get closer and closer and then you do investing.
Now you invest.
You have your money work for you.
Don't ask questions at this level.
When you're at this level, ask questions at this level and go through this first.
The problem is with social media that you don't know howto filter.
You don't know how to think independently.
And you don't know what is the right advice for you at this given time for you.
When it comes to investments, before you choose what type of investments you want to invest in, you first have to determine what kind of investor you are.
It is like just like you asking me what kind of caution I buy.
Well, it depends, Is it?
Use it.
Use use it to for, like, leisure, using it for business.
Are you using it to drive your family around?
If desk in case Maybe SUV makes sense If it's for like you like to drive fast car to be a sport car that makes sense like a Porsche or a A.
You know, a Ferrari, Lamborghini, whatever it is, maybe more risky.
Cost more money?
Or are you the type of investor that U U H your third eye?
You between 30 to 40 years old, 40 to 50 50?
Because also depends as you get older than you want.
My one's investment that more protect the capital.
When you are younger, you can go on living more aggressive and say, I want growth right, Growth versus security.
That's most.
It makes a difference.
So all that take into consideration.
That's why I don't like the question Where Okay, Dan, what should I invest in?
What do you invest in?
What makes sense for me might not make sense for you.
You may not be there yet?
All you capital that you have, you may not be ready for that investment or what I like.
Okay, I like SUV.
Doesn't mean you should drive SUV right.
Like a sport car.
Doesn't mean you should drive a sports car.
Even with Dean sports car.
There's so many different brands.
I like certain type of color.
I sort of engine that I said in the interior.
Does that make sense?
So all depends.
The poetry depends.
The problem is people as death have a question.
They're looking for an easy answer.
Because most time you haven't done your due diligence.
You haven't done your research.
You don't know what you should do.
You don't know what your interest in so anything that sounds good.
Someone on Facebook talking about crypto currency.
Oh, that sounds going to do that.
Your friend gave you a hot tip on a stock.
Let's jump into that.
All right?
It's like you don't You don't have clarity as an investor.
So first you got to know what time investor you are.
Are you, MME or for growth?
Are you more fun for Capital Gang?
Are you more for security?
You want dividends all that makes a difference.
But if after five years in your career, I believe in terms of money, if you're not making at least six figure income after five years of hot work, something is missing.
If after 10 years off your career you know, Mick, it's an entrepreneur, you're not making seven figure income.
You got to revisit.
You gotta look at what you're doing right now.
Something is wrong.
That's kind of my mind away.
I measured.
So it's, you know, making the kind of money you want off 10 years.
You really think by putting in more hours which, you know, you cannot possibly put in more hours, You put in as many hours as you could work on the weekends.
That is not the answer.
Well, you're working 12 hours a day.
We're gonna work 13 14 that two hours when you exhaust it, that two hours effort, you think that's gonna make you the difference that's gonna give you the bricks.
Who is not?
That is not the answer.
So that's why I'm much Maur subscribe to the principle off the 80 20 principal.
Now, if you've never read that book by Richard Kosh I recommend you read it.
It's a phenomenal book.
It's one of the books that are highly, highly recommend.
What he means is anything that you do in life.
20% of activities give you 80% of the results, right?
20% of customers give you 80% of revenue, right?
20% of customers give you 80% of handing.
You look everything we do in life.
Only 20% of what you did give you 80% of results.
So if you're looking at what you do, you're hustling.
You're doing all these things, which is good.
But then you got to think about If it's not working, you got to know how to think.
It's not just hustle.
You got to think What is this that I'm doing?
What is not working?
What could have done better?
So a lot of the influencers, A lot of the gurus, they don't talk about Hustle, hustle.
You gotta work 10.
You gotta work 10 times harder, man, gotta work the face off.
They approach Nothing is wrong.
I'm just saying that's the approach.
I'm just saying that's what they do.
Is the shotgun approach right?
It's boom.
All this effort and you just just much shock and pump pump pump a boom and hopefully something will hit.
And you know what you do Enough of that.
Something will hit and it's okay.
But my approach is the sniper approach.
I wait and I wait.
Then I look and I look and it's one shot, one kill.
That's it.
Minimum effort, Maximum result.
I don't do the shotgun approach.
I do that sniper approach.
If you study my work, you know I'm all about adding valley before you ask anything return.
So he shows me you have not studied any of my work The one that you're fucking broke Second is you don't approach a successful people asking for something.
You approach a successful person adding valid giving them something first before you ask anything in return.
And third is if you have no money, just think about if I'm betting on horse racing us a jacket onto his entrepreneur.
You sock because you've never done this before.
The horse Your business idea probably sucks, too.
If I was the bet on a horse, why would I bet on you when I am getting approach by winning?
Ah, war reading jockey with a track record with a kick ass horse.
And I turned down 99% of those opportunities.
Then why I don't even fucking know you.
Why would I give you money?
I don't know who came up with that concept about, like, the secret to success is Do what you love and the money will follow.
It is us is one of the most ridiculous one of the dumbest things off.
Because let me ask you a question.
Are you doing what you love?
And you wonder where the fuck is the money or do you know people?
They are doing what they love and yet they're struggling financially.
I rest my case.
That dog doesn't hunt.
Do you want your love and the money will follow its like saying, You know what?
Whatever the hell you want and you'll lose weight or sleep with every single person that you meet and you have a great marriage.
It's a stupid as that sounds is not about that.
It's not like you love it, and then you'll do well has nothing to do with that when it comes to business success, which is what I know when it comes to business is not about Do what you love and money will follow.
Not it helps if you actually enjoy what you do Because you do more than you get better.
Does not do what you love.
If you do what it takes, you do what it takes to be successful.
I'll give you a simple metaphor.
Let's say if you want to you want to lose weight, You go to the gym and get in the morning.
You do cardio, you go running for few miles and you watch out for your diet.
You don't like any of that shit.
You do not love it.
You do not love going to the gym pumping those Wait, not eating the food that you want you doing.
You don't love any aspect of that.
You want to eat that fucking burger, right?
You want to get that stick out like you want to drink that beer, But I'll fuck, man.
I have to.
You don't love any of it.
But if you do what it takes and you are showing you are going to the gym, you got up every morning and you just showing up every fucking day consistently over long pier of time.
You do what it takes.
Guess what you get Results no different, No different in business doing what it takes.
It helps if you love what you do not do what you love.
You love what you do.
Getting rich is not an act.
It is a habit.
So it is staying poor.
It's also not an act.
It's nothing just happens to you.
It is a habit.
So let me teach you the three best habits off rich people.
The very first habit of rich people.
And that is they count their money.
Poor people don't count the money.
They get a paycheck deposited paycheck.
They spend the money.
They have no idea what the expenses are.
You have no idea how the money flows.
You know, this poor people, the J O.
They have a job and wait till maybe once a year when it filed a tax return.
Is the Texas that are going is how much of the pay they look at the numbers to even look at the fucking numbers.
It just okay.
All right.
That's how much I need to pay a tax return and death.
If you look at it.
Maybe maybe once a year.
Rich people.
We don't do that.
We look at our numbers of record.
We are financially literate.
I'm not a numbers person.
Don't get me wrong, okay?
I'm a concept guy.
Get my big picture, thinker.
I'm a visionary, but I am very, very careful.
And I'm very aware of how my money is flowing.
I look at my numbers log into my count every single day.
I would look at my cash flow.
I'll look at how much cash we serve.
I have I sit down with my count every single week.
Look at my financials every single week.
Looking at my family shows across all my companies.
How are they doing?
Because what gets measured gets improved.
So have a number one rich people.
We can't money regularly.
How often you can get money.
How often look at your bank account number bitching about it.
But how often you look at your line of every single line expense all your revenue where that comes from.
Is it improving what you need to work on?
What are those key performance indicators?
Are you looking at those numbers today?
I want to share with you just some of the distinctions of the powerful distinctions, how incredibly successful people think.
So you can start today making some Neil decisions.
That's the purpose.
I could probably spend a couple hours, is talking about all the little distinctions.
But today I want to give you three major ones.
He's the very, very 1st 1 Long time ago.
I've had the fortune to have had lunch with one of the most successful one of the wealthy years businessman in Vancouver.
On at a time, I think he was worth about half a $1,000,000,000 about $500 million.
I've had the privilege to have lunch with him and just kind of pickets bring a little bit and want to learn Maura about how he does.
And at the time he was a thing.
52 years old, 52 years old, a CZ.
We were talking and I was asking the bell like one lessons is learning his career.
And you know what?
What is his view about general of the economy and about his business?
His vision and he got understand, is this This person is Mrs Man is with half a $1,000,000,000.
At 52 years old, he's done a lot of different things, and he was so excited.
All he could talk about is his vision.
He's gonna build the legacy and and he's like It's incredible toe.
Always for the two years old, he he's a six Aitor as a little kid and he was sharing with me.
I will never forget He was shared with me his vision for the next 50 years, 50 years he was talking about after he's gone, how he wanted his succession and how he wants to make sure the company keeps running, how it's gonna donate to charities like the legacy and its foundations is gonna support on all these things.
And he was just so excited.
And I was like, Wow, a highly successful guy talking about his vision for his 52 years old.
He's talking about like 100 like when he lives in 200 years old, or if he possibly what's gonna happen and I'll never forget that.
And that's the very first thing I notice.