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Hello there.
My name is Richard McMann from the interview Training Company, past my interview dot com and in its tutorial, I will teach you how to pass a restaurant manager interview.
Now we're gonna focus on a number off pretty much guaranteed restaurant manager interview questions that are gonna come up during your interview.
But more importantly, I'm going to give you a number off unique sample responses that you can use to make sure you pass your interview So it does not matter which restaurant you are being interviewed for as their manager.
Please do stick around and watch this video from beginning to end because it's gonna make a big difference.
Your preparation before I get into the tips and the restaurant manager interview questions and answers a very warm welcome to this tutorial.
My name is Richard, but one I've been helping people for about 20 years now to successfully pass their interviews, and I do that by giving you top scoring answers that the interview panel want to hear.
Now, please do make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any of the future content I'm creating.
So click that red button below the video also very much appreciate it.
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Now it's really important that we make sure that you demonstrate the following skills and attributes during your restaurant manager interview, because this essentially is how you are going to be assessed.
So obviously, you have to be able to deliver outstanding customer service, but also ensure the staff whom are under your control do the same to.
So it's no good you leading by example and giving great customer service.
But then the waiting staff let you down, so you have to make sure that they do the same.
To number two.
You have to ensure there are sufficient waiting staff and chefs on duty to coverage shift.
But I also know what to do when people call in sick or they don't turn up to work.
Number three you after a deer to relevant food.
On also safety rules and regulations at all times, you have to ever on understanding of those what what those are and also respond to customer complaints effectively on also seek to increase restaurant sells year on, yet so all of those five specific areas we're gonna focus on and making sure that you demonstrate you understand these in your answers to the interview questions that are coming right now.
So I've done all of the hard work for you, and I've put together the answers to the restaurant manager.
Interview questions.
So let's get straight into these now.
You can take notes as I progress through this tutorial, if you like, or I will tell you where you can download the full set off 20 restaurant manager interview questions and the answers as we progress through the tutorial.
So the first question you arrive at the restaurant or the location where you're in your interviews and they say, OK, tell me about yourself and why do you want to become a restaurant manager?
So this is your opportunity to shine from the get go now.
The first question during your interview is really important on how you respond to it, because this is the first impression they have of you.
So we need to make sure you come across in a strong and positive light.
So here we go.
Here's my suggested answer to the restaurant and your interview question.
tell me by itself on why you want to do this job.
Here we go.
I've always had a passion for the hospitality industry.
On the role of the restaurant manager for your company is a natural progression from May.
Now, before applying for this position, I was careful to make sure I had the necessary experience, the right skills and the attributes to be able to perform the job to a very high standard.
Because I understand that the role of a restaurant manager comes with great levels of responsibility.
And I'm confident that I will not only be able to deliver excellent customer service toe all of your customers and diners, but also ensure those stuff who are who are under my control do so too.
I have exceptional customer service skills.
I have a caring nature.
I can work out on the pressure, and I will always work tirelessly to ensure your good reputation continues to thrive and develop within the local community.
You are serving now.
If you hire me as your restaurant manager, you will be impressed with my management skills and also my strong customer service capability.
So that's a very strong, concise and logic answer that put you across in a positive manner.
And it's also important how you you say this how you say this answer.
So make sure you download these questions and answers.
Want to tell you how to do so on practice, saying practice saying the answers.
So you come across in a positive manner.
Question number two.
Why have you applied to our restaurant or our company to become a restaurant manager?
So there's obviously lots of restaurant manager jobs around on, but they want to know why.
Why do you want to work for our restaurant, or why do you want to work for our company?
So here's a great answer to that question for the simple reason that you are a restaurant that has a great reputation, both online on within the local community.
Now, before I applied for this job, I studied your restaurant on the company in detail to make sure the levels of service on the type of quality of food you offer were aligned to my own skills and asp Aspirations on after sale was massively impressed with what I discovered.
Now, in order for me to perform to the high standards expected of other manager.
I have to work in the right environment, and it is clear you are a strong performing on well regarded restaurant.
If I'm successful interview today and I get to become your your manager.
I will be immensely proud to tell people I'm responsible for the effective running of your restaurant.
So game you've looked into them, you know, hopefully they've got a great reputation by online and within the local community.
And you know you've got the right skills and aspirations to match their level of quality.
Next question of your restaurant manager interview.
What skills and qualities do you possess that you think will assist you in your duties as a restaurant manager?
Now this is a This is a difficult role.
A restaurant manager.
Not many people understand how difficult it is to carry out the duties of a restaurant.
Lunges lots of responsibility that comes with it.
Not only are you responsible for the levels of customer service, you're responsible for making sure there's enough start on duty.
Also, the reviews that happen online are all is a direct result of your managing capabilities.
So you have to understand what kind of skills and qualities are needed to do the job properly.
On the way to do that is to look at the job description.
So I've done that for you and here is my response.
I have seven specific skills and qualities that will enable me to perform the role of a restaurant manager to the standards expected now.
These are strong customer service and interpersonal skills.
A firm but fair style of management and ability to work on the pressure on remain calm in difficult situations on understanding that the customer is always right and also a passion for ensuring every customer who went to your restaurant receives only the best levels of food and service.
Now, I am also someone who will always a dear to the relevant rules and regulations that surround the hospitality industry and finally from someone who will go all out to make sure you receive the best possible reviews on trip advisor to ensure your customers not only return to eat at the restaurant time and time again, but they also share their positive experience with their friends and relatives, too.
So that is an intelligent response because at the end you are showing is a restaurant manager.
You know how important online reviews are to the success of a restaurant.
They are imperative.
You have great reviews.
People will come back time and time again.
And there's a restaurant manager.
You are pretty much responsible for those reviews.
Now I've got two more questions to run through.
Please do stick around because they're tough questions, and I want to tell you how to answer.
But if you want to download the full set of 20 restaurant manager interview questions and answers to make sure departure into Billy's, a link disappeared in the top right hand corner of that video clip that it will take you through to my website, where you can get the full list.
The questions lets me want to the next question.
As our restaurant manager, what would you do to ensure the sales increased year on year?
That's a tough one.
How would you ensure the sales increased year on year?
Most people who want to be restaurant managers don't think they have a direct impact on cells, but they do, and it's all based on great Customs service on obviously or reviews.
If people have great service at a restaurant on the food is good, they will come back Now.
I have a number of restaurants that I like to eat out on, but me going back to them is dependent on the service, are received.
And he's one particular restaurant where the manager is always very attentive, very positive, is very happy, and his cheery always comes and saves the low and talks to you.
So I always feel like I want to go back there now.
If I didn't get great service, I wouldn't go back.
And they obviously would lose my custom so few times that by a load of people not coming back, it has a significant impact.
So here's my answer.
I would focus on five specific areas to ensure sales consistently grew year on year now, firstly, or to make sure all staff provided the best possible levels of service all times.
If customers receive great food and great service, this will encourage them to come back time and time again.
Now, secondly, all staff would receive hospitality training on how to provide exceptional and consistent service.
Thirdly, I would set very high standards in terms of how stop dress their personal hygiene and also what the expectations are in respect of serving times.
Next, I would ensure the food served was to a brilliant standard and keep in constant communication with the head chef on the kitchen to make sure they have the resources and the training they need to provide the best possible food at all times.
Now, finally, I would monitor the online reviews the restaurant receives and take on board feedback with a view to constantly improving but also encouraging my stuff to do the same.
Increasing sales year on year is a huge challenge, but it's also one that I would very much enjoy and see it as part of my responsibility to achieve.
That's a great answer.
Great answer to that question.
Look at number one for you.
Describe the steps you would go through when dealing with a customer complaint.
Okay, so what I'm gonna do in this arteries give you one that's based around a complaint.
I'm gonna change it slightly because you will get asked that question.
But how would you do if a customer in the restaurant was clearly in the wrong?
But they are still complaining.
So the customers complaining in this situation.
But they are wrong.
You know they are wrong.
How do you deal with that?
Because that happens all the time in this kind of industry.
So as a restaurant manager, how would you do with a customer who was clearly in the wrong?
But they keep complaining.
Here we go.
I would first of all listen to their complaint or their concerns and always ensure I remained calm, polite, positive and focused on resolving the situation as soon as possible.
Now any type of negativity in the restaurant is not good for business, and I would see it is my task to provide the best possible levels of service at all times.
Now, of course, there are going to be times when you know the customers in the wrong.
But the main thing to remember when dealing with them is to resolve the issue to their satisfaction quickly and efficiently.
The customer is always right on.
My main focus will be to ensure they are happy with my proposed resolution, so they come back to the restaurant to eat time and time again.
So that shows a great level of maturity.
You're obviously thinking about the reputation of the restaurant, which is really important.
You're trying to get people to come back time and time again.
So you wanna download all 20 restaurant Andrew to be questions?
Either click the link below the video right now or the one in the top right hand corner of the video, or go to my website past made to you dot com.
And you can download the full set of 20 interview questions and answers for the restaurant.
And I hope you enjoyed that.
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Please do like the video very much, Bridget, that it always motivates me to create more for you guys.
Thank you for watching, and I wish you the best in your pursuit to becoming a restaurant manager.