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Heya playas, right now you're sitting on YouTube watching this video when there are millions
of hours worth of content out there. And even as you watch this, you're probably thinking
what other videos could I be watching? What else could I be doing? What choices do I have?
And does having those choices make me happier? If you're sitting in front of a tv and a show
comes on do you A.) Put down the remote, stop and watching it or B.) Change the channel
in the hopes that something better may be on. If you stop and watch the show then you
are probably a satisficer. A satisficer has set criterias and standards and doesn't concern
himself as to whether or not a better possibility exists. But if you find yourself constantly
flipping through the channels then you're probably a maximizer. A maximizer is someone
that needs to be assured that every decision they make is the best one they could have
made. In the modern world that we live in, we have an over abundance of choice in everything
that we do. Whether it's choosing the places you want to eat, the clothes you want to wear,
the places you want to go we are bombarded with choices. Some people would argue that
choice is good. Because the more choice that you have the higher the chances are of finding
exactly what you need to be happy. The one little problem with that idea is that with
more choice comes higher expectations. It's simple, the more customizable something is,
the more we expect it to be perfect to fit our exact needs. And then when it doesn't
we are completely riddled with remorse. Our expectations then become so high that they
start to dwell on the levels of unrealistic proportions. It is in the nature of a maximizer
to exhaust all the possibilities that they can. They can literally spend hours upon hours
doing something until trying out every variation until they find the perfect one. And the majority
of times the perfect one doesn't exist. Satisficers are pretty much the opposite in the sense
that their expectations are low. Did you ever notice that people feel nostalgic for their
yester-years because things were so much simpler? There wasn't an over-abundance of choice and
therefore there was a lower chance of someone being dissatisfied. However it's not the case
that satisficers accept anything and everything, on the contrary they can set their expectation
bar pretty high. But the difference between them and a maximizer is that they believe
their bar is actually reachable.Once when Alexander the Great had stormed the Indes
valley, he came across a guru. And the guru told him that every man possesses as much
of the earth as this upon which he has stepped. And since Alexander was a man driven by meddlesome
arrogance he failed to realize that looking past all his accomplishments he would only
possess as much of the earth as his body needed to be buried in. In other words, no matter
what he did, he would still take up the same amount of space as the next dead guy. So which
one do you think would make you happier, being a maximizer or a satisficer? I think that
by constantly chasing your choices you may increase your worldly gain but you definitely
lower your overall satisfaction. And by allowing yourself to be satisfied with a minimal selection,
it's a lot easier to be at peace with your choices and to be happier. As always guys,
love and peace. Thank you for watching, if you enjoyed this video hit the like button
below and if you want to see more philosophical videos by me check out the playlist that's
also in the description below.