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Hi there.
My name is Richard McMann from the Interview Training Company, Past my interview dot com On in this in depth tutorial, I'm going to teach you how to pass a Skype interview.
I am going to give you a number of great Skype interview tips to make sure you pass the interview, but more importantly, are going to work through with you a number of Skype interview questions on dhe.
Also, I will give you some high scoring answers.
So if you got a Skype interview coming up, regardless of what company or organization it is, this tutorial will make a big difference to your preparation.
Now, before I get into those tits, a very warm welcome to the tutorial.
That's me there in the center.
The bold chap.
My name is Richard Bachman.
I am a former fire officer, and I've been helping people to pass their interviews Now for about 20 years.
Andi, I'm hardly experience that It My success rate is high, so lots of people are passing their interviews because I always focus on giving you a unique top scoring chances.
That's really important.
Please do subscribe by clicking the red button below the video, and I would also very much appreciate it if you hit a like button on, that always motivates me to create more content for you.
And I appreciate that.
Thank you.
Also, if you tell me the name of your interview, your Skype interview, which organization?
It's four or which industry in the comments section below the video, come on here each day and give you a few questions to prepare for.
Now, let me work through three really, really important Skype interview tips.
These are absolutely vital in your preparation, and then I will work through those Skype interview questions and answers with you.
So the first tip, the first Skype interview tip, is make sure you dress for the occasion.
Now the vast majority of Skype interviews are carried out, using both audio on visual, so you'll get to see the interview, therefore, because the interviewer will be able to see you or the top half of you.
At the very least, it's important to dresses.
If you were attending a formal face to face interview, so don't just think.
Oh, I'm going to carry out the Skype interview on my phone unless it's pre agreed that that's what you're gonna do.
Sat in your car on your phone and the phone is moving around in hand.
It just looks unprofessional.
So what, you can make sure you dress for the occasion and also treat the Skype interview as if it were the real thing's address formally for the interview, because it just first impressions are really important.
So when they see you on the Skype call, a connector of you and your sat there already formal looking dressed for the occasion, it shows that you're serious about your interviews to treat it like it's a real interview.
Next interview, Tip number two to Skype contributed to Consider the location for the Skype call carefully.
So unless they say to you or or pre agree to you, look, you know it doesn't matter where it's gonna be on where you are for the Skype call.
My advice is to think carefully about the location.
So before your Skype interview takes place, think about the location you will be in to take the call so a few tips make sure it is quiet, aesthetically appealing.
So what I mean by that is that if you are at home in your kitchen and behind you, or the pots and pans that need to be cleaned up.
It doesn't look good, Andi.
So just, you know, put your webcam on so you can see yourself and just have a look behind you, because that will also help to create a positive impression with the interviewer.
But also make sure you have a strong inter Internet connection.
So nowadays, like the Internet can fade out on the court quite a lot.
That's not good.
So you need to make sure that you, at the very least, have a strong Internet connection, especially if it's wireless.
So the point is, test your called.
So on Skype, you could do a test call for yourself.
So go online.
Five or 10 minutes before the Skype interview is gonna take place and just check everything is working correctly.
You should also ensure you will not be disturbed during a Skype call.
So this is really important because as to be interrupted during the call, it just looks on unprofessional and also make sure the volume settings are, you know, that make sure your volumes actually turn on.
The audio is turned on the volume settings are appalling again, you contest that before the real call number three.
So we're gonna move on to this and I'm gonna help you with this right now is make sure you prepare your answers in advance.
So you might say, Well, how do we know what the questions are?
Well, I will tell you pretty much what the questions will be during your Skype interview.
Call of the loads of research on this.
And these are the more common types of questions now, a couple of things on preparing your answers in advance, even though it's really important, in my view, to prepare your arms is but a Skype interview well in advance, where you don't want to do, which a lot of people do is they write down their answers and they read them from a sheet of paper.
Now you will be looking through your camera, your webcam so they can see you.
Now if it's a visual Skype interview, call which the majority of them are.
If you're looking down the side of your computer or your phone at a sheet of paper, they know that you're gonna be reading from, and that's not good.
So you need to be natural with your answers.
Okay, said, actually important.
So prepare your answers in advance, but think carefully about what you're going to say, and so will we.
The interview will be able to tell your eyes and distracted away from the webcam when your answers will not flow or appear natural and they have to.
But you should still prepare your answers in advance and think about what you're gonna say in response to the Skype interview questions.
So let's work on these right now.
Let's start working through a number of Skype interview questions, so the 1st 1 will be for sure.
Okay, so thanks for attending to Skype into Start Off by telling me about yourself.
So this is an introductory Skype interview question pretty much guaranteed to be the 1st 1 So you want to get off on a positive foot?
My advice is to not talk about what you do outside of work unless they specifically asked you to in relation to your hobbies or interests.
But tell them what you are like a professionalism as a person at work, what do you like?
So here's my suggested answer to the first Skype interview Questions start off by telling me about yourself.
Okay, well, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed today.
I believe I am a model employee and someone who will definitely perform well within this role.
I believe this because I have looked at the qualities and the skills needed toe work within this position, and I feel they are a perfect match for my own attributes.
I am professional.
I enjoy working both alone and also is part of a team and also have a strong passion for this particular industry on If you give me the opportunity to work with in the role, I will not let you down, and I will go all out of my way to make sure I carry out my duties to the highest standards possible.
So that's a really good arm, sir.
It's punching.
It's concise, but more importantly, it is positive.
So if you said something like that to me, if I was interviewing you during a Skype call on, I would think I like this person.
I want to find out more because you are.
The important thing is you are positive and sane, you know, give the answers if you mean it.
Really, really positive.
In your response, let's have a look.
And another Skype interview question.
By the way, you're probably thinking, what can I get a copy of these?
I will tell you at some stage during the tutorial week and download the full set of 20 to Skype interview questions and high score announces.
So please do stick around.
Okay, Why do you want this job On what skills do you have that would be relevant to the road?
So why'd you want this particular job and tell me the skills you have that would be relevant?
Here we go.
I want this job because it is a role that I feel I can not only excel in, but I will stay in for a long period of time.
I am not the type of person to jump from job to job, and I'm confident that, having looked at the job description, it is a role that I will be very happy in now in terms of the skills I have strong into personal and communication abilities, which means I will always look after your customers.
I am someone who always puts the needs of my employer on the team first above my own.
And I'm also someone who always looks to improve and develop within my work.
So to basically summarize, I believe I am a strong fit for the job description on DDE, the person specification.
Now that is a great answer because you demonstrate that you've looked at the job description, which most people don't, so that already puts you ahead.
But you read the juke, the person specification, and you believe you have the skills and qualities that are a match, and that's a great answer to that question.
But you're also talking about you're stronger interpersonal skills.
You know, you put the needs of your employer on the team first above.
You're wrong, and you will always look to improve and developed, which is what I would want as a hiring manager.
That's what I would want is somebody would always look to improve on develop.
Let's have a look at another question.
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But I would appreciate that.
Why'd you want to work for our company will get it guaranteed.
Skype interview Question.
Why do you want to work for our company?
Wide be chosen the company most people don't really consider while they have chosen their particular company, but and that's surprising because it's pretty much a guaranteed question.
Skype Interview questions Here's my answer.
Well, you are obviously a company who is well thought off within the industry.
You are serving, and it's clear your customers are very happy with what you offer in terms of products and service is I know this because before I applied for the job, I carried out lots of research.
Now, although I very much want the specific job, the company I'm working for is much more important to me.
If I'm successful at the interview, then I believe you will not only support me within the role, but you will give me the chance to grow, toe, learn and develop as the months and the years go by that demonstrate you've looked at them, you have done some research online to find out what people think about the company.
You've looked at the products and the service is which is important on, but Also, you're saying that you will grow.
You will learn your develop as the months and years go by.
So that would be appealing to me.
Because, you know, you want to stay with my company for a long period of time.
I don't want to employ somebody who's then gonna move on in a couple of months because I have to invest time, money and resource is in employing you and training you up.
I don't want you to leave.
I want you to stay within the company.
We're gonna work for a couple more Skype interview questions.
So do stick around.
But at any stage, if you want to download the full set of 22 skyping to be questions and answers.
So I basically created all of the answers for you.
Click that link in the top right hand corner, taking through to my website where you can find out more.
Let's take a look at another Skype interview question.
So why'd you want to leave your job?
Really difficult question.
Because let's face it, most people want to leave their job because there Eva Demotivated.
They don't like the team they're working for.
They may not like their manager or that supervisor on.
They just don't enjoy that work.
But obviously, if you rocked up your Skype interview and they are still issues, well, I don't like my manager, my secret files without a team I'm working with.
That's no a good reason to give because I would be thinking it might not be them.
It might be you who has the issue.
So we need to be very careful when you are answering this question.
So this is what I would say for this particular question.
That's a good question and it's one that I will answer honestly.
I have enjoyed working to my current employer and the truth is, if I had to stay there, I would be pretty pretty happy.
They've always treated me well and they are a great bunch of people.
However, I want a change of direction now and I want to work for a company that will put my skills and my experience to good use.
I feel I have so much to offer and I genuinely want to learn from diverse and talented people and I also want to work for a company who has exciting plans for the future, which you clearly do have great answer.
Very positive.
You're not being disrespectful off your employees.
Your current employer on that's important, in my view, on everything you say should be positive.
Everything you say.
So you are giving a reason why you want to leave.
I mean, the subtle reason there, if you read between the lines, is that you know your skills and experiences aren't really being put to good use.
And that's not a bad thing to want to move on because it shows you're committed.
You're determined and you want to improve, grow and develop.
You are not just someone who wants to go to work, do a job, pay the bills, go home.
You actually want to enjoy being at work, said Look at number one.
What's your biggest weakness again?
A really difficult question that we have to answer tactfully.
We gotta be really careful with it now.
The first tip that I will give you an answer.
This question during the Skype interview call is to not give a weakness.
That is a match for any element of the job description.
So in the job description, if you have to work with other people is part of a team to complete tasks.
Don't say you know my weaknesses.
I don't really like working with people are preferred to work on my own.
Or if the role that you're applying for is customer facing, you have to do with customers.
Don't say Well, my weakness is I'm not really good with people, so I prefer not to deal with people by email on.
So be careful what you're saying.
The weakness.
But here's my suggested answer to this question.
Again, this is a good question and jury mind to be preparation I had considered by answer to it carefully.
My partner is often saying that I always put my work above everything else, including her, which probably isn't a good thing.
So my weaknesses.
I find it hard to relax, and I usually log onto my work in the evenings and weekends.
Now, although this is a weakness, I suppose from an employee's perspective, you could view it is a strength, too.
I love my work, and it's a big part of my life, but I do have to learn to relax and switch off when I'm away from work.
So I am rejuvenated when I get back into the office, so it's quite a clever answer.
You know, you're being really careful what you are saying there with your answer, because anybody's partner, if you were logging on to work every night, working loads, they won't be very happy with that.
And that is a weakness.
You know, you should be able to do all your work at work and then be able to switch off, but that shows that you are actually committed.
And if you said that to me, I'd be like, Wow, this is the person I want wanting to be available in the evenings and weekends, if possible.
So if you want to download the full set of 20 to Skype interview questions and answers on dhe, stick around or to show you the website right now, you can even clip living below the video or the one in the top right hand corner off that video, and it will take you to the space is 20 to Skype interview questions and answers.
He's a couple of things that I'd like to read.
Obviously, I've got the questions here for you.
These 22 that I recommend you prepare for for your Skype into people.
Also, this part here.
How to want to Skype interview questions?
Read that.
And also these three top Skype interview tips really important on my view.
The studies.
I hope you've enjoyed that.
Never get to tell me what interview, Skype interview you've got coming up which industry on?
I'll help you out in the comments section below.
But my advice is to get those answers if you can on and start preparing for your Skype into you.
If you got your Skype interview coming up in a few hours, they will also help you as well, because you could just have a quick look at them before you jump on the Skype call.
So I hope you've enjoyed those Skype interview tips.
I hope you found those ants is useful.
I love teaching.
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Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I hope you have a brilliant day and I wish you all the best for passing your Skype interview.