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Hi, everyone.
I'm Deborah.
I'm gonna show you my every day might come.
First of all, I put my hair up.
I already washed my face with Theis.
I really worry about the healthy skin.
So manly dehydration of it.
First of all, I started for this special aisle.
And I do, uh, quick massage to wake up my skin.
I do does every day since I turned Perry.
I territory now.
Massage truth.
I also used this beauty water smells like spot.
And I put in my purse to you through by day.
Next stop I put this foundation is do your very light with sunscreen.
That's very port living riel, Even if it is raining or something and use.
Look, I use sunscreen.
I learned it for my mom that I had to use some grave.
And it's raining because she when she got pregnant, she got that middle asthma, and she told me to use this sunscreen like recipe so used every day.
And I never exposed my face and the sun, you know, use hats.
And I used some screen and I used some glasses.
I loved to use my hands and my fingers to my makeup, so I like to feel me to touch me.
But sometimes I use brush for the character in the soap opera.
I did a different, a different makeup.
It's more like dramatic.
Otherwise gonna It's not gonna show on TV now.
I just brushed very natural, and sometimes I have so plays the one I want you and my favorite.
It's by beauty this move chai task proud I put here and I really loved products that you can put in use for everything with some highlighter dis Mac highlighter And sometimes I use my fingers.
But now I'm gonna use this.
I started to to use makeup when I I started modeling.
I always thought about my face as a canvas.
Next I loved is Teela Eye liner because it's very easy to a blood.
See, it's just a touch You don't have to worry to be.
So you know, so perfect.
Look, look.
But you know, that's why I put the concealer after everything.
I used this amazing Laura Mercier concealer because I really have dark circles.
I have a little baby Mom.
So you know.
So this part of my life here in really have a lot of humidity, but we also use a lot of air conditioner.
So we have two most rise hours Keen, but not so much otherwise gonna be a poor little girl.
I love her so much.
You know, we have very, very warm climate here.
So doesn't match.
Have the makeup.
I think that's why most of Brazilians brit for natural fresh.
Look, I got a little bit more more.
Does just a mast lives.
Si is very nothing.
You know does makeup.
I just laughed lips shut.
Oh, I forgot what it was.
Karen brush.
No, I can't.
I just Oh, how?
By the open mouth every time.
You don't know.
I don't know.
You know my beauty.
I cones, They don't use makeup.
Are they used?
And they have fun with it, you know, like dad, if I want something fancy, if I'm going to teen er because you know this is OK.
You don't look like very makeup.
You just cover Cem some things sometimes some dark circles and ready to go.
It's very fast.
You don't have to worry, but if I'm going out, I do.
They come tour, you know, it's just a lyrical to spoil it, Mac, you know, just one.
But here it's a shadow.
But you put just a little bit.
Sometimes when I go out here in real and special events are in some parties that, you know, I have to dress up.
I do more makeup, do more dramatic.
I I play a little bit more, but Florida just hand column you I prefer very for tonight.
You, You know, that's why I can use with I think, for for my for my skin.
The peach coral caller looks better than a bank now for a night.
And I don't forget my beauty water after I swap feeling Yeah, Ford here I But some water is just something to reactivated the girls.
Sometimes I use the same while cowed early, I just just Otherwise it here for the girls is hard to say.
Um, because they they have their own life.
So sometimes they're more wild.
Sometimes they're more find it so I don't care.
You know, the thing is, you you have to believe it down.
Okay, so this is That is his life, Dave, Look, I hope you enjoy it.
That's it.