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  • Duck Hunt!

  • I'd argue it's the one title that most defines 8-bit lightgun gaming.

  • Whether you're shooting pixelized ducks or clay pigeons,

  • it was incredibly approachable for pretty much anyone

  • to pick up and play, due to it's use of the NES Zapper.

  • [Springy trigger noise]

  • Just point, shoot, and learn to embrace your hate for virtual dogs.

  • But as much as I enjoyed playing it at my friend's house back in the day,

  • my family only owned a 486 PC at the time

  • and, of course, Nintendo was not interested in releasing games for DOS.

  • Not unless it involved rap music!

  • [Rap music]

  • Ahh, the ’90s were a magical time, guys.

  • Anyway! The point was I wanted to play some friggin' Duck Hunt on my computer,

  • even though it obviously didn't have a light gun.

  • So when I saw this, I practically begged to get it...

  • Duck Hunt for the PC!

  • This was a shareware game by Alligator Software

  • that I got in 1994 at the local book faire!

  • Sandwiched between hundreds of other bland-looking disks.

  • There was no box art or screenshots to go on, only the title and description,

  • so it was a real gamble picking up games this way.

  • But, dude, I was desperate!

  • So I rushed it home, installed it,

  • And here is what I got.

  • [Quack!]

  • [Obnoxious duck calling]

  • [Quacking and gun noises]

  • Ehh... it's not quite what I'd hoped for, to be honest.

  • I mean, you could shoot ducks on top of a 3D-looking background,

  • and that I liked.

  • And it had sound effects that ran through my PC speaker

  • with the right drivers, so that was a plus.

  • But compared to the bright, colorful Nintendo-gasm

  • that was Duck Hunt on the NES,

  • I was absolutely bummed this is what I'd picked up.

  • There's no ammo to worry about here, you just reload every 3 shots

  • and soot as many ducks as you can in each wave.

  • And once the identical waves of identical ducks run out,

  • or you missed too many of them, it's game over.

  • And the shooting itself felt more like a dice roll

  • than anything else.

  • It really seems that no matter how accurate you are,

  • half the time the shots just won't connect.

  • And even though you have a “Duck Calloption,

  • it's an extra thing to click on at the start of each wave

  • that does pretty much nothing.

  • But I didn't give up!

  • I scrounged around online bulletin boards

  • and AOL's game channel for anything Duck Hunt-related,

  • and I'd often run across games like this:

  • Once again, it is called Duck Hunt,

  • this time by ALO-Software in 1993.

  • And yeah, it's not great; you just press Space to shoot

  • and hope you hit the duck-arrow.

  • Mmm~ ASCII art.

  • Although it does get the taunting aspect of the game down pat.

  • Except, instead of a condescending dog,

  • you have belittling text.

  • Ohh...?

  • Ouch!

  • Okaynow you're just being a dick!

  • Finally, in 1995, there was a DOS Duck Hunt tribute

  • by Creators of Intense Art.

  • Although I, unfortunately, did not discover this until recently.

  • This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for back in the day!

  • It's quite an impressive recreation!

  • Doubly so once you realize this is made using ANSI characters.

  • There are not bitmap graphics here at all.

  • [Jingle]

  • All this to say that, yeah, once NES emulators came out

  • I was all aboard that hype train!

  • But to this day, I have a soft spot for duck-hunting games!

  • So when I ran across this in a Goodwill some time ago,

  • I had to grab it.

  • This is Duck Hunter Pro!

  • Originally released in 1998,

  • but rereleased in 2002 here by Ducks Unlimited.

  • And yes: that saysmousepad with free game”,

  • and not the other way around.

  • That does not exactly instill confidence in the product,

  • But heyit's 2002 and the tech bubble is bursting,

  • so just shove everything we have into a bag and sell it.

  • Are you ready? Ducks Unlimited & HeadGames have teamed up to bring you—”

  • Wait! WhaWait! HeadGames made this?!

  • And they refrained from attaching theExtremelabel to it?

  • Huh!

  • I mean, it features 10 different birds and website hotlinks

  • and an easy to use Chevy truck interface.

  • Cool...

  • And I see the Amazon reviews are quite promising!

  • Or... Amazon review. From “A customer”.

  • Uh-huh.

  • There's also this customer image someone uploaded

  • of a guy posing and some dead grass with a bunch of fish.

  • Yeah, that sounds about right...

  • Let's get this thing open and see what you get

  • starting with the CD itself and it's very blatant message

  • saying precisely what bundle this goes with and nothing else!

  • And, of course, there's the real star of the show:

  • the Ducks Unlimited mousepad.

  • And I gotta say, it's a pretty decent mousepad!

  • And I feel inclined to use it with this game,

  • even though I already use a lovely mousepad from Ducky...

  • ... which is purely a coincidence, I assure you.

  • Starting the game up, and... ughh, HeadGames!

  • I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board!

  • It then greets you with a photo of an IBM Thinkpad!

  • And it's here that you enter your name and start your season of hunting.

  • After this, you get the main menu, including those fancy website hotlinks!

  • The Chevy and Duck Unlimited websites are the only ones that still work,

  • although, as expected, old-school IE doesn't play well.

  • Hah! And that seems like the HeadGames website is up for sale!

  • Now that is tempting!

  • Like... really tempting!

  • So I actually got in touch with the current owner of the domain

  • and they wanted $15 000 for it!

  • Considering it's been down for 15 years, that's only a grand for each dead year!

  • Yeah, whatever. Exiting the laptop screen

  • brings you to the easy to use Chevy truck interface

  • and here you can choose where you want to hunt.

  • There's four locations, and each one of them

  • has a unique set of environments and conditions,

  • varying in skill level.

  • Exiting the truck brings you to a Chevy stock photo!

  • And clicking on the trunk let's you choose from 3 shotguns,

  • most of which absolutely suck.

  • Seriously! Who's heard of a pump-action 12 gauge

  • that only holds 2 to 3 rounds?!

  • Oh, well. You can still shoot stuff with them, so that's good!

  • And this is done by selecting a blind to shoot from

  • on this map.

  • [Sorta realistic nature and bird noises]

  • Ahh, nothing better than the great outdoors

  • indoors, on Windows 98.

  • And from here you just...

  • Whwhat?!

  • [Windows error chime—“Chords”]

  • Okay, that was weird...

  • Anyway, from here you discover the mouse is entirely too sensitive,

  • so slow it down in the options menu, and...

  • Ohh! It's even worse!

  • Turns out theslowandfastoptions are reversed,

  • so you need to set it to the fastest to make it the slowest.

  • Did I mention HeadGames made this?

  • Anyway, back to the hunt andUgh! Again?!

  • Apparently, every time you start up a hunting session

  • it thinks you've reinserted the CD which triggers the autorun.

  • so you have to disable that feature in Windows

  • unless you want the game trying to reinstall itself

  • every time you hunt!

  • Alright, anyway, I think we can finally play now

  • and, uhh...

  • I mean, it's okay.

  • You pretty much just sit there and wait for your dude to start an ASMR session.

  • [>>Here they come!]

  • Then some ducks will fly by somewhere on-screen

  • and if you can hit them, you send your dog to go and retrieve them.

  • [>>Atta-boy, Chevy!]

  • Wait. Did uhh... He just called his dogChevy”?

  • The dog is named after the sponsorship!

  • Imagine if YouTubers did that! Every other dog would be named

  • Audible or Squarespace.

  • But yeah, that's pretty much it for these easier hunting sessions.

  • Shoot stuff until you're done shooting stuff!

  • Then exit back to your truck and... Haha!

  • Welp! [laughing] I guess that's what happens to the ducks!

  • [Grilling noise]

  • Oh, and if you happen to break the rules somewhere,

  • you'll get written up. And in that case,

  • you've gassed up the grill for nothing!

  • Unless you were playing the arcade mode, where you just shoot

  • anything that moves with no penalty,

  • sans any tasty duck afterward.

  • Seeing as you still have to wait around quite a bit

  • for ducks to fly by, it's not exactly what I would call

  • exciting arcade gameplay”, but it's a bit less restrictive, at least.

  • And finally, there are more difficult hunts

  • which require you to possess a bit more skill

  • and higher tolerance for irritating game mechanics.

  • On these maps, the ducks don't fly by.

  • They're just these teeny-tiny single-pixel birds on the horizon.

  • In order to lure them in, ya have to lure them in

  • using decoys and calls.

  • Calls are pretty straightforwardyou just use the correct one at the correct time

  • and they'll come flying closer.

  • [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling] [Duck calling]

  • And if you think that sound gets super old, you'd be correct!

  • I now hate ducks.

  • The goal here is to get this meter at the bottom

  • to turn from red to yellow to green,

  • because, otherwise, they're too far off to shoot with your shotgun.

  • That's where decoys come into play

  • and man, does this suck.

  • For whatever reason, this screen is home to some legendary input lag.

  • Just look at this crap!

  • Not only that, but the system for making a successful set of decoys is...

  • Pfft. A mystery to me, man!

  • The help menu says you need to create a pocket

  • for a landing zone in accordance with the wind direction

  • and balance the number of female and male decoys.

  • That'd be fine, if this was not the pickiest and least informative system possible!

  • All you've got to go on is a vague meter

  • turning colors to let you know if your placement is good or bad,

  • and like... 99% of anything you do seems to be bad!

  • The thing is, you need to get this into the green if you want to stand a chance

  • and I was never able to do that in over an hour trying.

  • Yeah. Combined with the lag? Screw that.

  • I gave up and went back to the easier modes

  • so I could cook more ducks, because I'm hungry.

  • But even that's not very fun here, and neither is the whole game!

  • It's not as ridiculously terrible as other HeadGames products,

  • but it's just not very enjoyable and it's exacerbated by

  • all sorts of little problems,

  • like, for instance, the really low field of view.

  • Every other 2D duck-hunting game I've played has a static screen that you aim around,

  • but here, the mouse both aims and scrolls the screen.

  • It's just not finnicky, but it makes it harder than it needs to be

  • to spot the ducks before they fly past!

  • Oh, and look!

  • There's a bunch of maps where the camera is bobbing up and down constantly

  • because you're on a boat.

  • That won't make players sick, at all! [Puke noises]

  • And on that queasy note we have reached the end

  • of my quest for duck-hunting PC games,

  • at least for today.

  • I know there's better duck-hunting games out there these days, but I don't really care anymore!

  • I'm sticking with the NES game,

  • because at least a laughing dog is the most I have to worry about.

  • And if you enjoyed this episode of LGR,

  • perhaps you would like to see some of my others.

  • There's new ones every Monday and Friday!

  • And to see episodes early, you can support the show on Patreon.

  • And, as always, thank you very much for watching!

Duck Hunt!

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LGR - 獵鴨狩獵PC遊戲 (LGR - Hunting For Duck Hunt PC Games)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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