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- How do I discover my gifts?
When do I know I'm a gifted speaker?
(upbeat music)
- I was never, ever, ever a gifted speaker,
don't you get it?
I shaped myself, I trained, I worked hard,
I mold myself into the speaker that I am today,
into the entrepreneur that I am today,
do you understand?
Most of young kids, you are waiting, you are thinking,
oh you know, what is my gift?
It's not about finding your gifts.
It's about developing your gifts.
It's like working out, well I guess I'll wait to find out
what body part is the strongest.
It is the dumbest thing.
You've gotta work for it, you've gotta train,
you've gotta develop those gifts.
Gifts don't just fall on your lap and say,
okay great, you're gifted.
Now maybe you are more talented in certain areas,
or you learn things faster than most with certain things.
Maybe music, maybe mathematics, maybe problem solving,
maybe creativity but you still have to develop
those damn gifts and it takes years to develop
any kind of gifts.
The problem is you're waiting and waiting and waiting,
instead of getting to work.
Pick something, anything. If it doesn't work, you can pivot.
You try enough things, you will know, oh,
an idiot would know that hey, I'm naturally better at this.
I learn faster than most doing this. It clicks for me.
What comes easy for you, may be difficult for others.
That's when you know, okay, maybe this is an area
I need to focus on.
It will still take you years
to be world class at something,
even though you're naturally talented in certain things.
And there's no one that is gifted in everything.
You have to pick and choose.
In life it's all about choices.
You've gotta pick and choose what do you wanna focus on.
You can spend your whole life focusing on something
but does this thing or this skillset
give you what you want?
Does this skillset, if mastered,
could give you the life that you want,
would give you the lifestyle that you want,
would help you accomplish your dreams
and for most, the answer's no.
The answer's no.
So forget about finding that gift.
Watching too many videos and not taking enough action.
Watching videos is fine but at the end of the day,
you have to take action.
You have to go to the gym.
You have to pick up certain skill.
You have to do something.
You learn by doing, not just by watching.
You do not learn just by watching.
When you do something, you internalize it, it becomes yours.
So don't wait, don't fucking wait.
Go find.
Go do.
Go do whatever it takes.
Reinvent, create, the version, the best version of yourself.
You don't need to wait for anyone's permission.
You don't need my permission.
Don't wait for anyone's permission, just go do it.
Go do it today.