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  • ( music playing )

  • Ooh, that was a long flight.

  • 17 and a half hour flight.

  • - I'll tell you it was worth it, though. - Definitely worth it.

  • We're on top of the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore.

  • Believe it or not, we're not just here on holiday,

  • we're actually working very hard.

  • 'Cause it has one of the highest rates of lightning strikes

  • in the world.

  • And it's currently in November at the time we're recording this.

  • Which is the most active month for lightning strikes.

  • It should be a very interesting subject to film.

  • I've never filmed lightning.

  • It's incredibly fast, incredibly unpredictable.

  • Also very dangerous. Which makes you wonder why we're on the roof.

  • Yeah, well, thankfully, there's no storm in currently,

  • but why don't we set up the Phantom in a nice, safe location

  • and wait for a storm to roll in.

  • - In a bit. - In a bit.

  • Ah!

  • ( music playing )

  • Here we are in a hotel room

  • looking out at the Singapore skyline.

  • Today, we're using a Phantom v2512.

  • We often use the 2511,

  • but this has much more internal memory.

  • 288 gigs.

  • And we can usually record what, like four seconds with the--

  • - Two seconds. - Two seconds.

  • This will record almost eight at 28,500 frames a second,

  • but we're gonna be running this slightly differently to how we usually shoot.

  • In that, I'm gonna firstly partition the round into multiple segments.

  • And I'm also gonna use a feature called Image Based Auto-Trigger.

  • What do you know about it?

  • It sounds like

  • 'cause it's automatically triggering it

  • that you're out of a job.

  • ( laughs ) Well, sort of.

  • Let me run you through it.

  • So the first thing I'm gonna do

  • is we typically only use one partition in the memory.

  • We can record for the whole thing.

  • This capacity allows us to record for almost eight seconds.

  • And because of the duration of a lightning strike you don't need eight seconds.

  • So essentially more beneficial

  • if we say get eight different partitions.

  • Giving us a round a second for each capture.

  • So what I've done is I've set this little area, this little box.

  • - See the red box? - Yeah.

  • And then I can set how often it checks and the sensitivity

  • of how big the pixel change has to be

  • for it to register a trigger.

  • And then I can position this box wherever,

  • so I gonna point it in the sky.

  • That way anything down here, you know, people taking pictures

  • or anything like that shouldn't affect it.

  • But if lightning comes down through the top

  • it should trigger the camera,

  • automatically save that point nine seconds into the mag,

  • and just immediately go again.

  • So you're saying that if it sees lightning it'll save it

  • - for you. - Yeah.

  • And now in theory, if I change--

  • if I mimic some lightning here...

  • - Yeah. - What it'd do?

  • Immediately triggered and then stopped and it's recording again.

  • It went in a solid circle and then it started recording again.

  • So it went one and then when I turned it off it went another one.

  • And you can see now it's immediately recording into the mag.

  • Oh, yeah. So-- 'Cause it was so quick.

  • When you did it it went two, three like that.

  • - Yeah. - It was immediate. Wow.

  • So this is pretty much set up now.

  • So now what we need to do is wait for it to become nighttime

  • or wait a lightning strike

  • and it should capture and save automatically

  • until it's completely full.

  • So now we just wait.

  • But wait if it does everything automatically,

  • should we... should we just-- Pub?

  • - Pub. - Pub.

  • ( music playing )

  • ( thunder roaring )

  • Go! Go! Go! My God.

  • - ( laughs ) - Watch out, watch out.

  • We're on the wrong side of the hotel.

  • Gonna miss all the lightning.

  • My shorts are falling down.

  • Gotta be striking on the Bay side.

  • The oceans have got nothing on this end.

  • ( indistinct chatter )

  • - We're the opposite. - We were so well set up in there.

  • - Go ahead. - Ooh, ow!

  • Sorry.

  • All right.

  • This is good.

  • There's no glass over here.

  • ( thunder roaring )

  • ( lightning crackling )

  • ( music playing )

  • - Oh, wow! - The whole sky lit.

  • Throughout the whole ocean.

  • It just knows lightning might be there

  • and so I can always focus.

  • Yeah, it's lightning.

  • ( laughs )

  • Yeah.

  • Dan: Oh, wow!

  • Wow.

  • Well, that was some absolutely beautiful footage.

  • I'm so relieved we got it.

  • I'm just so relieved we actually had a lightning storm.

  • 'Cause imagine coming all the way to Singapore for no reason.

  • - That would suck. - That would've been the worst.

  • I also have a massively newfound respect for lightning.

  • I mean, I knew it was dangerous, right,

  • but it made those ships look like little toys

  • - in like a bathtub. It was incredible. - It was so scary.

  • I was so fascinated to see the difference in speed

  • between all the feeler forks

  • - compared to the big, bright strike. - Yeah.

  • Absolutely insane.

  • Completely blew it out, didn't it?

  • Oh, that was a really fun video to make.

  • Hopefully, you enjoyed it.

  • Feel free to subscribe. Check out part two

  • where we're gonna learn more about lightning

  • and Dan's gonna get shocked.

  • - What? - What?

( music playing )

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