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Hello, the Internet. You've joined us very late at night.
-And uh- -Shh!
[WHISPERS] Shh..Keep the noise down for the neighbours.
Yeah, but David's sleeping!
And in this video, we are going to experiment with different coloured flames.
There are multiple ways to change the color of a flame and we're going to use "teeky" oil.
"Teeky" stuff!
It's lamp oil.
Basically, when we were doing the fire breathing video I noticed that you can buy these in different colors.
So we got blue and green Tike oil, we've also got red.
And we're going to use just normal orange color flames as well.
Just the regular, bog-standard, flame.
Bog-standard flame.
We'll get some nice, different color shots.
Then maybe merge them together, a little bit of a rainbow flame.
Sounds good to me.
Alright, let's whip out the Phantom.
Filming high-speed in the dark is insanely difficult, you can't see anything.
But we'll see how we get on.
Let's heat things up a little bit!
Any more? [BOTH LAUGH]
GAV: It's longer than the actual...
It must be cord.
I feel like one of those doctors pulling out a big worm from someone's leg or something!
GAV: You know, as you do, pulling worms out of legs!
DAN: Well you know, like parasite worms or what are they called?
GAV: Going for some green Tike.
What colour's the fluid, is it green?
DAN: No, it's actually clear,
the blue Tike oil had a slightly blue tinge to it.
But this is-yeah this is clear!
So we're going to turn off the lights before we go, to avoid any flickering in the image
And I'm going to shoot all of this in 4K, at 1000fps.
It's incredibly difficult to predict where the focus is going to be
so we're probably going to use a little pilot light from the propane.
I'll try and see it, it's going to be so dull, at a thousand frames a second, at night
But, y'know, I'll do my best!
DAN: You're dull.
Hit it.
GAV: Okay, let's test out the greenery.
DAN: Whoa!
GAV: That's some Harry Potter stuff going there.
GAV: Alright, this is going to be very blown out on this camera
But, it will show the process for firing four flames of different color into each other
DAN: Who knows what this is going to look like!
GAV: Yeah
Get some test sprays
DAN: Okay, ready?
C'mon spray
That was really cool!
That was awesome.
I really liked that.
Yeah, it was so-I was surprised you could see the difference in the colours of the flames
Yeah, especially between the red and the orange.
Which, you know, are very similar.
In one of those shots you could see that the red got fired slightly before the orange,
and then the orange followed it up and there was a clear difference between the two colors.
And then obviously the green and the blue were really vivid and cool, weren't they?
Yeah, I just really liked that for some re-I could watch that forever!
Found like a new thing, I like coloured flames I guess!?
Well hopefully you liked that video, a bit of an artsy one, we don't have to blow stuff up every week?
Still don't do that at home, even though it was an arty, it was all still dangerous
We set the ground on fire.
Yeah, a few times.
And Dan set his hand on fire.
DAN: [BLEEP]ing hell!
GAV: Oh, God.
Not good.
It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
Well, I was wearing gloves.
That's true.
So don't do it.
Yeah, don't do it. [LAUGHS]
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Oh hang on. [ZIPPER UNZIPS]
Do you have one, do you have one?
There you go, and most importantly, as always, Subscribe to our channel because we will keep making Slow Mo as long as you keep watching it.