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all right.
Well, I You know, obviously we're having our laughs here.
We're having a good time, but we should probably get serious soon because, folks, I think it's high time.
Once again, we look into the future, the way to the future way.
Sales of Hershey's kisses will plummet when the kisses start slipping, people some tongue.
Ruben Studdard will announce that in order to lose weight, he has gotten his stomach staple.
Unfortunately, the staples are made of pure Canadian bacon.
An English major will break up with her boyfriend.
She will make it feel better by reassuring him.
It's not you, it's I.
Federal investigators will break into Barry Bonds House.
Justus the slugger is opening a bottle of steroids.
Bonds will evade arrest, however, by tossing the bottle of 1000 miles into space.
Adidas will make a $250 sneaker equipped with a computer.
The sneaker will be so smart it will make fun of you for wasting $250.
Men everywhere will find it easier to quit smoking when the nicotine patch is replaced by the farm or effective nicotine Hooker Theo historians will discover the Julius Caesar's last words were not too brute, but rather not in the crotch, not in the crotch.
Theo Comedians will feel so guilty about all the M C Hammer jokes.
They've told they will mail Hammer a check for $10 million which Hammer will immediately invest in a magical chocolate racehorse, Theo.
20 years after the series ended, the Friends cast will reunite for a special reunion show.
Everyone will participate except Mexican dictator Matt on the block.
Even Gaze will object to gay marriage when James Lipton Mary's Iced Tea simply to become James Lipton iced tea.
Theo, an evil writer for Late Night With Conan O'Brien, will set out to see if James Lipton will say Pete paints pretty pink ping pong balls with his Penis.
James Lipton will, of course, refuse.