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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.
And what is another in the miniseries can it ran?
Dr dot insert game title here.
Now in the serious, we take older, graphically unimpressive gains, at least by modern standards.
Give them a little bit of a visual overhaul, using various tweaks and graphical enhancements, and then see how well they run on the hard way that would have performed just fine with the vanilla again.
Why do we do it?
Well, the answer is the same every time because we can.
Ah, nde.
If you have an older system with an older GPU, you've got one of the's older games in.
You want to know how it would run?
Should you use any of these graphical Twix there?
Hopefully, this may help you out with answering that very question, but mostly it's just for fun.
So today's title is another professed that classic.
This is the elder scrolls oblivion, I would argue, and so many others that Skyrim is generally the better game, at least for modeling.
You can make that game look absolutely incredible with a wide variety of visual mods are available, as well as other game paid tweets and so on and so forth, and these days, oblivion is overlooked a little bit.
But there are still enhancements available out there.
Someone's that will make some nice graphical changes to the base or Vanilla Game.
So without further ado, let's get into it.
Talk about how the game runs without any mods in its vanilla state.
Don't go out a sort of card.
You'll need to run it at 60 f.
S as it is, and then I'll talk to you about the graphical overhauls on mods I've used as well as whether or not it's worth it for the performance that you may lose.
As always, beauty is in the eye off the beholder.
Some of you may think these model good.
Some of you may think they look awful, but my advice would be to play through the Vanilla Game before you make any changes both to the game.
Play on the visuals.
The same applies to every title I've tested thus far.
As it is, the eldest girl's oblivion should run fine with the majority of modern graphics cards, although 60 F B s is harder to achieve that max settings on entry level hardware.
It's not unrealistic to expect most creepy use from within the last five years to handle the game just fine.
Oblivion released way back in 2006 and uses Thegame Brio Engine, which was also used to create such other classics as Bully Scholarship.
Addition on Fallout three.
I still admire the art style of the game because vanilla visual was a part of what form are fond, nostalgic memories of certain titles.
There's no denying, though the up close it can look a little rough around the edges.
I mean, it always has done.
To be honest, as faras performance is concerned, the jewel fans of my genetics 9 80 don't even switch on as thegame meets and exceeds 60 F ps 20 tens.
Legendary flagship.
The Jew TX 4 80 also makes light work of the game, to name another example.
This is a car that can be picked up at a small fraction of its original cost.
Today, however, try to run this title on a G force to 10 1 of the worst products ever created in what could be a number of infinite universes, and you'll be left wondering if you accidentally opened up the game executable file in M s Power Point.
Disabling all anti Ellis ing at 10 80 p does mean that we can hit a 30 f P s average, even if you will be subjected to some frame drops here and there.
And by some I mean lots.
So let's move on to the graphical modifications.
Don't expect miracles or photo realistic overhauls here.
But there are certainly some significant environmental changes and texture enhancements available, which will help bring oblivion a little closer to 2019 even if we can't achieve the same level of change as we could with, say, obsidian Sze Fallout New Vegas Another game, brio based game As far as morning is concerned, it's tempting toe Wait for Skye Oblivion, the ongoing project that scene, a volunteer based group remake Oblivion in the Sky Room engine.
But there is no release date as of yet, so we left to our own devices for the time being.
That's far from a bad thing, as there is plenty of molding fun to be had enough chitchat.
Let's talk about the changes thanks to Bev Alexis, fantastic and very helpful Model ist for oblivion over at nexus mods I was able to install a load of fire was without much hassle at all, resulting in a game that now looks like this will leave a link in the description below to the mod list.
Included in these changes are textures in environmental mods, floral tweaks and weather alterations, to name a few.
I strongly recommend checking out the model IST and installing the fire.
Was that appeal to you?
After all, you don't have to install all of them first things first.
I'll show you a few comparison screenshots before and after the mods, and then we'll move on to performance.
So the first screen here gives you a bit of everything we've got tree floor on wall textures and a bit of fire in the background.
What more could you ask for?
This is unmoored it oblivion.
Comparing this to the Tweaks game, which also has the cinematic oblivion Ian be installed on the textures a sharper or replaced where necessary.
We've got new leaves, better flames and enhanced weather effects.
Bear in mind.
The natural weather mode and cinematic e.
B do seem to favor an overcast or rainy weather style, but the Sun does come out sometimes, and things do brighten up ever so slightly.
This just gives the game of grittier, darker look.
Here's a close up of flame again.
This is the vanilla image.
It looks okay for a 13 year old game moving on to the mod it game.
And you can see here that the textures depth of field and fire Havel being changed.
The depth of field is totally removable in the e N B file.
Usually I turn it off in other games, but I felt it wasn't actually overdone here, like it can be with some E and B presets.
Plus, it helps to hide some of these still rougher back drops off the game.
Here we have a door pretty standard on its own, and with two K textures.
It's no actually that different.
I think this door received some pretty good vanilla textures, so it's more the brickwork around the edges where we see a difference.
This is my personal favorite screen shop.
Not this one, exactly, because this is the vanilla screenshot.
But I thought this would be a nice location to try and wow you with, with everything enabled here it's like we're actually standing in a river looking at the bank.
Sort off.
You can see the new rock textures stand out quite well here, too.
So now I'm going to move on to some unscripted gameplay just to talk to you about my experiences with different graphics cards and how they perform With these mods installed, I paid all the GP use with the rise in 5 36 100 and 16 Gig's off 3200 megahertz duty are four.
I'm also using Windows 10 Pro, which seems to work fine with oblivion these days.
So I touched on the nine eighties performance at the start.
It just so happens to be the card.
I've got my system at the moment and without any more to the game runs fine it 60 f p s.
I had to cap it at 60 because it makes things run better.
I experienced a few graphical glitches without the cap, but with the cap, we're seeing 60 pretty much fluently without modern.
When we've got all the mod enabled, there are a few drops here and there, but the average still works out at 60 f ps.
Regardless, when you walk through dense forests that feature long grass.
Thanks to my long grass mods, you will see a few frame dips to perhaps the low fifties on DDE some other Statham may occur to.
But all in all, it's a pretty decent experience on the 9 80 which is a card that doesn't cost too much these days on is still fairly capable too.
Ladies and gentlemen, if any of you suffer from epilepsy or an aversion to flashing images, please look away now because the Jew force to 10 in all its glory just caused us many, many issues.
I was surprised that it was able to run, but it wasn't able to run it more than two frames per second, no matter where we were on the map.
So all in all, it was a bit of a disaster.
With this one gig G force to 10 graphics card, and even with the SLR hack, it didn't get any better.
Now the endgame combat didn't kill me so much as it did the 8800 GTX, an older card now one that runs the game fairly well at around 50 FBS, albeit at 7 20 p with the vanilla graphics.
But when we have all the modern stored here, that frame rate does decrease quite significantly.
I feel like things should be doing a little better.
Hear the 8800 GTX Waas, a top tier cart back in its day, came out around the same time as oblivion.
But, yeah, I'm not quite sure what's going on with the frame rate, but it doesn't seem to be able to run very well with the e N B and the graphical model installed.
So bear that in mind.
If you have untold card like this and you want to tweak the game a little bit with the Jew TX 4 80 there's not much to report.
The game runs at 60 F.
P s without any margin stored, and with everything installed, that drops down to 45.
So, in my opinion, it's still more than playable Bear in mind, Just like with the 9 80 all the other cars, there may be a few hiccups here and there, but it full HD 10 80 p.
You'll have no problem running oblivion with the 4 80 these graphical modes enabled.
I don't think it's much of a frame rate sacrifice for the graphical improvement, though of course, your opinion may beg to differ.
Finally, I thought I had better throw an A M D card in here.
We're using the Fire Pro W 5000.
This is a sort of workstation card, but I've tested it before on the channel and found that it can still handle itself.
When it comes to modern games, it performs just fine.
A 10 80 pay 60 F.
S is no issue with oblivion and the vanilla settings, though this does drop down to 50 f ps with everything installed.
But it will sometimes shoe up to 60 hovering around the mid fifties in empty areas.
All in all, it seems like a pretty decent experience, even on this card.
Most of the time, if you have a card like I say that's from within the last 10 years, you may be able to squeeze payable frame rates out of a totally overhauled oblivion, especially if you have one of those high end offerings are car that would have been considered high end way back when any card from within the sort of last five years should have no issues even with the overhaul mods enabled.
But it's just something you'll have to try yourself.
Everyone's hardware is totally different, of course.
Yeah, I recommend checking out the model ist which are leavin the description Have a play about with the oblivion Mods play through the game Vanilla first time around as it really is on unmissable classic.
If you haven't played it already that I'm sure most of you have.
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