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Good morning, guys.
Uh, a little bit late ish.
Sort of.
Sorry about that.
Thank you very much.
You guys all you may very well.
Okay, Good.
It looks good.
Um, yeah.
I usually don't like to.
I have, like, the pre show kind of the Lifestream will start soon.
That thing that's up.
I usually don't like to leave it up spending 10 minutes now.
So sorry for those guys who have been waiting for 10 minutes.
Uh, usually 5678 minutes.
It's kind of enough.
Anyway, let's get into How have you guys been enjoying the best of videos?
Festive 2019 and the best of the decade.
What do you guys think of those videos?
Interesting, good lists, Disagreements, Though I think that the most common disagreement that I've seen is that I didn't include the h g destiny in the best of 2019.
And it's fair point.
I thought about it, but I thought it's not really like it's not really all that much different from like the, uh like, It wasn't a revived kid.
And I came here what exactly was in the actual revive line, But ah, like the revive version of the four simple Tze and the Freedom More both also really great kits And the destiny just kind of seemed like just along the same lines.
So before that reason, the destiny didn't really stand out as something like really knew a fantastic kid.
I'm sure even though I haven't built it yet, I've got it over here.
I recently got it.
It's in my cue to build s.
I'm sure it's a great gift, but just because I didn't feel like it really did anything to really stand out as far as I know.
But the one good point, though, was that Ah, it did.
Uh, it did have the effect parts included, which was nice, so it doesn't risk credit for that.
Um, so anyway, that was the most common I think, disagreement that people saw.
And then a few people commented, Ah, about the lack of high resolution kids as well.
Both in the best of 2019 people thought Hi, Resolution.
God, Gundam should have been in there.
And also for like, just the best of the decade, people thought I should have included the high resolution line of the God.
Gonna more the astray.
And that's also a fair point.
Maybe could have.
But I just think the high resolution line is just too expensive.
It's just to not really like a viable option for a lot of people.
That said, I did include the PG exit, but that's kind of like a little bit different thing.
It's a perfect grade.
The high resolution, I guess, is like its own thing as well.
But I just feel like Ah, no, Oh, no one really asked for a high resolution nine.
No one really wants what the high resolution line is.
The only reason people buy them is just because the kids, a couple of them do end up looking pretty good.
But I think if they would have produced those same kids just as a normal master grade, much, much, much more people would have been interested in those kids.
So for what it is, I I think, like while they might so all right.
Yeah, they're just too expensive.
So how are you guys all doing this morning?
Ah, they're onto its with e soul.
Nick, are you guys doing face O r YouTube?
Michael, Steven Kenichi Xia Speed.
Well, hello How are you guys all doing?
It's my first time to ever build a my cross kid.
That's some pretty excited, although, like at the same time.
I mean, I don't know.
It doesn't feel like that.
Really momentous oven occasion.
It's just a non Gundam Mecca model general.
Build that often, but I do build them every now and then.
So I see my dad upstart about the, uh Ah, my dad also watching there on Facebook.
Good morning, Dad and Ryan.
Good morning, Ryan.
How you guys doing?
Ah, Nick.
Watching from the Philippines.
That's cool.
Hope you guys are okay in the Philippines.
I haven't seen much about it, but I'm just thinking about what's going with the volcano.
They're kind of scary.
Um, I hope you're doing all right.
So let's get to work on this guy.
And I just wanna let you guys know, too, that I'm also show you starting from yesterday and I'll finish up today getting all the parts and everything ready for a live stream building MEChA Godzilla on Friday morning.
So that will be Friday at my Friday morning for you guys in the U.
To be Thursday evening.
Ah, Ryan, You said you're still at work.
That's fun.
Hopefully, you're not busy.
You can just kind of hang out for a while.
Oh, yeah.
Friday morning, people in the U.
Your Thursday evening.
The next live stream bill will be the Oshima MEChA Godzilla.
So I'm getting all the parts ready.
Uh, now so we can live stream build that next.
So we'll have another non Gundam kit to build next after this And the next week, we'll have a couple of Gundam kids to build the master grade watch sky, and then I want to do at least one more.
So maybe maybe the Rigas the Unicorn version.
Possibly I don't know.
We'll see.
Maybe another non Got something.
Um, you need to build the diagram as well.
So maybe that they will build that one.
I'll think about it.
Um uh, I need to build a figure as Mico as well.
I was planning on live streaming that too.
So next week we'll build the figure as la Boh me coo and the watch sky Sounds like a pretty good plan, but yeah, If you guys saw the live stream the other day, my new compressor arrived, so I can actually get back to some painting now too, So I need to work on that.
Oh, all right.
So first thing is that the instructions are a bit strange.
This part, I feel like definitely should go in much later in the process, but it kind of shows that going in straight away, So Okay, got the antenna on top of the head.
It also is a little bit goofy in there.
And this put that no limit later.
Doesn't feel like it's gonna stay in very well.
Um, have any of you guys built this kit or the I know there's a couple of kits.
This is like a very And there's a couple different variants of this kit.
Basically like the exact same kit.
Have any of you guys built this one or the other different variants of this kid?
What do you think of it?
Like the little clear lens part for the camera at the front of the head and the box.
I didn't notice this while I was recording the unboxing for this.
If you guys noticed I haven't uploaded the unboxing for this kid yet because it's gonna be one where I'm planning on doing the unboxing in the review.
All is one video.
So after the live stream, and then I record the review, and then I'll just put it all out at once.
And why is this not wanting to go in there?
My putting this in upside down or something, or just not lining it up or what?
Ah, as always, guys, uh, see, uh, catch up on a couple comments.
But as always, if you have questions directly like you want a direct directly at me if you have questions for me specifically, you're not just chatting amongst each other there in the chap.
Put a tag me in.
Tag me in your comments or ah, or put in all caps so that I can see your question easily.
And Ryan, you loved my best kids of the century.
Not the century quite yet, but thank you.
That's cool acid.
Thank you very much for your contribution.
They're going to use Okabe show for the first time.
Do you have Do you have to get a badge or is open to the book?
Acid s a blade.
Well, first of all, congratulations.
I'm going to Shizuoka.
You're really gonna love it.
I'm gonna be there, too.
So say hello if you see me.
Ah, and s foresees.
No, you don't need a badge.
If you go on the public day.
If you go in, uh, let's think why and hang on.
Why is this part not going in on my putting this in wrong or something?
What's the deal?
Um uh, okay.
No, I had Yeah.
I think I better put this deal that first, Um, you don't need a badge camera?
I think Sunday is the public day.
Or the Saturday Saturday's Hubley Day.
I forget offhand, I'll have to check, but yeah.
Uh, like I know Friday is not public.
So, like, if you go on Friday, I'm pretty sure I went there the first day on Friday when it was not open to the public.
Uh, and it's I borrowed a badge from one of the guys there.
Uh, but if you go on a public day that no, you don't need a batch and the reason why I couldn't get this clear.
P Singh's.
I thought it went in behind this part of actually, you need to put the head two halves the head together first, and then you pop the clear part in there in the front.
So they see the instructions Not very clear.
Ah, this part here at the back of the head that goes into the back and the clear partly goes in the front.
Those should go in like after putting the two halves of the ticket together so normal and abandon Kate, you It would be like have the one part one bee had to put the main body of the head together first.
And then you have, like, the two that you put the front and back parts in afterwards.
But it doesn't say that on here, so just make sure you pay attention.
If something is not working, try a little bit differently.
So that's it for the head.
Pretty simple Little antenna will flip forward like that, I guess, and it's quite loose in there, so I'll probably end up blowing that later.
And a little bit of a seam line here on the bottom of the back of the head butts on the back of the head.
So gnarly to worry about that seam line here on the front as well.
So maybe just get rid of that shouldn't be too hard.
There's nothing that's really gonna be lost in there.
Just the antenna will be stuck in getting out of the sea mine.
But that's not a big deal.
I'm expecting this kid to have a good amount of sea mines on it, to be honest.
But I know just getting all the parts right.
Everything didn't look like it's gonna have that many steam lines.
Actually, they'll be just like a little bits here and there, and it looks like but otherwise nothing like two.
Ah, Nick's.
How do you decide which kids to display on your shelf?
First ones to keep in the box?
Well, one way is to just have very little of shelf space like me.
I have very little shelf space of most everything's just kept back in the box.
If it's not yet built or not painted, I should say, um, is there a way to make the time Mia epoxy putty and not that sticky?
Um, use water J.
Lynch if, like you're working with the Tamia epoxy putty or any epoxy putty, as far as I know.
Um, uh, just if you're using your fingers, just get some water on your fingers and it won't stick your fingers.
Or if you're using a tool, just dip your tool in water, and it won't stick to that.
Uh, I think that should answer your question, I believe.
Okay, now.
Oh, actually, to build the waist part first, but it's okay.
We'll build a body.
Oh, no.
We need the waste to build body.
So but he's the body parts to put those aside and build a waste for your first.
It's just a couple of pieces.
Oh, it's not an antenna.
It's Ah, laser cannon.
Okay, this is a laser cannon, this little tiny thing on top of his head.
Thank you, Dave, for filling me in on it.
I I should mention this is not only my first time ever building my cross kit, but I've never seen Mac Cross.
I'm not really interested in my cross, so you'll have to forgive me.
I don't really know much about it.
So sorry about that.
And thank you for the info, Dave.
If you guys, if I mess anything else up, do feel free to let me know, especially, could be useful for me to have the proper information for the review for everyone else.
So any information you can share with me now will be useful when I go to record the review later on.
Thank you for that.
And I saw over there on Facebook that my end also joined.
Ah, see?
Uh, Facebook.
So, So sluggish.
And, Marie, if you're still watching live high, huh?
Ah, OK, let's see.
Mmm Mmm.
It's meant for shooting down missiles or a small aircraft.
Okay, that's interesting.
So it's just, uh, with the called I'm drawing a blank.
What's the word for that?
But anyway, yeah, okay.
I get what you mean.
That's cool.
I am noticing that just ahead and in these parts to the poly caps are a bit tricky.
They don't want to line up quite straight.
So make sure you're careful with the poly caps when you're putting those together, I feel bad for building kits and not displaying them around my room office.
One of the reasons why I'm not motivated.
If you have, like a proper display space, I guess it would be ashamed.
Like not to use it right.
But so on this part two we got seemed steam line here, a seam line here, so I think it's let's be It's obviously the essentially the nose cone of the fighter form.
All right.
So now the body part and again, this is gonna be maybe a little bit tricky.
Be careful.
I'm sure I pay attention to what I'm doing.
So we got Polly caps here, which are not really gonna want to stay in place very well, so come back to putting those in a little bit later.
Ah, Who is that?
Where is this place Has been supposed to go in here, I guess.
Yeah, I got instructions.
Definitely not as clear as your typical penned Ike it.
So make sure you're paying attention.
So what you're doing, that's nothing like difficult.
Just need to pay attention.
Like with a band I manual.
I could look at it for, like, half a second.
I could know what I'm doing.
It's kind of just need to pay that.
And just like the parts, just like the general shape of all the evil.
That part's everything I'm just not familiar with on these Polly caps.
Although they look almost the same.
They're very slightly different left in the right side version of this Poly Caps.
And careful with that too.
Ryan said gasoline also works for the world to prevent sticking.
Yeah, Uh, yeah.
Veselin, I mentioned that very briefly in my recent desk update video.
And it's a good point.
I mean, Thio, cover that Maurin a video later If you want vest.
If you want the epoxy putty to to not stick to a particular part.
Something that you're working on, then Yeah, you can use Vasselin as well.
Just put a little gasoline on the part where you don't want the epoxy putty to stick to.
Ah, but if you're if you mean if you mean you don't want it to stick to whatever you're using to manipulate the putty again like you're a tool or your fingers or whatever, then water should work.
You know, I don't know if you really need to put gasoline on.
You're, like tool to keep the party off.
Is it good?
The water seems kind of easier as well.
Uh, okay.
It's a little bit tricky part there, and I don't want those Polly caps to pop out of there again.
So be careful with that.
Ah, uh, and also my second cousin.
Also doing so.
Apparently on Facebook home.
I went to my family watching.
That's cool.
Hi, cousin Heidi.
I didn't think that many people, my family we're following my Facebook.
Earliest facebook page.
Uh, right.
Which final top coat do you prefer?
And why Nick on twitch there, Which top?
Go try prefer?
Um, definitely.
My favorite topcoat to use is, um, Mr Hubby, does Mr Color flat clear?
It's just one of their normal paint range.
Flat, clear colors.
Oh, and using that with the airbrush a lot People really like the Mr Hobby like that Mr Color Spray Ken Topcoats.
And I used to use those, but I just prefer the finish of the just the flat, clear paint.
It's just not super duper lying.
The reason why I don't like some of the break and that I used before is that almost has, like, kind of like, dusty look, too.
It's too, too flat.
Oh, shit.
But the flat, clear color, I think, looks really nice.
It's almost kind of like satin knee a little bit.
It dulls the color of bills.
All your color's a little bit, so if you want, like super bright colors, it will certainly dull them slightly.
But that said, I think your colors will still look really bright once there once they're on.
They're just, you know, digesters depends on the color and this part also a little bit tricky wise.
It's not going in there.
It's another one knows where in the manual.
It looks like this should go in before putting the top part on.
But it didn't sonny and he's going after.
But now it's also not fitting on after either.
So should go on.
Maybe, like this will be better.
I need to see what I'm doing here.
Here we go, all right.
A little bit tricky to get those parts in together.
But there we go.
That's it.
It's for the back back here.
Essentially, say, Golic folded up.
Wings up in there.
It's pretty cool.
Ah, and then the wings Do these have a front and backside or they're the same differently.
Look the same.
So okay, um, another one of my aunt also joined up.
What's going on?
Someone in my family must have shared this on Facebook.
The suddenly a bunch of my family's watching on Facebook.
Uh, hello.
And in also there, um, Blaze asked.
Have you Have you watched the YouTube serious called?
No, I have not watched that serious yet, but I've seen that they were making some kits from the series coming out S O.
That that will be pretty cool.
I saw those kids come up, so I preordered those kids look pretty cool.
And I know what you're talking about.
I've seen like people going on about the Siri's, but I've yet thio like watch it myself.
So even though the construction is a bit odd in place, it's that's certainly need any different than a Band Aid kit.
I got to say, I really loved the detail on this.
It's got a ton of detail especially like around here on this top part around the head.
New York ahead itself.
Not a time detail there, but around the head and here on the frowned, all his panel lines and details or anything on the back on these wings.
Ton of detail in there, So very cool.
Also the size a little bit smaller than what I was like originally expecting slightly smaller is basically gonna be about the size of a high grade.
It seems like, Well, I think my cross kits are generally in 100 scale or 1 72nd scale.
I think the 1 72nd scale once it gets to be the larger size comparable to like a bend I masturbated kit, it seems to me at this plant Ah, Drea Z boys At what It's your tips.
Starting out your first painted bill First pain to build my tips would be Just do just do plenty of research ahead of time, do research.
But that said, don't do so much research to the point that you're kind of like feeling into intimidated because there's a lot of things to memory or think about, like drying times and the thinner, whether fuse thinner, don't.
If you're using spray cans, you're not gonna use thinner.
Um, like which types of pain work with that?
There's kind of a lot of information.
I guess you kind of need to know.
But at the same time, it's really not as intimidating as it may seem.
On the surface, it's not that complicated.
The best advice for starting on a painted builders just started something simple And just try it and, you know, do as much research as you need to have a good idea of what you're doing ahead of time.
Other than that, I mean, just go for it.
Once you get started painting, you're definitely gonna be glad that you did s so even if you you know, if you know your first couple of kids don't come out that great My first couple painted kids were good, Weren't that good?
I wouldn't really come from is like total failures that horrible.
I don't think.
But your first couple of painted kits aren't aren't gonna be masterpieces.
So you know, just go for it and you'll get better.
So it's not like and I think, the other thing.
I see a lot of people worry about their worried about ruining their kits, and I also I think that's something you should really just not worry about, because it is.
It's really hard to completely ruin a kid, and then, even if you do, can always just buy the kid again.
Like some people, you know, if you're working on a budget.
You can't.
You know, it's easy to say, Just buy the kid again.
But, you know, I understand some people you don't have the budget to buy kids all the time, which is very understandable.
But as long as you're not painting like some people and I are like super rare kid or something, then it's always one that you can get again later at some point and try.
Try it again if you want.
So ah, the important thing is to just not get too worried about it.
I think it's all right.
So this part here for us would be Which part of the leg kind of the thigh part of the late We got sea mines in the front and back of here as well.
And which where is this?
Ah, Would you recommend starting on smaller kids?
Ah, greasy.
For your first painted build, I would recommend just working on, like, a simple high grade or something.
It would be best just because it's simpler and his design also cheaper.
Of course again.
So mean Where is this piece?
I need this.
I hear this.
Ah, yeah.
Starting off with a high grade or even like a ah first grade are in advanced.
Great, like a really simple one.
But I said, I don't think you really need to go That simple, just a simple high grade is enough.
Honestly, like, uh, probably one of the best kits that I could advise for people getting into starting painting would probably with the Greys H G.
Grace doesn't have a ton of parts, has almost no steam lines, too great of on it.
It's got a little sea mine on the leg, and that's pretty much it.
And pretty simple.
Get to paint.
And you can also get sort of the experience of painting an inter frame where it doesn't have, like, quite as complex and her famous a master.
Great, obviously.
But you still kind of have the experience of essentially painting an inter frame sort of on a high grade kid, and then that will maybe make you less worried about going and then, like moving on to master grades later on.
You kind of have the sort of experience of painting.
Master grades are painting a inter frame to a degree, so Sze goes, Ah, here now be it for the thigh.
Okay, so for the thigh part here, you got a little, uh, see mind through the knee joint seam line a little bit here on the seam line, down the middle, the back of that.
They're so Oh, probably wipe those out.
What's an easy way to add weathered effects to your kids?
Well, there's a lot.
There's about a 1,000,000 ways to do weathering and easy.
I don't know.
It depends on what you want to do.
But generally I think if you're wanting the easier way to do weathering, then it's probably not going to look.
I mean, whether it is the kind of thing that, uh, it it takes time and it takes practice.
And if you're looking to do it just a quick and easy way, then it's probably not going to turn out that well.
Unit is the kind of thing you probably did.
Take some time and, you know, practice the techniques and you should go into it not thinking that something that you can just do really quickly and easily and get a good effect because it probably not going to get a full of, like proper or effect that you're really happy with.
If you had something that you just knocked out in 20 minutes, you know?
Um huh.
Good day, Flynn.
How's it going, buddy?
And Dad?
They they they should know that I'm going to Chile.
I made a video talking about how I'm going to Chile.
End of this month.
The event is February 1st and second, but I'm leaving at the end of January.
The build so far is about what I expected.
Pretty simple, but ah, not difficult.
It's definitely different from a band.
I kit from Bend.
I gunned them.
Get of course, as far as the band I might cross gets.
I don't know.
I haven't built them, so I don't know how different is fur.
Abend im across get.
But from typical Gundam kits, Of course it's different.
Ah, I wouldn't say it's necessarily challenging, but it's definitely different.
I wouldn't say it's like the best thing that I've ever built, but certainly cool.
It's got a lot of really great detail.
And yeah, as far as the seam lines again.
So it's about what I expected.
I expected there will be some seems on it so nothing too surprising with the bills so far.
It's not what I expected, but nice and definitely worth it.
I think this costs.
Ah, I want to say itwas I have to go back and check.
Didn't cost a whole lot.
Anyway, it was pretty Jeep.
So these panels here for the front and back of the leg, kind of interesting that have this peg on here, but it pig doesn't plug into anything.
It's just kind of goes into their What's actually holding them on is thes little Peg's here, which these panels in front of Michael like helped to cover up the seam line on the way, which is good, but they don't really seem very first securely held on there, so I'm definitely gonna want to put some glue on those later on.
But that's pretty much it for the legs.
So you got basically just a couple of sea mines there around the thigh and then, like the knee joint, just the back of the knee joint, maybe you want to get rid of that, but that's pretty much it.
There was some nice detail, like the event there at the top of the leg is also pretty cool.
So there's one leg.
Pretty nice.
I like that.
Okay, DT Warrior Zip.
How's it going, buddy?
During this video, especially.
I'm building it.
Makes it feel like building a building alongside.
Yes, indeed.
Uh, Nick, what grade do I prefer?
I wouldn't really consider what I do to be collecting necessarily.
Although obviously I do have a bit of a collection.
Uh huh.
Collect collecting, I think in my mind, collecting the notes more like that.
You're gathering things in order to keep them as a collection.
I'm gathering kids in order to build them and then eventually paint them and sell them.
So it's not something that, like, in my mind, this is like my permanent collection of kits.
This is my waiting area for kids that will eventually be painted and sold.
So I wouldn't exactly call it a collection.
Uh, a backlog, to be sure, Certainly fits.
I think more of the description of a backlog.
Anyway, um, now, what grade do I prefer?
And I also just don't really have a preference.
I I just I prefer stuff that is appealing to me, so obviously I have a ton of high grades.
But again, it's because Bend I makes more hybrids than anything else.
But I also have a good amount of master grades and other stuff.
I have a couple of perfect grades.
Perfect grades.
Uh, not necessarily one of my favorite lines.
Um, but I've got a couple of those.
Ah, and I've got a good handful of non good stuff as well.
Like got a couple of Floyd's kids, some machine and Krieger kids.
Ah ah, a bunch of random Armored Corps kits.
I Well, I only have two armored cork.
It's, uh, but I meant to say Free Mama's girl problems.
Girl, my gummy devised those technique.
It's a swell.
So just whatever is appealing to me, that's kind of the best way to go.
But I don't really particularly understand people who want to, like, box themselves in and say like, Oh, I only build Master Grade Kids are like, uh, Alex, for example, who?
It appears Alex is not with us this morning.
I don't think Alex is watching live, but ah, I know Alex generally prefers 100 scale kits or larger because he doesn't like high grades because they're they're too small.
He's got big hands.
I have big hands, too, but he just doesn't like working with tiny little parts.
Eso like.
If that's the case, I can understand.
But, like, I wouldn't necessarily understand people's aversion to certain lines.
For for other reasons that I've seen people avoiding certain lines, I would say, Yeah, I mean, just just build whatever it looks cool to you, Of course.
So it's really simple as that, I think.
Ah, electro ce Are there any kids that you're looking forward to this year?
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to this year and a lot of stuff.
I've got my fingers crossed for this year's.
Well, I'm hoping for more sentinel stuff this year.
Ah, so fingers crossed on that.
And what else?
Um, I'm really looking forward to the fast, so that'll be coming out soon enough.
That's coming out next month.
Although I also sentence Okay, I guess I guess maybe I didn't need to clarify that one, but ah, what else am I looking forward to?
Um, it was coming out.
I forget.
I'm sure there is.
I'm looking forward to the frame Arms Ludin skit as Well, that'll be really cool.
Ah, just for something non Gundam Like, uh, yeah, we recently had a bunch of announcements.
I just was kind of drawing a blank.
You recently, a bunch of stuff announced, didn't we?
I'm looking forward to Ah, the HD gonna the origin Gundam Rx 702 I'm really conform to that.
I love that master grade kit.
And the hybrid kit looks really, really good.
So I'm excited for that.
Probably one of the most one of the kids that I'm most excited for.
Excited for the H G Good.
Um 04 as well O R.
45445 Ah, looking forward to that.
Ah, And even though that's a people like still looking forward to that, I was gonna confused because, like the zero foreign 05 you would think that, like, basically the weapon that the main weapon is kind of like the main difference between between the two of those kids, right?
The designs is 0405 And I've always thought it's kind of weird because you would think that, like the giant beam cannon is kind of like the more advanced weapon.
I think compared to the Gatling gun.
So I think, like, Okay, like, the Gatling gun should be 04 and then the next 105 has a more advanced weapon on it, but it's actually opposite.
So I was kind of that's a good way that I I tried.
Remember that Because I think that the weapons technology seems reversed in my mind that the five Yeah, that's right.
Right now, maybe I'm confused.
Uh oh, yeah, right.
The five has the Gatling gun.
Yeah, and four has the beam cannon.
So yeah, it seems like it should be reversed in my mind, but that's higher.
Can remember that.
Also blue and red.
I guess it's a good way to remember that blue B comes in the alphabet before red.
So if you need another way easy way to remember that.
Ah, Matt has gone brother over there on Twitch.
Last pack magic.
If any of you guys are interested in Pokemon cards, especially Pokemon cards, I should say specifically, uh then check out my friend there on Instagram Madina.
Do you do any streaming as well?
You stream when you're really opening packs and stuff.
Um, I my buddy there.
Uh, last pack magic does, uh, Pokemon cards.
Stuff I do.
You're welcome.
Is dangerous.
Uh, like, a couple months ago now, I went and, uh, to the store here and picked up some some Pokemon card packs to send to my friend there.
Ah, because I wanted Thio to send some Korean Pokemon card packs to him.
Just good thought to be cool.
Ah, and it is dangerous.
I was so tempted to buy some packs for myself to like I I used to be into Pokemon in general a lot more and Pokemon cards too, as well, when we were younger growing up.
But like going to the store and like buying some packs, it was so attempted to buy some for myself, too.
I'm just thinking like it's gonna be fun, like opening the packs and like looking at the cars.
But then, like, what am I gonna do with that?
I wasn't really I didn't think I was gonna actually doing a do anything with them.
So decided against it.
Uh, sometimes I'll go live on instagram oka So no twitch livestreaming, but sometimes live streaming on instagram, opening some vintage packs and stuff.
So Yeah.
If you guys interested in Bo.
Come on cards.
Last pack magic.
Mr Ah and Jigen Jigen as always.
Thank you.
But thank you for contribution, man.
I will keep it up.
Thank you.
I need to go to the gym.
Like that.
What is that?
A very oddly green pear.
Something expanded on?
Yes, he certainly got No, It's a kind of dong.
So Sort of like his whole body.
Buddy, don't, Uh, only by the digital download Pokemon cards.
Now there.
I didn't know that was a thing.
Her You'll send me a base setback.
Ah, I think Matt probably like in a couple of years.
And when Noah is a little bit older Ah, my son, When my son is a little bit older, I think Pokemon cards is something I can probably enjoy with him.
He kind of like is interested in Pokemon now, but his is not least not like hold enough.
He's he's just just recently turned for, So he's not really, like old enough to kind of really get into it like that much.
He just kind of likes it like a very basic level.
Ah, but certainly once he's a little older.
I'm sure we can enjoy some poke it things together.
I've still got, like, my old game boy and stuff.
I'll let him play Pokemon on there.
There's the arm.
Simple enough for the arm here.
Fortunately, no steam on the upper arm.
We have a steam line on the kind of shoulder part there, and the main body of the army of a really long see mine down the front and back of that.
Ah sees people Haro as, ah ah, whatever.
Thoughts for people and hygiene and Gemma n'est ce and thoughts on how many people.
And I think it's I don't know how many p Ben died unit gets.
We will ultimately get.
I hope we get enough, though, because I would like to see more than just the Geminis.
As I said in my last company news video Czako News video Over there on the U.
A gun store channel, I mentioned that the gem in ist is not his problem, but one of my least favorite designs from June.
It's so hopefully we'll get some other Seymour from the Siri's.
But that said, I think this is the wrong part.
That said the Geminis.
I mean the kit for what we've seen so far, which is barely anything but The kid looks all right.
I think, um, that other kids in the line will hopefully look better.
It's the faltering here for the arm is a bit strange because it's kind of like at a weird angle.
It's not like straight across this is kind of, like, really far out to the side angle, for that's kind of like like this.
I guess we can turn that there's that these hand parts of it goes the wrong ones.
Um, tell your buddy who gets the digital Pokemon cards to hit me up on instagram.
I have over 1500 card coats.
Eso camera Who that was in the that was in the YouTube chat there.
Whoever that was that was saying that you buy the distal down the Pokemon cards.
Uh, my buddy there said to check him out on instagram hit him up on instagram because he has 1500 Carter codes.
Okay, There you go.
So hit up my friend on instagram.
Don't worry about it, Matt, You're not hijacking.
This treatment's fine.
I don't mind getting off into a book among card attention.
It's okay.
All right.
Ah, the, uh, blaze.
Thank you.
Bring that up.
The 1 70 seconds scale Messiah is a pretty Selig.
It blaze says they're on Facebook on YouTube.
Ah, that's the one of the other very few macro skits that I'm really interested in getting.
Because the reason why I've never built any just cause I'm not really that much into the designs.
But one of the designs that I do really want to pick up at some point is the Messiah Get the one with, like, the missile pods, like all over it, Really beefy looking one.
So that's definitely one that's on my list that I'll probably pick up at some point as well.
Aside from this one.
I did, though.
Pick up one more J coasts really quickly.
Just answer your question.
This kid is not transferrable.
Uh, it's not exactly trance formal as is.
It's not transferrable, but what you can do is I'll show you the instructions for this.
I show this Indian boxing Later.
When you guys watch the in boxing, you'll see more about this as well.
I talked about this If you have this kid, and you also have the fighter version of this kid.
You have parts included with this to turn into the girl walk form so you can build this in the girl walk form.
But you need to have both kits, both about right end of fighter versions.
And then you can kind of get bashed them together to make the girl walk.
So kind off.
I mean, at least you can make it, but you have to buy two kids to do it.
Just kind of unfortunate, but it is possible.
No, Like I was saying, I want to get the Messiah kit, but I stand up.
Stand up, please.
The other kid that I didn't pick up, though at the same time as this one.
Is this from the Mecca Collection?
What is this?
The crusts, Alicia and Fortress mode.
It's just one of these tiny kiss.
And just because I really liked the star wars, like the little tiny Michael Collection Star Wars kits that I got and this is kind of the same kind of thing, it's tiny ship.
Ah, well, very giant ship.
A tiny model kit of a very giant ship.
Let it be like something I'll just I'll do a video just like I'm boxing and building painting.
Reviewing this the kind of all in one thing like I did with the, uh, Star Wars get this super Stardestroyer kiss.
That would be just a really quick just like, painted up.
Put a wash on it.
I have to do like a little bit of detail painting on it.
That's pretty much it.
Ah, band.
I did a transformer LVF wanted.
It was terrible.
I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about the band I kids recently, I've heard good opinions.
And then I also heard from Crow sama recently.
He didn't like the band I kid as well, but I have also heard good things about them.
So Ah, yeah, the ship does look very cool.
These MEChA collections are so fun to build.
I got the VF 31.
Yeah, I'm sure I'll definitely build more of the, um, Star Wars make a collection kits.
And then, if I like that one, I'll probably, you know, check out another one of the micros vehicle collection vehicle model kits at some point as well, too.
Yeah, I do like them.
They're small, simple to build their cheap and really super highly detailed.
So pretty fun little kids.
As it just based on my experience with the Star Wars kid so far, I guess, Thea, the Dragonball kits are also technically make a collection.
Kids too, right?
A little bit different from the Star Wars gets, of course, But here we go.
Mmm mmm mmm mmm.
Hey, is that release?
If RG ground tight Jim or ground type Gundam, would you buy?
Yeah, they They had the designs for the ground type Gundam years ago, right?
But you never end up getting made.
If if they made, it would be cool, I guess.
Um, I honestly really like the HD version a lot, so I'm not sure how excited I would be about the RG when Honestly, the HD is kind of like enough for me.
It just be like a super detailed version of that with a bunch more part separation, of course, Which be cool.
I guess it's not something that I think that I would like.
Lose my mind over by any means will be cool.
Ah, the bend IVF one is very fragile.
Okay, Yeah, that's I mean, even from the friends that I've heard giving the bend I kids good reviews.
They said it's a very delicate kit, so that's understandable.
So trying to put together these fists and getting the right parts there is, uh, was it?
This kid.
No, I didn't notice.
Ah, Which one's right here for the fist?
Oh, there you go.
Is that right?
No, that's also not right.
Let the Mmm.
I can't figure out which which hand is which.
For these.
Of course, I can't refer to the runner now because all parts are all cut out.
Okay, there we go.
That's right.
So that means this one He's right.
RG land man roadie.
Who would be a welcome addition to the RG line?
Yeah, Blaze, I'm gonna I'm gonna bet pretty highly that we're not going to see an RG land man roadie out anytime soon.
Think we'd have to get the RG Barba toasts and a lot of other things first before we ever got around to that particular kit?
The problem is these parties don't want to fit into your very well.
It's like something's in there.
Sometimes I'll have a case where, like parts don't fit together well.
And the problem is, I've got, like, a piece of no dust like stuck up in there, but doesn't seem to be the case.
It's just that something is not quite right.
Uh, maybe here.
I don't know.
Something's not quite fitting together right with this fist.
Either one's fine.
It's kind of weird, but even so, it's got its closed fists there.
No, I just need to build the weapon.
Yeah, Stephenville asked.
Do you watch Gundam?
I built kids for years before I watched a single episode.
Yeah, I've I don't really watch it much these days, but I have watched plenty of Gundam in my life.
What about RG?
Turn air?
Turn X?
Also I would think very unlikely, especially turn X for how long it took them to make the master grade and RG turn a possible.
But I would think for always, still not very likely just that.
The attorney, I think is, is generally not popular enough for them to warrant making RG out of it.
I would say I would guess there's a lot of more popular designs that they could make a make into an RG.
I would think Sergey lines I've got to imagine are pretty costly to produce.
Abandons part.
So they really only want to invest that much time and money into something if they're sure it's gonna sell a bunch right now, As for this stupid idiot guide manual so silly, it's very unclear about which parts need to go in at which time.
Okay, so that is to go through there.
We got this little kind of belt detail here.
This is which is made of polecat material.
So it's a soft plastic here for this part.
Go into here and then the hand pulling the handle.
A little bit of balancing act.
I think it's gonna be to get this actually put to