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- I lost my job.
Now what?
How am I going to take care of my family?
How am I going to take care of my mom?
I remember when I walked out of the job
that I was working at the time in a supermarket.
I was making minimum wage.
When I was walking home taking the sky train
that was the question that was thinking.
What am I supposed to do?
It's very nerve-racking, it's very frustrating,
and very depressing thinking about
how I'm going to pay rent, how am I going to eat,
and do I need to use my credit card
when I've already maxed out my credit card.
What am I going to do when I'm already in debt.
And over the years, even after that job,
and that was the only job
I'd ever had in my entire life, right,
running my own business, getting fired by clients,
sometimes even I do a good job, you know,
the clients sometimes they don't like what I did,
and getting laid off by clients,
and working with different people.
It's very frustrating
and I know maybe you are going through the same thing
that on the surface you wanna be calm, in control,
and collected. But deep inside it's nerve-racking.
You don't want to share that with your family.
Well, first of all, you're thinking it won't help.
Even you share, it just makes them worry too much
and you just don't feel like sharing.
You think you wanna take on this burden
and today I wanna give you some ideas
and some tips that can help you
and, over the years, what has helped me.
There are really three choices when you lost your job.
Number one, you can go back and get another job.
Maybe you kind of polish your resume, update your resume,
you send it onto these sites and talk to people
and hand out resumes and you try to find another job.
Sometimes, I've seen people. They got laid off
not because performance, it's because, sometimes,
the upper management made some bad decisions
or the industry trending downwards,
so there's a lot of downsizing.
Just recently I was reading an article,
Hong Kong Bank just be seen laying off
tens of thousands of people.
And Hong Kong Bank's got money.
But because of whatever structure that they have,
or they wanna cut back the overhead,
they laid off a lot of people.
May not be a fault of your own, right?
If you know what I'm talking about, comment below.
So, you could look for another job,
that's always a possibility.
And in some cases, maybe you can get the similar job
that pays you the same
or maybe, unfortunately, you might need to take on a job
that actually pays you less
or, in some cases, the skill that you have
is no longer relevant, then you couldn't even get a job.
It would take you months to do it.
That's one scenario.
Number two, you could start your own business.
Some people, a lot of people, they think,
"Well, you know what I got laid off,
I'm gonna start my own business."
I always say the worst time to start a business
is when you have no money
because you can't help but make decisions
that may not be best for yourself
and the for company long-term because you're desperate.
You cannot make wise decisions when you're desperate.
Michael Gerber talks about that in his book, E Myth.
Now, what is the E Myth?
E Myth is the entrepreneur myth
and Michael talks about that most entrepreneurs
are actually not entrepreneurs.
They are employees suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure.
The employees that are thinking about,
"Hey, you know what that's something
that I could do better than that
or I can create a product, I can create a widget,
and I could go out there and start my own business."
But most of the time, almost all the time,
they don't have the business skills
or business acumen to make a business work.
So, that's not a very good reason to start a business.
Just like not everyone is supposed to play golf,
not everyone is supposed to be a basketball player.
You can play as a hobby,
but you can play business as a hobby.
But to be a professional,
business person, to be a successful entrepreneur.
That's a whole different story.
But there is an option, if that is what you want to do,
but knowing that it is going to be
very, very, very difficult.
It's gonna take years.
Businesses don't make money in months.
Businesses take years to make money.
So you have to ask yourself, are you prepared for that?
Are you ready for that?
Are you in a financially viable position to do that?
Or number three, you could develop a high income skill.
Now, what is a high income skill?
I define a high income skill
as a skillset that can make you $10,000 or more per month.
It is not a job.
It is a skillset.
It is something that you know, an expertise,
a skill that you have.
You could go to the marketplace in exchange for money.
It could be graphic designing if you're very, very good.
It could be website designing. It could be copyrighting.
It could be closing.
There's so many different high income skills
and some high income skills that I teach.
Why is high income skills so important?
Because high income skill gives you financial confidence
and financial confidence equals income at will.
Meaning you have the ability,
you have the capabilities to generate income at will.
Your income doesn't depend on the economy.
It doesn't depend on a company.
It doesn't depend on some investment.
It depends on the only person that you can count on.
That's income at will.
Doesn't matter where you are in the world.
You can work from anywhere in the world.
You can go into any industry
that you know you have the flexibility and the capability,
say," You know what, I could sell my skillset
and make money from that.
That's financial confidence
and that gives you peace of mind.
So, it doesn't matter, even though you made the money,
and sometimes in life that happens.
Crisis happens.
And you lose everything,
but you know with a high income skill,
you could be successful again
and get back in the game very, very quickly.
Can you see how important that is?
Why it's so vital for you to have that high income skill?
You could still look for that high income job,
but, in the mean time, what gives you true security
and peace of mind is that high income skill.
And that's what I've been focusing my whole life on,
honing my skillsets, developing my high income skills,
because I know everything else is an illusion.
A job is an illusion.
Even a business is an illusion.
What I could always count on is my skillsets.
I know the value that I could bring to the marketplace
in exchange of money and, at the end of the day,
that's what money is.
Money earned is a byproduct of value creation.
So, in order to make more money,
you got to deliver more value.
Now, I don't know you.
I don't know your situation.
I don't know what skillset that you should develop
because I get this question a lot.
"Dan, what high income skills I should pursue?"
Here's some of my student's stories
and the impact of having them
develop their high income skills.
Check this out.
- Today, I was talking with a client over the phone
and I closed almost $3000 deal.
I can't even explain to you the feeling right now.
I'm feeling pretty darn good.
All of this practice and hard work,
the commitments that I've made,
and everything is finally paying off.
Because I've been really immersing myself
in SiFu's teachings.
It's been going, man.
It's been going.
It's been getting better so much faster
than I was just doing it on my own.
He gives you all these nuggets through his,
all of his experience.
He saves you years.
Literally as soon as I finished closing one deal
another one comes up.
So, I thought that that was pretty darn amazing.
I'm on top of the world right now.
So, thank you SiFu Dan.
Thank you for everyone in the Facebook group
that's been so supportive for me.
I thank you for all your videos.
I've really enjoyed them
and part of my success is not just what I've done,
but it's what you guys have done.
And so, I really appreciate that
and I'm very grateful for you guys.
- Hello, HTC family.
How are you doing today?
Today I just wanted share with you
that I've closed my second $18k packages.
- I just wanna report that I got a boom.
It was a brutal three hour pitch
and then negotiation, contract, all of this stuff.
Item cost.
So, if you can see, the price of the solar system
is $27,279.73.
- Hello, it's Michael E. Gerber.
Speaking to you right now from BA, Business Advisements,
and I'm just absolutely thrilled to meet Dan Lok.
Can you imagine closers worldwide?
What an astonishing thing.
I wish to God I had had all those closers
over all these years with all of my enterprises
to be able to touch millions upon millions
of people worldwide.
I'm here to tell you
a wonderful, wonderful thing Dan's doing.
You've got to do more of it.
- So, if you want to know what is the ideal
high income skill you should develop
and you should focus on.
You could click the link below and take my quick quiz.
It takes you two minutes.
It will tell you exactly what path you should pursue
and what path you shouldn't pursue
and what are your strength
and how can you develop a high income skill
around your natural strength.
Go ahead and click on the link.