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  • Hello there.

  • Welcome to this video.

  • Now, one of my all time complaints about the slow mo guys is that we haven't yet blown up anything really big.

  • So he's been quite small things, so hopefully this video will fix that.

  • So the set up is five cooling towers, each of them extremely tall on high.

  • They're gonna detonate two seconds apart.

  • We're gonna shoot about 300 frames a 2nd 350 I think.

  • Is what I've said it, too.

  • That's because it's so big.

  • If I shot slow, it would literally be just paused in the S O.

  • I think 300 to be good for this.

  • I just That's quite different landscape now, okay?

Hello there.

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大廈在慢動作中倒塌------------------------------------------------------慢鏡頭 (Towers Collapsing in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary