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  • Hello, the internet. My name's Gavin. I'm Dan. We're the slow mo guys

  • something I quite like the look of, dan, in slow-mo is bullets coming out of a gun hitting stuff

  • Yeah, very fast though. Very fast. plus Gav's scared of guns. Hate them. So instead

  • I had to buy a little air pistol Do you remember when we did the assault rifle? You were awful.

  • (Gun Firing)

  • It was like this. (laughs)

  • Leaning back, closing your eyes. So a little air pistol

  • Yeah, slightly safer option.

  • We're going to shoot some deodorant sticks different colours. Not sponsored by old spice. No.

  • Can't see the brand here; couldn't buy off-brand ones you had to go for old spice. Oh look right I was in a rush! (Laughs)

  • You may think why a stick of deodorant?

  • And I'll tell you - they're sort of good at showing an entrance and exit wound they're goopy, but after the damage is done

  • they hold their forms you see like the flowering like them. So they're less

  • They're not as strong as flesh, but we're also using an air pistol. So it's like

  • balancing it out a little bit. It's really not a good test of anything, but it might I might look look alright

  • So justify it might look good in slow-mo. Let's do it. We're going to be using the V 2511. Insanely fast camera. We'll start at

  • 28,000 frames per second because once again, we filmed it on the phantom flex will be a couple of blurs, yeah a couple of blurred frames

  • We got the blue, shoot through it. Start with the blue

  • Safety off! (Fires) Flip!

  • Hit the fence; bloody hell!

  • All right, we'll have that come in slightly offset straight through here. Yeah, just don't shoot the lens hole. I'll try not to yeah

  • (Fires) Flippin' wicked!

  • if you ever

  • accidentally shot through some deodorant, what you can do is just push the stick up enough so that the bullet hole is gone and

  • Then you can just cut with a knife. Yeah, the top part now that is a pro tip also aka. we only bought one and

  • Now we're screwed. Yeah, so we've got two shots and that's it. Yeah, so nothing goes to waste on Slow Mo Guys!

  • We get everything

  • High budget video this one

  • "What's the shopping list for this video?" Uhh, a deodorant. Yeah, maybe you should buy a few! Alright, alright...

  • Buy more than one! I've got it. I've got it!

  • Prepare it nicely. Deluxe look at that. I you thought you'd [never] notice yeah, so that last one was wicked. So I've lowered the resolution now

  • We're now at a hundred and twenty thousand frames a second or just close in on that exit wound. Exactly the same? Exactly the same.

  • I'm gonna place it down. Oh, oh, it's a bit tricky because it's so top-heavy now

  • It's going to fall over that's alright as long as it falls after the event

  • We have to do it the other way. That's a flop it

  • Okay

  • Sun 'n that.

  • pretty ugly shooting against Direct sunlight, but

  • At these speeds who gives a damn. It's a must. Here we go. (Fires) Oh!

  • Flippin' heck! Destroyed the whole thing of it, look!

  • Absolutely chopped the top off there. Made a perfect little canyon through that oh, yeah

  • I must [have] sent some bits flying so I saw it when I got hit in the neck with a little bit of it

  • I hope you're alright!

  • My neck's gonna be smelling like Terry Crews!

  • I met Terry well yeah. I saw him once. You did? In 2007 at the premiere of

  • It was like balls of fire or something like a table tennis movie and why is it that individually we've both met

  • Terry Crews, but nine years apart. I haven't met him. I wasn't like "All right Tezza"

  • Just sort of saw him and was like "Damn, that's Terry Crews!". You still have the picture you took of him? Yeah, all right, okay?

  • It's a tall order b'

  • But could you get it to go in from its really entire thing from left to right?

  • But like favour the front edge, so it's just barely in the front. Who do you think I am? Course I can! All right.

  • I don't even know why I doubted you. Sorry.

  • Nailed it. *laughs*

  • Man, just dug out the front nailed it look at that

  • And it's good for another exit wound shot

  • Actually looks like it's rifling. Not sure whether it's the sheen from the sun, or whether it's actually spinning.Oh no, it's definitely spinning!

  • That's cool. Even these little pistols have rifling. Is that true? I guess it makes sense. Why not, right?

  • Found a second blue one then yep, absolutely okay, so I think for grand finale we'll line up all the ones we didn't use.

  • That's what six total? Yes. And try and shoot down the line of all of them, okay?

  • What do you think's going to happen though? I think one of three things will happen

  • It will blast through all of them. Yeah, it will get lodged in one of them, or it will enter and

  • Exit before it gets to the end, so it might exit at number 4 or something like that.

  • How many do you think you'll get through then if you if it's going to stop in one of them?

  • If it's going to stop I'd say the last one because I'm pretty sure to go through every single

  • [I] think it's pretty warm today, so all the deodorant's quite soft

  • Alright, it's not the best looking framing because the the table is on the piss

  • But uh anyway, [I'm] going to correct it with a camera

  • There you go, okay

  • Ah it hit me in the face! Ugh!

  • What?

  • It's lodged! Is it lodged?It actually stopped? Yeah!

  • Only got through one, two, th *draws off*, it's in the fourth one. You can see it, look.

  • Look at that! Perfectly in the middle! Hold it up, hold it up to the light. Hold it up to the sun.

  • You can fully see it in there literally perfectly, half way through. It's just suspended. Yeah, I'm surprised!

  • That's incredible isn't it amazing. I might just keep that yeah, that's a trophy although one you'll use it and be like "Ow!"

  • "I've got ball bearing in my armpit."

  • Wow, we stopped a bullet well

  • we stopped an air pistol bullet with

  • with just deodorant

  • Well you were right with one of the options so that must mean the third one is the most well the least damaged.

  • Well, yes, because it's come up perfectly through the

  • Through the hole there, I can't see through it, but oh hang on.I can see your nose! Well, there you go! Can't really miss it!

  • But look at this though, it absolutely tore through the blue ones! I think the blue ones are softer. Well, they're also pre wounded

  • They're pre-wounded but I think they're also like more susceptible to heat because this one's much more solid yeah

  • and then it couldn't even get through the last green one so.

  • Very cool, but you can trace the path of it through the green one If I hold this up here

  • That's the path it took yeah very neat

  • Lovely yeah, I mean you can see what you meant by the whole flesh wounds thing. Yeah! It's the one with the

  • It's fully lodged in number four there cool

  • I love it some very low-resolution footage there, but it does show in more detail. What's happening? Yeah?

  • We needed to speed detail not resolution detail, but basically the cameras great for making gifs because they're about that size.

  • Yeah, hopefully you enjoyed that video feel free to follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our second channel and buy some merch!

  • *Scouse accent* Buy some merch! Buy some merchandise!

  • And uhh, we'll hopefully see you in the next video

  • Absolutely!

Hello, the internet. My name's Gavin. I'm Dan. We're the slow mo guys

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慢麋鹿顆粒穿插--慢麋鹿們。 (Slow Mo Pellet Penetration - The Slow Mo Guys)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary