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  • hi guys welcome back to my channel today I am shooting a little intimate video

  • from the office well everyone is on a lunch break talking about my nose job um

  • it might be a little of a shock for you guys but I didn't even think that I'm

  • gonna be in a point in my life where I'll have to talk about it but I guess

  • my career is at a point where I am sharing so much with you guys and this

  • is not a secret or anything I had my nose done

  • over 1213 years ago so for me that part of my life happened so long ago that I

  • don't really walk around talking about it as much just to give you a little

  • backstory I had my nose then when I was about to turn 16 it was at a weird time

  • in my life since I was very little I had a weird obsession with my nose I'm not

  • sure why now that I look at photos it wasn't that big I mean my face

  • completely changed with the new nose but it's not that it was big or like

  • something so terrible it's just always felt like it was like there wasn't room

  • for it on my face like all my other features are so small and my nose just

  • felt so out of place so I always had that like fixation about it and I feel

  • like from a very early age I was putting so much energy towards thinking about

  • this you know complex that I had and I was in general a kid that was like I had

  • a lot of complexes about myself it's not at all like blaming my mother or

  • anything at all because she was like oh it's so amazing and supportive and

  • everything I just think that some kids are born to be more sensitive to

  • different things and I think that from me I feel like growing up I think it's

  • still happening around us that a lot of people say to girls like oh you look so

  • pretty and put this nail color and put this lipstick and I feel like in a way

  • that happened to me and I got this like label on me as a little girl which is

  • like not the worst thing but I was never the smartest I was never

  • the fastest it was never like good at anything else or there was any other

  • emphases on anything else that this pretty thing just stuck in my head so I

  • think that what happened is that I really started fixating on the way I

  • look and twelve thirteen years ago it wasn't like it is today it's amazing to

  • see the progress we made in pop culture and society today where you have so many

  • amazing role models around people not wearing makeup people are proud of their

  • freckles and wrinkles and all these different things there's such a big

  • emphasis on education and being smart and worldly everything is kind of at a

  • reach where twelve thirteen years ago as a teenager all I was seeing is this

  • picture-perfect editorials in magazines so for me that was the bar of beauty

  • that was what being beautiful meant and from me

  • I guess now kind of analyzing where I was in my life I was just really trying

  • to fit that label of being pretty because if I couldn't fit that then what

  • am i I don't have anything else going for me that's what was going through my

  • mind because I just didn't know who I was and I didn't know how to find who I

  • was this conversation of self-love and self-care wasn't even on the table back

  • then we obviously weren't as immersed in the online life there was not much going

  • on online so again the examples of everything it was very limited so I've

  • expressed this thing with my nose to my mother quite often throughout the years

  • I never thought that there's such a thing like I didn't know that you can do

  • plastic surgery I didn't know that it's like an option but I always kept just

  • being so insecure about it I remember like every time I would be in a position

  • where people would like take photos of me I would always do this because of the

  • size of my nose when I looked up that made it look smaller you see quite a bit

  • throughout my old photos that I was doing

  • of the Sun actually still have a little bit of that habit I'm just putting my

  • head up my mind was truly occupied on my nose alone and not seeing all the other

  • things that were going on for me as you know a young girl and a young woman and

  • now that I think about it it's still happening today you see so many little

  • girls and their parents and it obviously come from such a good place but you see

  • always parents say to their daughters oh you're so pretty and you're so pretty

  • and you're so pretty and different kids process that

  • information differently and that's another thing it's like you can raise

  • five girls the same and each one of them will kind of receive those like

  • different signals differently and it may be something good that will develop into

  • confidence for her or bad where it would be oh this is Who I am I'm just pretty

  • right so it's really nothing against my mother or the way I was raised I feel

  • like she really put everything she could towards giving me the most amount of

  • confidence and self-esteem possible but my brain worked differently and the way

  • I received that compliment of being pretty was basically a label and this is

  • it I know when I'm gonna have a girl when

  • Wow okay a little future prediction I know

  • that if I'll ever have a girl I would obviously make a point to tell her that

  • she looks pretty but I will really make it my life mission to show her all the

  • other things that she's made of other stuff that are so wonderful about her if

  • it's the way she thinks and her imagination and things like that anyways

  • going back to this story at 15 I was discovered as a model with my old nose

  • with my original nose I actually booked my first huge campaign in Israel who

  • with my old nose and we actually flew to London UK we shot it there and it was

  • amazing but again on this shoot I just felt like I felt like I had all the

  • tools to be a model I was moving well I could portray emotion you know I really

  • felt comfortable in front of the camera and I was a hard worker but that

  • insecurity kept me from progress you also have to remember all of a

  • sudden I was this girl that's insecure about her nose which is pretty normal in

  • like a regular surrounding to being a girl who is so insecure about her nose

  • in the modeling world surrounded by models being part of a fashion industry

  • having all these amazing opportunities that are there for you to take I just

  • don't believe in myself enough to do it so for me my nose became kind of the

  • source of all the problems in the world and it really like did a number on me

  • you know in my brain like it obviously was much more exaggerated than it

  • actually was my mother heard my concerns throughout the years and she decided

  • that you know what if this is really what's gonna fix it for you and if this

  • is something that's stopping you from really becoming who you want to be and

  • going after the things that you want let's do it and back then I know shop

  • was a huge deal it's not like today where you know you make a decision of

  • getting your nose done like going and buying a carton of milk in the

  • convenience store so it was a much bigger deal both financially and you

  • know physically and everything and my mother decided to take that risk and it

  • cost a lot of money especially for us I mean we're just you know lower middle

  • class and I'm forever grateful for my mother for listening to me and for kind

  • of trying to do everything that she can to make sure that this won't be an issue

  • so I got my nose done I was 16 already getting my nose done I thought would be

  • the solution for all my insecurities and all my issues with myself and hopefully

  • you know by now that it is not once I got my nose done I was still you know

  • the same girl with the same kind of weird image of herself insecure doesn't

  • know where she belongs who she is what she's good at what she's not every

  • little comment and every little critic every little look made me feel like you

  • know I was doing something wrong you know just really emphasize my security

  • more and more and again I was going through all of this that I think is

  • pretty normal to a lot of teenage girls but I was going through

  • of this while modeling and while being you know at shoots where I'm getting my

  • picture taking and there's 40 people behind the camera or standing looking at

  • me and whispering and in my head because it was so insecure we start or they're

  • talking about me I'm doing something wrong we're in theory the world doesn't

  • revolve around you they were talking about work or other stuff or whatever it

  • is I was like Valera your nose you know the nose problem is gone and yet you're

  • still so insecure and compare yourself to so many other people and so many

  • other girls and if it's not the nose and it's the boobs and if it said the booze

  • and it's the hair and you're not tall enough and you're not fat enough and

  • you're not skinny enough and you're not this and you're not that it was this

  • constant blabbering so I wish I wish that back then I had a role model that I

  • could look up to I had access to some of the people that are online personalities

  • now that really focus on putting a spotlight on the things that you love

  • about yourself that are bigger than just the way you look I wish I had all of

  • that I didn't know any better and if I think now you know if I was back in that

  • position in today's age of social media and people and I don't know if I would

  • get my nose done I don't know I think that today there are so many awesome

  • voices out there to remind you of you know your worth and how to find your

  • Worth and how to define yourself outside of like little boxes that society

  • created for us so I don't know if I would get it done again back to that 16

  • year old who had this small nose that fitted the rest of my features I didn't

  • do anything else on my face some people asked me if I ever got my lips done I

  • didn't if you see my mom and my brother they have huge lips so that's something

  • that I was blessed with and they actually grew a little bit after my

  • pregnancies which is weird but I'm not complaining my nose was done I was still

  • lost in the world and that's when I was working as a model I was traveling a lot

  • if you've seen any of my previous videos about my modern experience you know that

  • I traveled a lot around the world for work and I was alone by myself a lot

  • like a lot and at first it felt really sad and I was a little depressed and

  • lonely and then it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me

  • because that's when I started really evaluating myself and redefining who I

  • was I was away from high school I was away from my friends you know that were

  • always kind of this cushion and this comfort zone for me I just stripped all

  • these labels that I had that I put on myself or that I let other people put on

  • me and I just started figuring myself out by myself on my own terms and being

  • exposed to so many people and so many places and so many experiences it really

  • put me in a place where I drew the best things that I loved about all these

  • experiences and people and really kind of built myself from those

  • characteristics so I'm forever grateful for the fashion industry for putting me

  • in a position where I had nowhere to run from myself and it wasn't anymore about

  • being the pretty girl you're in a world of everyone's pretty everyone is

  • beautiful and everyone's models and so I really had to start digging deeper I

  • decided to really talk about this because I specifically got this one

  • email I think about a few months ago maybe eight months ago that kind of

  • heard me in a way the fact that I got my nose done

  • and the fact that I talked about self-love it never really made me feel

  • like I'm being fake about something because again I went to that experience

  • where I got my nose fixed and it didn't fix who I was I had to fix it I had to

  • figure out who I was so I got this email from a person the way it was written was

  • kind of nasty they were just like how do you sit down and preach self-love when

  • you have your nose fixed and you're pretending to be all these things that

  • you are and you're such a liar in such a fake up until then I never even thought

  • about the whole nose job thing because it just like happened so long ago but I

  • responded to that email and thank you so much for your email and for

  • the fact that my nose concerns you so much but this is something that I went

  • through it was something that's kind of a personal experience and it's my choice

  • and my right to speak about it whenever I feel the need to and I also mentioned

  • you know if you think that fixing my nose made me to love myself and made me

  • confident and self-assured and secured then you obviously don't understand the

  • concept of self-love because some of the most most insecure girls that I've met

  • were models that were probably some of the most beautiful women I've ever met

  • in my life so there is no connection there she actually responded back being

  • you know what I'm really sorry for being so aggressive you're right

  • it is your right to talk about whatever it is it's something that you went

  • through as you know it's something personal and I would just love to hear

  • this story whenever you decide to do it so just kind of I think replying with

  • not with anger but just with compassion understanding because I kind of also

  • understood what she was coming from I never thought about it that way it's

  • just that's kind of when I started thinking about okay I need to make this

  • video so I'm making it today my nose job is never something that I lied about if

  • people ever asked me I told them I didn't know that my life is gonna lead

  • me to being in social media and being part of this world and you know having

  • my life out there for you guys so I never thought about making this but I'm

  • happy I made it I by no means won this video to be a call to action for

  • especially for teenage girls that are naturally feeling insecure about

  • different parts of their bodies this is not a video saying go and fix it and

  • you'll be fine because you won't but I'm also not against changes and making

  • adjustments if you truly feel that it's hurting your life and it takes you know

  • everything out of you to deal with it like I truly believe that you have to

  • help self-awareness you have to understand where it's coming from and

  • today we don't have a next today there's so much knowledge out

  • there there's so many people to talk to there's so much information about how to

  • build yourself and how to realize who you are and so many people that you can

  • learn from so before considering changing anything about yourself start

  • with trying to get to the root of what really bothers you and what you don't

  • like about yourself I know that if I knew then what I knew now I don't know

  • if I would go and change my nose I would probably start focusing and putting a

  • spotlight on the things that I loved about myself and starting to put my

  • energy into areas that I could grow in myself so this is it you guys I did this

  • video I made it I'm sure that there's gonna be a lot of comments and a lot of

  • questions and I am here to answer anything that you guys want to ask me

  • about the surgery or about the process that I went through really about

  • anything I'm an open book so I hope I answered some of you guys

  • that asked me about the nose job questions had some people send me at the

  • end and I did tell them that I'm gonna make this video so this is it okay well

  • that was a very long lunch break I feel like the girls are trying to get back in

  • thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next time

  • you

hi guys welcome back to my channel today I am shooting a little intimate video

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為什麼我16歲就做了隆鼻手術 (Why I Had A Nose Job At 16)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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