I startedsingingwhen I was 12 yearsoldAndthefirsttime I sangthefirstsong I wrotethefirsttime I publiclyperformedwasatmymother's funeral.
Soyouknow, it's ah, it's a specialthingtosingformeAndit's anexpressionSheneverknewthat I I sang I playedsportsallthewaythroughAndthenasshepassedaway, I urgetoepickuptheguitar, sing, writeandperformSothat's why I'm here, Theo, That's reallycool.
I gottasituphere.
No, um, thingThisisnotsupposedtohappeninit.
Oh, it's allright.
It's allright.
Ah, crap.
Uh, takeyourtime.
Listen, I getit.
Um, but I understand.
Andwhenyousay, like, justwhenyoustartedtosing, itwasthemomentthat I startedtobecome a mother.
I lostmine.
Literallytwoand 1/2 weeksafter I hadmyson, I lostmymom.
So, likeembracingsomethingnewinyourlifelikesinging.
That's such a beautifulgifttobeabletosharewiththeworld.
Youknowwhat I mean?
So I'veseenthewholeworldmyself, youknow, asasanartist, beenabletotravel, havebeenabletoperformandsharesongsandwritesongs, andyoujustfeellikeyouwanttobeinthatplace.
And I feellike, ofcourse, we'veconnected.
Wereally, reallydo.
I feellikewewouldbringoutthebestineachotherthief.
SoyoujusthavetochooseNo, Delta.
Theo, I reallymeantwhat I said, and I'm I reallyamreadytotakethatjourneywithyouasyourcoach.
So I'm on.
I wantitmoreamazing.
What's inyourheart?
I'm gonnahavetogowithKelly.
That's it.
Mynameisbroadcast 3 24 I liveinSydney.
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