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  • you see my monitor really quick for a second to check my here awhile looks great.

  • Very nice, even better than I thought.

  • Hey, what's going on?

  • Everybody For first we feast on Shaun Evans.

  • Come in.

  • Answer from 14.

  • A pizza in DeKalb Market Hall Room, joined by Anthony Falco and Andrew W.

  • K.

  • Anthony is an international pizza consultant.

  • The former pizzas are at Roberto's Andrew, you know from hits like Party Hard.

  • She is beautiful.

  • The new album, You're Not Alone is out now, and today what we're gonna be doing is the ultimate party hack.

  • We're gonna be recreating two of Pizza Hut's most iconic menu items, cutting out the middleman.

  • No delivery charge.

  • Today we do it all ourselves.

  • But before we fire up the oven, Andrew, your pizza credentials, their vast.

  • You have a pizza, electric guitar.

  • Gee note Speaker, the Chicago Pizza Summit, the professor of partying.

  • So I need to know what's the difference between a pizza party and just eating a pizza by yourself?

  • Is there a difference?

  • Vural difference.

  • Village difference.

  • It's the same thing.

  • Every party is a pizza party, even if there isn't pizza there.

  • Even if there aren't other people there, Even if there's just a pizza sitting alone in the room, that pizza is having a pizza party by itself.

  • Today.

  • We're going in the time machine.

  • We're traveling back to the nineties Pizza Hut's heyday.

  • What did they get right about pizza?

  • Back in the day, the affiliation with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes up.

  • Yes, that was awesome.

  • I feel like they had the best mozzarella and they had the most buttery golden brown crust.

  • That was like, really the best thing.

  • What the hell happened?

  • I mean, I think just there's been a race to the bottom with ingredients.

  • Well, today we're reversing course.

  • It's gonna be a childhood staple for doing Pan Pizza Pizza Hut style.

  • We're also doing stuffed crust Pizza Hut style, and then we're gonna do something the world has never seen before.

  • They're gonna have to stick around for that exciting development.

  • Ready, Get started.

  • I'm ready.

  • Let's go.

  • Here we are with Pizza Hut's greatest hit.

  • It's the pan pizza.

  • What makes this special?

  • I put a lot of fat in there, so there's olive oil, and then there is actual butter in the dough riel butter in the dough.

  • First thing we do is defined the crust, cause if you remember in the pizza pan pizza, there was this really nice ring of crust.

  • There was very little sauce in a pizza hut pizza.

  • Something to keep the massive amounts of cheese to the dough.

  • We've got two different kinds of mozzarella here.

  • This is fresh mozzarella that I pulled from Kurt.

  • And then I've got kind of a low moisture pizzeria Shredded cheese here.

  • I know.

  • Over here we have a chaperone.

  • Ease.

  • At what point is a pepperoni pizza become a pepperoni lovers pizza?

  • I think you mean by that.

  • Stop.

  • Sign it.

  • As soon as you start like doubling up on pepperoni like there's a pepperoni layer.

  • And then there's one on top of that during the lovers.

  • Okay, Good.

  • The pepperoni lovers lane, That looks nice.

  • You got kind of like a supreme situation.

  • Yeah, veggie lover's pepperoni lovers.

  • Yeah.

  • Here we are.

  • Pan pizzas fresh out the oven in a farm on an eyeball test.

  • I'm impressed with us.

  • I mean, everyone did really well, I'm gonna go ahead and crown and drew the winter here with this beautiful pepperoni lovers Yeah, but I mean all of these we're all winners, really party, no losers at the pizza party and then off smell.

  • What's interesting is that has sort of a French toast quality to it is a lot of butter in there.

  • There's a lot of butter, but it just smells great.

  • It looks great.

  • And then the bottom There's the real pizza contest.

  • Golden brown and delicious, I'd say There it is.

  • Got a bear it in the slight moisture to Yeah, cheers, boys along the way really did reverse engineer the best of Pizza Hut.

  • Every bite is like 1995.

  • Andrew looks like Evan, an out of body experience.

  • Ever had better pizza?

  • Wow, it is also unique.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Right now?

  • I'm not exaggerating.

  • I'm not just saying that for this role.

  • I kind of taken aback.

  • So I'm kind of having a moment to myself because when these moments come, you have to recognize them.

  • You have to stop an internally experience and show gratitude, or you won't get them again.

  • It's disrespectful to not acknowledge this level of euphoria, and it's coming from the inside out way.

  • Need a picture of Pepsi Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in time video game machine in combat.

  • It's like you were young again.

  • All right?

  • Now the pizza chain business, it's dog eat dog.

  • And if you recall, in the nineties, everybody was doing weird sorts of things and Pizza Hut, especially their Grand Slam, was really in the stuffed crust pizza.

  • And that's what we're making right now.

  • How do we start?

  • Because this is gonna be much more of a challenge than the Pan pizza I expect.

  • Good instinct is gonna be a lot more of a challenge.

  • So I've tried to do it many times.

  • Oh, it's always been kind of a huge failure.

  • So I'm really hoping this time around I've learned from some of these mistakes and we can execute it.

  • So this is what you would do if you were making pizza.

  • Normally, as you define the crust like that, but because we're doing stuffed crust, we're just gonna flatten the edge out.

  • Two.

  • We're gonna get like, a flat disk and then pick it up.

  • And it's kind of like a back and forth kind of you guys feeling comfortable about with this.

  • Yeah, I'm feeling a little uneasy and insecure.

  • Yeah, but that's not about the pizza.

  • That's just yeah, I mean, I'm watching Sean, and I'm like a shotgun up with that of a football shaped Yeah, you kind of simple shit.

  • And you also have a thin spot in the middle and, like, a little thick in the You want to flatten this edge out and kind of finish doing it without getting in the middle.

  • It all like, if you can work the hedge is kind of like this role.

  • The edges a little bit.

  • I'm not doing very well, but I'm glad he's ignoring me again.

  • Similar situation.

  • Thin middle and the flat.

  • Now because we're stuffing the crust, we really want to get it flattened out on the edge.

  • A little bit are those are stretched their flat.

  • It's time for a swap it Are we ready to stuff our crust?

  • Yes, I made string cheese last night.

  • I took fresh mozzarella, just shaped it into like Plato, shaped it into snakes, snakes.

  • So I think the key years that we're gonna want to get a good seal if we can make it into a pizza that comes out of the oven I'm gonna be pretty surprised, Sean.

  • I'm loving your crimping.

  • I mean, you've made a pie before.

  • Now we can make it a top it.

  • Let's kick it up a little bit.

  • We got some garlic butter here, and I'm Whoa, Just get a brush The crap.

  • Where's that come from?

  • Right.

  • Whoa.

  • Did I mention it's on?

  • Lee ever fucked up?

  • What?

  • I've made this before in the past.

  • Stuffed crust.

  • It's out of the oven.

  • Let's pop it up for an ID test these puppies.

  • It's like when we pop those pan pizzas out.

  • It really looked like a Pizza Hut.

  • Pan pizza?

  • Yes.

  • This is more of a Frankenstein.

  • Yeah, I've never seen a pizza that looks like this, but that's not to take away from the tape because it might be delicious.

  • Still lovable.

  • To test the stuffed crust, we have to eat it backwards.

  • It's using duty.

  • Yeah, I'd say our biggest failure here is you've got some leakage.

  • It's burst the levee.

  • And it started to get into the center where we already had a lot of cheese.

  • We did not need more.

  • What do you think Pizza Hut was doing that they're able to get that quality control on stuffed crust for all those years, probably it was frozen by being frozen.

  • By the time the crust was finished cooking, then the Montreuil inside would be just the right temperature of like stretching and pulling without running out.

  • It doesn't matter because even if it all runs together, it's all good ingredients.

  • They're all in one place, and they all are going to the same place which eventually is the toilet, I guess, in a respectful way.

  • Pizza Hut and chains in general, they've gotten very daring with their offerings.

  • So today, what are we doing to just go out there?

  • To just get weird with pizza?

  • Is undisputedly the most fun food in the world.

  • But the second most, in my opinion, would be tacos and Andrew.

  • I know you've got a pizza guitar.

  • Yes, and you also have a taco guitar.

  • That is right, because I feel exactly the same way.

  • These are the two parties foods in the world crossed with the party ist instrument, at least the most portable party instrument guitar.

  • So why not have an electric taco pizza guitar?

  • Why not have an electric pizza?

  • Could talk And why not make an electric taco pizza?

  • Well, all of that inspiration in mind, we are going to be making a taco pizza with nacho bite crust.

  • Oh, I'm gonna start in the middle with some whipped cream wove.

  • It has lime zest in it.

  • It's a great way to apply a creamy base, but have it not run all over the place because, as everyone knows, pizzas flat.

  • Is this sweet like?

  • Well, there's I just didn't add sugar.

  • I added salt and lime zest and it's gonna give it kind of like lie me creamy base for the chorizo to sit into.

  • So I've got some jalapenos, which I pickled yesterday.

  • I have my own recipe because I feel very strongly about, uh, jalape o.

  • So now I've got my re fried black beans.

  • I'm gonna do little dollops around the edge, right?

  • A lot of pizza purists might be rolling in their graves.

  • Seen something?

  • I think I'm losing followers right now.

  • You're scoring the crust.

  • I mean, I think this is how it's done.

  • I don't know.

  • So then we're gonna like we're gonna make, like, a little star pattern.

  • This is fancy.

  • Yes, a little nacho bites.

  • Is this indicative of what pizza makers do after hours?

  • Is this the kind of experimenting that goes during hours were high enough?

  • How weird have you gotten with this before?

  • I've done a lot of drugs and made pizzas on acid.

  • One time I put peeps on a pizza.

  • That was a terrible idea for take a look at the eye test.

  • So excited to see this come out and keep its shape.

  • I mean, yeah, it worked.

  • It's a taco pizza.

  • I'm gonna finish it.

  • Now with a few more ingredients.

  • I'm gonna add some fresh cilantro on there.

  • And the whole thing.

  • Some lime pickled onions, which were really nice.

  • Some sour cream lattice pattern.

  • Wow.

  • Craziness.

  • I feel like we went back in time only to travel into the future.

  • Getting really a year 3000 with this one way.

  • Either made the greatest party food of all time or an abomination.

  • One abomination again.

  • Oh, wow.

  • The flavors are really there.

  • No lime.

  • It is.

  • You have some sweetness.

  • You have some heat.

  • Creaminess.

  • Creaminess is in there.

  • It just tastes like a party to change as you bite down the butt.

  • of the slice.

  • You get different things each in each bite.

  • You get the nacho bite your ears case good.

  • It's just confusing.

  • Like I'm eating nachos, but I'm not.

  • It's sending a lot of messages.

  • Thes pizzas that have never been done before, leased by us.

  • Yeah, and I would say we were at least two for three.

  • Yes, Andrew, what did you learn today?

  • I had all my highest hopes and fantasies exceeded.

  • And I had my belief in pizza power once again confirmed.

  • Thank you very much, Yes.

  • Does it play any differently?

  • That pizza guitar, the taco guitar, the pizza guitars, little cheese here in the taco guitars, Little beef.

you see my monitor really quick for a second to check my here awhile looks great.

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安德魯-W.K.和肖恩-埃文斯重現必勝客經典|肖恩在荒野中的故事 (Andrew W.K. and Sean Evans Recreate Pizza Hut Classics | Sean in the Wild)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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