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however, one.
And welcome to another video.
And what is another video in the can?
It ran it dot dot, dot dot insert game title here Siri's.
In this series, we take old games, ones that have pretty low system requirements by today's standards, like Minecraft and GT four, for example, and give them a modern overhaul, using various tweaks and graphical months in an attempt to get them looking more 2019.
We then see how well they run on budget friendly or older hardware.
Well, sometimes revisiting an old game years later can leave you a little disappointed.
Maybe because the graphics on as Good as You Remember on mobbing them sometimes gives them a new lease of life.
But it can also make these gains a lot more demanding.
And that's the case with today's one fallout New Vegas with the untouched vanilla settings, which basically means how it looks without any tweaks, the 2010 addition to the Fallout series looks a little dated.
After all.
It wasn't exactly regarded as a graphical masterpiece when it came out, but I did always find that it offered a certain charm.
The orange overtones really helped add to the whole Western vibe.
Furthermore, because of this, it meant fallout.
New Vegas could run on pretty much any jewel core CPU on pretty much any GPU since the 6600 g t.
On for Mae.
That was music to my ears, considering I was just making the switch to PC gaming on a very tight budget when this came out.
But let's say you're not a fan of these graphics.
You want to make it look a little more up to date.
But you also want to know if and how this will hurt performance Will Wonder Gnome, or whether or not a particular graphics mode makes a game look better is entirely subjective.
So what I've done here is used a combination of some of the most widely used in highly praised enhancements.
Overhaul this game.
In fact, I pretty much followed this awesome article on medium dot com, a link to which will be in the description as it details every mod I've used.
It also tells you how to install these mods, but if you want a detailed video on that, well, I'd be happy to make one at some point.
So after downloading nexus Mod Manager, as well as a ton of graphical tweaks from the new Vegas Nexus website, including NM, sees texture, pack flattery, textures, lighting overhauls, Nevada skies, weather, more improved weapon textures and, most importantly, the onyx e N B plus everything else you see here.
This is how my game now looked.
I think it looks great, but it's entirely up to you, of course.
And as I said before, I've used what are some of the most popular and highly rated modifications out there.
Initially, I made the mistake of running the game at four K with my eye 5 84 100 gee takes 10 70 system.
This wouldn't be a problem with the vanilla settings, but my goodness, did we experience, um, frame rate dips.
I should also mention this is the gold version of the game, which offers a native support for four gigs of RAM.
If using this steam version, you'll need the four gig patch mold.
Otherwise, any graphical enhancements will cause the game to stutter or stutter.
Worse, Some of these marty, usually texture ones, will also have different size files.
You can download, for example, the intimacy, texture pack I'm using offers a low, medium or large download.
The texture sizes will therefore vary because I wanted to go all out.
I'm using the large pack, which consists of 2048 by two a four a resolution textures, but in reality you'll want to carefully make your choice based on your specific hardware.
So to start with, I took another quick look at the 10 70 at 10 80 p resolution and found that while we averaged 60 f.
P s, there were still some framed its here and there.
I've got V sink on and the game is capture 60 f ps.
Naturally, removing this cap isn't worth it.
As it made things worse.
Data wise caused a few graphical glitches and broke.
The physics is just one of those things.
So let's look at the budget friendly Gee ticks 10 50 a car that has become a favor of mine over the last year or so.
Thanks to its plug and play nature, the palate version I'm using requires no external connectors and can therefore be used in a wider variety of machines.
A 10 80 p resolution.
The game granted us 45 f P s on average.
This was worked out by taking the figures from a good springs walk through a less demanding area of the map and combining them with the figures taken from the New Vegas Strip, a more demanding area of the game.
Actual results may vary is New Vegas has quite a large map, and different parts of it performed totally differently to each other.
If, like me, you installed the Nevada skies, whether modern, realistic dust storms as well, then the different conditions will also affect performance differently.
It really is a very mixed bag.
One thing's for sure, though all these changes make New Vegas very demanding.
Indeed, you could set the game to 7 20 p for a 60 FBS average, but I'm not sure it's worth the graphical sacrifice, considering you're still see some major frame dips here, and they're moving on to an A M D card now, and this time it's the turn of the two gig are 93 80 the likes of which can easily be picked up for less than £100 or dollars on eBay.
This GPU averaged 58 frames per second, though in a lot of areas it's stuck to 60.
This was a better result than I anticipated, considering four gigs of Iran is recommended for some of these texture packs.
All of the game play was recorded externally, using a capture card and another PC.
But I should mention that for some reason, the R nine footage here looks a little jaggery.
This wasn't the case in reality.
And as you can see by the 1% on 10.1% lows, things stayed pretty smooth.
I'd say that this card the R 93 80 or an NVIDIA equivalent say the Jugic 7 70 would be the minimum hardware necessary for close to 60 FBs experience with all of these mods installed as well as the e N B Siris.
Next up, I thought I'd try the onboard Vega.
Three graphics of the A M d 200 g.
Athlon AP.
You Usually this would have no problem with a game like New Vegas, but I was curious as to what it could do here.
Unfortunately, even 7 20 p resolution wasn't enough to get the 200 G Running the game smoothly as I walk through Good Springs was a rather Laghi one.
This was quite surprising because as we moved on to this Theseus Rog 9800 GT from many years back, I found that the F P s improved at the same resolution.
You can see that with the night 800 duty, we were hovering around 20 to 25 F.
P s, which doesn't feel as bad as it would in other games, likely due to the slow pace nature of this title.
In the heat of battle, though, that's when you'll miss those extra frames.
The New Vegas Strip knocked a few more numbers off our average, but this car did better than I thought, and strangely better than the Vega three i gpu finally, and just for a laugh, I purchased another G force to 10 in the hopes of a miracle.
But that car had no hope of playing fallout.
It looked very good still, but that's kind of irrelevant when the game plays like a Power Point presentation.
So there we have it fall out in Vegas.
They're usually very easy to run and graphically unassuming.
Gain can be made to look very good, but it will have a huge impact on hardware requirements for those of you that prefer the vanilla graphics, well, it's probably a good job if you have a more budget friendly system, though there are, of course, many different tweets to play around with.
That might work much better for you on an individual basis and give you a nice balance between graphical fidelity on playability.
So there we have it.
I hope you've enjoyed this video.
A look at what fallout New Vegas can look like.
Should you install pretty much every graphical moored out there?
Okay, not quite.
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And hopefully I'll see you all in the next one.