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  • Hey everybody, welcome back to Let's Talk, this is me Meera. Today we're gonna talk about

  • a certain, one word that not only we mistake in the spelling of but we make it so often

  • that it gets boring even to sayokay”. Can you tell me what all people have used

  • instead ofokay”? Don't you think people use “K” full stop, now a days, to express

  • something that they're fine with, that they have a thumbs up for, that is alright with

  • them, don't you think so? Right, well first things first the spelling ofokayis

  • o-k-a-y and not o-k. I know some people used to mistaken it by justok’. Well enough

  • about it, right? Let's take a look at things you can replace this one word with, right,

  • and of course all of these are related to different situations throughout. Let's start

  • with the first oneaye-aye”, it's a very, very shippie which means a very naval term

  • whether it is Merchant Navy or in just defense Navy it's the same. Well here you're just

  • trying to sayaye-aye”, usually they say, “aye-aye captainwhich means okay-okay,

  • not once but twice, I'm absolutely clear about what you have said. So this isaye-aye

  • is nothing but another way of saying okay-okay but in a very casual way for all those who

  • are not shippies, alright? Well you're confirming it twice so say if someone saysyou need

  • to reach your by 11:00 a.m.’, you can always reply to that saying, “aye-ayewhich

  • means, ‘yes I have understood it’. Disclaimer, before everything since I've already started

  • never mind make sure that you use all of these for your friends and family and acquaintances,

  • not for professional purpose, okay? Now that I know that you've got that straight let's

  • move on okay, see how much I'm usingokaybut you don't do that right, “Roger that

  • is the next term. Here it simply means that you have understood something, right? Well

  • if someone says, ‘you need to get two packets of bread and one pack of eggs’, you can

  • always say, “Roger that”, that means you have understood the instructions, right? So

  • let's say someone your boss says, ‘you need to get presentations tomorrow by 11 a.m.’,

  • can you say, “Roger thator no? Because I just said that you cannot use it professionally.

  • WellRoger thatis something you can use professionally as well as long as it's

  • on WhatsApp messaging or on a casual platform of messaging not on emails, fair enough? Well

  • that's fantastic let's move ahead with the next one which is a very, very cute one very,

  • too informal to be used for anyone else but for your really, really loved ones whom you

  • can just say, “okey dokey”. So if someone, imagine your husband says that, ‘honey I

  • will be home by 7:00 p.m.’, “okey dokey”, see how simple that was instead of saying,

  • okay”, the boring way the way we say it always, you saidokey dokey”. Let's

  • take another example, your sister says that, ‘hi I would be visiting you on Sunday’,

  • okey dokey”. ‘Let's have lunch on Sunday’, “okey dokey”. See how you can use a much

  • cuter term for your loved ones, right? Moving on from there we haveby all means”,

  • oh, let me just write quickly, scribble over here for dear ones and as you can see it's

  • justokay-okay”. “By all means”, well what does this mean? You're just trying

  • to say that, I am alright with your statement, your decision, your question or your advice

  • or just what you're trying to say, “by all means”, I have no problems with what you're

  • trying to say. Right, so for example you said that, someone says, probably your friend or

  • even a colleague of yours which is a friend who says that, ‘are you going to come tomorrow

  • at 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.?’, you say 10:00 a.m. right, ‘would you like to join me?’

  • right? Probably a car-pooling, “by all meanswhich means absolutely, why not, absolutely.

  • Would you like to have lunch with me?’ “By all means, why will I say no?’ okay,

  • that's how you can useby all meansto just simply sayalright’. Let's move

  • ahead we have, “sounds good to me”. Well this is something that you're simply agreeing

  • to, agreeing to. I would be preparing, ‘I would be preparing some noodles and some soup

  • for dinnerright? ‘Is it okay with you?’ “Sounds good to me”, that means you are

  • not only you have any problem with it but you're agreeing to it that, hey that's fine,

  • that sounds fun. ‘Let's go partying tomorrow’, “sounds good to me.” ‘Let's watch a

  • movie tomorrow’, “sounds good to me”. See how you're expressingokayin different

  • ways. Okay we're moving ahead from there we havegreen light”, well what does green

  • light suggest especially when you're standing at a signal with your car or you any of your

  • vehicle for that matter, it's a sign for ahead, go, right? So this means go ahead another

  • way of sayingalright”, another way of sayingokay”. Now again if you want to

  • agree to something or if you want to say, ‘yes go ahead with this decision’, instead

  • of sayingokaytry to saygreen lightand probably you would get a reply saying,

  • hey what does that mean?’ That just meansokaygo ahead with it, I'm for it right,

  • you support it, right? Sounds good, well let's move ahead we have “a thousand times yes”.

  • Now guys I'll tell you what, I have heard this so many times especially when there is

  • a beautiful, very emotional proposal going on and the boy proposes saying, ‘would you

  • marry me, will you marry me?’ and the girl can say, “a thousand times yeswhich

  • means yes-yes-yes into infinity and that's just a way of agreeing to something happily

  • with a lot of excitement as well, right? Agreeing happily, fair enough. Well the next time if

  • someone says, ‘hey let's go drinking tonight’, “a thousand times yeswhich means you're

  • so happy to say yes and you're so excited to say yes, that's just as simple as that

  • and as exciting as that. Alright, let's move on and see what we have next, well the next

  • thing isGod damn rightdo you see how we speak and how we sayyes’, “God

  • damn rightjust with a little bit of tweak of attitude right? Of course this is for friends

  • as well. Well here someone is, if someone is trying to say that, ‘should we take a

  • present for her birthday?’ “God damn right, of course we should”. No doubt, of course,

  • I'm gonna write here, of course, yes there's no doubt about that. ‘Shall I come to office

  • tomorrow or not, I think I should’ “God damn right, you should”, see how, ‘I think

  • I'm gonna study right now, I will sleep a little later’, “God damn right, that you

  • should study instead of sleeping and napping around”, right? That's how you can use it.

  • Well moving on, “why not”. I simply like this one you know because instead of saying

  • okayand just agreeing to something you are just showing no doubts by questioning

  • it in return for example, ‘would you like to have some popcorn?’ instead of saying,

  • okayoryesyou're saying, “why not, let's go for it, let's have popcorn”.

  • Would you like to have pizza?’ “Why not”. ‘Would you like to come for a run

  • with me?’ “Why not”. Agreeing in return with a question. I really like this one. Moving

  • on, “my thoughts exactly” I know this sounds a little undone or it sounds a little

  • rough at the edges but it is a complete sentence so don't worry about that if someone says,

  • don't you think that dress was looking a little weird on her?’ you can say, “my

  • thoughts exactlythat that's what that is what you were thinking. ‘Don't you think

  • the movie was superb?’ “My thoughts exactly”. That means absolutely it was right, instead

  • of sayingokayyes I agree with you say how dramatic effect and what kind of dramatic

  • way you have use it in, well fantastic. Let's move ahead from there we have, “hell ya!”

  • okay so of course I'm sure that you guys might be usingyeahinstead of this. Again

  • it's very, very informal to sayhell ya!” but what the hell, you can use it with your

  • friends, can't you? Okay that was just a way to tell you guys when you want to say that

  • would you like to come out with me tonight?’ “Hell ya!” of course yes, now instead

  • of saying god damn right, why not, you're usinghell ya!” another exaggerative

  • way, exaggerating way or an overreacting or specifying or emphasizing on something, why

  • not, right? Okay moving on fromhell ya!” we have “I'd love to”, again this definitely

  • comes when you're requesting or you are proposing something to someone, ‘would you like to

  • stand up and probably give a toast tonight?’ “I'd love towhy not? See how I have

  • combined the both, right? Moving on to the last one which is a very peaceful one it's

  • not so much of agreeing as much as it is a blessing but I personally think that whenever

  • you bless someone with something by just saying, “amenright, that's just a blessing and

  • a way to sayokay”, I support you, right? Don't you think so? Soamenis nothing

  • but blessing to support. Okay now these are so many different ways of saying alright,

  • I agree, I support you, I understand you, I will come with youdifferent situations

  • and in different ways. Go ahead and use it in your sentence immediately, today itself,

  • will you? Great! Okay so that's all for today. I will see you very, very soon with another

  • interesting topic. Until then make sure that you're using all of the things that you're

  • learning, keep smiling, keep practicing, spread a lot of love guys, this is me Meera, ciao.

Hey everybody, welcome back to Let's Talk, this is me Meera. Today we're gonna talk about

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Stop✋Saying - "It's OKAY" - 學習英語短語和日常英語對話的智能詞彙。 (Stop✋Saying - ‘It’s OKAY’ - Learn Smart English Phrases & Words For Daily English Conversation)

  • 13 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary