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  • it's going on, guys.

  • So for the next frame, arms get we're gonna be looking at here.

  • This is the 100 skill based lard with Bombardment Unit already.

  • So the fact that it's already just once again just means that it is using the updated architect frame.

  • And like with the style it interceptor, this is just once again a variation.

  • This is a variation of the bay start, obviously, and with the bombardment unit is basically what that is is just a set of these freestyle bazookas which will attach onto his shoulders the freestyle bazookas, A separate, uh, weapons said that you can get just you can buy just one myself So it could be this would be basically like building, getting a base lord and then to freestyle bazookas.

  • And then you have a couple of new parts in there for this new parts for the head and new parts of the shoulders.

  • For mounting that on there, it should make for a cool variant.

  • I have also in the past building reviewed the cut list, which is also a variation of the base lard so kind of built this kit for the most part.

  • But I also built the every step was because, Well, but, uh, this is going to be a cool variation of the unfortunate thing about this is that this box I feel like is very dark, and it's cool image.

  • But if you are looking like on the shelf and looking for something to build, not sure this would really jump out at you because you can't really get a good ideas to what you're building here.

  • Kind of barely see it, but it still makes for a cool image there the blast effect and then, like the suit just basically being lit up by the blast effect there with just being a night scene, it is pretty cool, pretty unique.

  • So I don't do like that.

  • I just don't think it's gonna jump out at you, seeing that on the shelf anywhere going on here to this side of the box and just kind of the same thing.

  • There we have that all in Japanese, the name of their their Japanese in English, underneath on the bottom of the box.

  • Here's where you can get a better idea as to what you're going to building.

  • So it's from this being just a night scene for the box.

  • Art is just a dark colored brain.

  • Arms of design here anyway, so it's just very dark on.

  • Yeah, you just gotta cool new parts there for the shoulders in the head.

  • But there's a front and back of you of that.

  • You can also just use the free stuff is because his hand held not connected onto the shoulders, if you want.

  • Of course.

  • Yes, we have some water.

  • Saidi cows in here some nights.

  • Waterside decal markings for a nice change of pace that's always appreciated.

  • Uh, not too common with frame our muskets.

  • So it's really nice to have those included.

  • That's really awesome.

  • And then just a couple of their opposes here you can mount to visit goes on the one side, which is pretty cool.

  • I like that.

  • That does look pretty awesome.

  • So looks pretty awesome in general, I'm looking forward again is built up on the top of the box there.

  • Nothing here except for the list price, which is 4500 yen.

  • Not to bet it all.

  • Actually, it's very, I think, reasonable for this.

  • It's not the most complicated building the base Lord or the Cutlass Ciera version of that in general is not the most complex build.

  • And then we just have a basically a couple bazookas that under there but 4500 years for the price.

  • For this, it's not too bad at all.

  • So, uh, we got our separated box here again with a couple of runners here in the top tray are pre built architect frame there, we pull these out, and then our lower box is going to have the rest of our parts here.

  • So mostly and really dark brown or this really dark, really dark navy, almost black, basically for those colors.

  • So take a look at all the runners here momentarily.

  • But first, let's take a look at the manual here, which is quite interesting.

  • On the top, it looks like we have a picture of a painted building.

  • Then on the bottom, we have just, uh, the box art there without the background so kind of interesting how they separated that top and bottom on the back once again, just a more reference images.

  • There you can see what the painted build looks like, and then also are colored guy down here, which basically white, black, dark gray and then a little bit of that blue, which I guess it just for this little bit here on the front of the chest.

  • But opening it up here to the center page, we've got a little bit more information about that's all in Japanese.

  • But there's the really cool CG pose there with the kid, and then it just added the effects in there.

  • And then some other details about the equipment it looks looks like maybe it's about either the backpack or like the way weapon mounting system there.

  • It looks like about the chest far ahead on the bazookas.

  • So cool information.

  • You had to translate that, and that's just basically the parts list here at the front and then just going all through the construction until, let's see, we have the waterside decals included with this, but I'm looking for a some sort of de count guide as to where to put those, because even on the sample here on the the back of the manual, it doesn't show any decal markings on there.

  • So I guess you're just kind of on your own.

  • We'll try to find out in line If there's any reference anywhere for the where these decals go, there's look at the detail.

  • She anyway.

  • They're mostly white, with a couple of dark gray ones on there.

  • So you can see there's a view of this 05 logo there for that.

  • And this is kind of weird looking logo and these lining bitch which will obviously go on like some certain parts of the other.

  • Things are maybe a little bit more open.

  • Just kind of generic caution markings.

  • These little ones.

  • There s so pretty cool.

  • I like the details for this.

  • They look really quite unique.

  • So this will be really good once the kids all painted up to go on there.

  • But let's get a look at the rest of the runners, then, shall we?

  • First up, we have P c A for a few Polly caps here in dark gray.

  • No, we have a runner a here.

  • All parts from the original base lard in again, this really super dark brown color.

  • The same thing here for runner be just a little bit smaller, runner.

  • And in this case, we have got to of be runner or a C.

  • Isn't this really dark Navy color and everybody is going to be our lighter accents here.

  • Mostly a thruster bells and things like that Here in this light gray color.

  • We've got two of this D Runner, then a few more parts of the same color and nature here on E Runner as well.

  • They represent kind of a standard medium warm gray color here for just some kind of inner workings parts their inner frame, if you will g is.

  • It's a couple little tiny parts here and clear blue H A few more parts in that medium gray color, and we've got two of this.

  • H runner Runner I A couple more parts here in the dark Navy runner Jay.

  • A singular new piece here in new antenna for the head in dark brown Corner K is new parts in the medium gray color there for the shoulders else and new parts here in the lighter color of gray.

  • And there were no RV is our standard frame arms set of hands here, open hands holding hands, close fist and trigger finger hands.

  • Then you've got the two small rooms here, which make up M W 18 is to be the weapon 18 which again is the freestyle bazooka.

  • So if you buy that separately, here is what you'll get just that set of runners there.

  • But we've got to in this gets.

  • We've got two of those runners.

  • That is it for the unboxing guys.

  • As always, a huge thing.

  • It's us.

  • I got in store for sponsoring the review.

  • Do check going to their side down below.

  • If you want to check out some different frame arms, kids could book your kids, bring arms, girl kids or just, of course, Bandai, Gumpel and everything else.

  • They're on their site.

  • You can use the coupon code.

  • There is our earliest tennis save, 10% off everything there.

  • And yeah, I'm looking forward to building this up like that.

  • Built the cut list.

  • But this one's gonna be really cool as well.

  • I love those bazookas and just the overall dark color scheme for this looks great as well.

  • So it's gonna be really cool when I think thank you guys.

  • So much for watching, of course.

  • And if you have further questions or comments, feel free to leave those down below as well.

it's going on, guys.

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框架武器Baselard,帶炸彈裝置:RE UNBOXING。 (Frame Arms Baselard with Bombardment Unit:RE UNBOXING)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary