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all right, What is that guy's?
So for this next work in progress, we're gonna be adding a few little details to the deejay.
And now, as you may be able to tell by looking at it is looking a little bit different because he's all sanded down and ready for a bath before painting.
But like I mentioned in the first week in progress that you want to add a couple of little details, especially something here on the shoulder where there's that kind of gap missing now from the honestly, it doesn't really bother me too much, but I do wanna add something there in this place.
The other thing, too, is that someone brought this up in the comments, and he was very clever to do so.
Is that before we added these parts onto the backpack here and let me show this to you.
So someone was right to point out that just gluing this part just onto the backpack, Well, it'll be enough if it just needs to hold on to this part but needs to hold on to this huge binder part.
So it's gonna be like just the glue on that.
It's not really enough like it may be okay, but it's gonna be real dodgy could very well still break off.
That's really small connection.
Piece of just some glue holding on that to be able to hold this up.
And you like the way you need to plug this on this community.
So what I've done here is just drilled a couple little holes, and I'm just gonna put a couple pins in that as well, just to help that stay in place.
That was just one millimetre drill.
So just got some one millimeter a line here.
Just some aluminum rod.
This snip a couple of pieces off of there, then we can just pop this into here.
I'm gonna put some glue on there as well, so I'm gonna go and take the other piece is gonna take this apart anyway, See it And that's going down through there into part down there.
So that will be much better.
Stronger connection now that these air in there as well I won't worry about this part breaking off suddenly.
So those air in there, I'm gonna pop some glue down inside there than we can clip off little bits poking out the top.
Just using a bit of superglue.
See a glue here, Any kind of superglue will do, or you could use something else.
I mean, honestly, if I was the patient type, which I'm not, but probably the better thing to do or the like, The best thing to do it would just be take some epoxy putty and stuff it down into the hold.
That real tightly, I guess.
But I think superglue probably be enough.
But since it's kind of a tight squeeze and numbers gonna use a toothpick to drop the tooth, drop the glue.
Exactly where I need it done into that part.
There you go.
Give that a little bit too dry.
I'll do the other one that will go on, do it to be a thruster part on the other side of the backpack as well, and they will come up back and clip off the excess sticking out the side there.
All right, so then, for the arms here, what I'm gonna do is make a kind of like bars or like a guard bar.
Little kind of like bend and wrap around the shape of it.
I'm gonna use some wire for this as well.
Also, one millimeter wire there for this, Um and yeah, this is just really easy to manipulate.
I've got a couple different gauges of this particular kind of wire.
Uh, but yeah, so they may see hard.
I don't know.
Maybe just because I don't know the correct Burbage for this.
It's a little bit difficult to explain exactly what I wanna do.
Guard Bar Seems to make sense.
Sort of.
It's easier to just maybe show you guys want to do.
So we see.
Where's my pencil?
Over here s O.
But it is.
Drill a little hole here in the top, their two little holes like that.
And then the bar is gonna basically come up out of the hole out of the hole there and then go down and, like, cross over here and then back up and around there, So it's gonna be kind of a bar like going around around this bit there.
So let's just try it and then healthy so you can mark these whole make sure my whole markings here are straight.
First thing on just a moment and drill quick.
One millimeter using one millimeter Why are still one million drill?
Of course into there.
Alright, here we go.
So then wire going Thio after just kind of used these bits here and going to be a little bit difficult.
I need to do this on camera.
So bear with me here.
So gonna give this on and something like that, and very likely I'm gonna have to redo this.
That's just kind of my first attempt here.
So we'll see how how this goes.
I get that a bend there and then been about here.
I've got plenty of this wire to, so I'm not really were too worried about messing it up at this point.
And, yeah, I'm definitely gonna have to redo this because my wires to short, it's not gonna reach all the way.
But it's okay just for the purposes of showing you guys what I'm trying to do.
Anyway, there's kind of the idea of how I want to do that, but I'm gonna have to redo that.
Take you out.
Thank you very much.
Let me try that again.
Okay, there we go.
So it's not perfect, but any means.
But that's why we do weathering.
Am I right so messed around with these much, they could try to get them as straight as possible.
And they're pretty close s Oh, that's gonna be good enough.
But I figure it's kind of weird to just have these only in the shoulders.
I got to do a couple more other places on the body.
If I only had it there would just maybe look a little bit out of place.
So other places we're going to do them is I'm gonna put one here down here on the side of the leg.
A similar one, just kind of going out, uh here.
And it's gonna crossing over this little event here over the top of that little event on both sides, the legs and on the backpack.
One of these parts here temporarily back together to illustrate this.
So the backpack goes like, this would be the back side of the thruster, and then you've got, like, a event in here.
It's gonna put one just like going out over the edge of the event here a little bit like that, as well.
Um, yeah.
So we finished those up, and then we'll work on the tube because we're not gonna be using those rubber tubes, so let me finish this up.
Oh, okay.
So there we go.
Those were then added there onto the back of those thrusters and onto sides of the legs.
They're like that.
The last thing we need to work on basically here, Almost the last thing is the tubes.
So we're gonna be replacing these these guys, these rubber tubes.
I'm not gonna use these.
We're gonna use something different.
In this case, we're going to use these wave A springs.
So just going to replace is with some spring parts and simple enough, basically just going to put them in there on dhe.
That's pretty much it.
So, uh, these things I'm gonna do is put a guide at the top just to plug it onto to glue, and then I'll just cut it like to the right length.
So then later, when I'm doing this like final assembly, I'm gonna see that, and I'm gonna paint this, though it's not gonna be silver.
Uh, they're just silver at the moment.
Yes, this is a two millimetre at one that I'm gonna use for the legs.
And we also have someone that had had this a little bit Maur.
Slightly more complicated.
Not really all that much, but that's a right one.
Here we are over here.
This is the 1.5 we're going to use that 1.5 million years Spring here in the 1.5 spring won't quite fit here into the back of the head where that needs to plug into there.
So I'm going to drill that out a little bit.
No, I got this 1.5 Drillbit here.
And that does seem to sort of fit basically into that.
That seems about right.
Just take off the antenna here, just in case I don't break that accident.
Uh, it seems about like it's already one point flax and drilling in there.
And that feels like it's not really taking anything out.
So that should fit.
But it's just not quite.
Oh, I guess.
There you go.
No, it's fitting in there.
Better, but still not really Well, so I'm gonna do is take the next upsides drill that I have your tomb emulator interest.
Really tiny bit here on is just too white in the edge of the hole on should be in there.
Better em.
Yeah, that's fitting in there, but it's just like it's not super solid.
So this one as well?
I think what I'm going to do is put a guide in there.
But before we do that, I want to go or back around to the front of the head quickly because we have these Vulcans there on the front of the head.
And I want to drill those out just because it looks better.
Just got my small, tiny little drill bits here seem to find the right size.
This looks about right, Maybe a little bit big.
You get a little bit smaller.
Just go ahead and drill out those guys.
Actually, in doing so, they actually just kind of worked out as an advantage because what ideas?
I just decided to just drill all the way straight through There goes straight through to the back your size.
I said I wanted to put like a guide wire in there for the spring, so I just drove all the way straight through there with 0.7.
Where is your 0.7 drill and I haven't ever since 0.7 wire as well actually.
So that will actually just unplug straight into the whole agency is gonna come through the front there, Wallace.
Put Had to put some glue on that later.
Essentially have my spring and wire, and I can use the wire inside as the guide to stick up inside there.
And then I can form that in any way that I want.
Now that the cause, the spring can't hold a shape on its own.
But I use the wire in there to hold the shape of that that I need to plug vent into the backpack so that will work out just fine.
Now, basically the same thing for the legs.
Uh, what I'm gonna do for this basically, for the guy wires for these.
I want to just drill straight up through this, and I'm gonna put a hole out through the top of this part.
But that's fine, Really not too worried about that.
Could then, like, party over it or fix it or something.
But as it's going to be, it's up inside, like way up in there, up inside the skirt armor.
No one's ever going to see ever going to see the top of thigh parts.
If it's got a couple little holes there at the top, no one's ever gonna know.
So it's all good.
There we go again.
Simple enough, this one again as well.
Later on, Going Thio.
Just stick that up into their Buddha in place for the guide.
And then I could slide the spring up onto that in Italy for the tubes there at the back of the leg.
So the last thing let's see.
Actually suppose that's pretty much it for all of the modifications that I wanted to make.
So I guess we'll just skip right to the my idea for the final pose for this.
So here is what I'm planning on doing, not having it, just standing there as this sort of my typical pose as of late.
But I wanted to have it look like he's like landing, so I never just make like a simple base and have some crew I got recently someone 44 scale crew figures.
That's just like the band I HD builders parts I spent like a couple of crew members on just like a kind of landing pad and have him just like this sort of post coming down to land like that.
So I think that we're pretty cool anyway.
So the other thing is just about the guard, August.
So it's not something that I'm aiming to finish with these.
I'm gonna do those of the separate project.
Just a separate thing.
But I will be working on that.
As for the weapons, Thank you.
A lot of you guys did chime in about the weapons on the last work project.
Work in progress, I should say.
But so I have decided to go with the original guarded weapons rather than the other ones and wanted to do a sort of posed like this.
So they're gonna be mounted on a base together and have the ax wielding one sort of like out a little bit in fronts and the other one sort of firing the machine Guns were like they're in the backs like an action post of the two of them fighting a battle in space.
It'll be sort of like that.
Anyway, that makes sense.
So that should be pretty cool, separate things.
So I'll be working on these just sort of as a separate thing.
I'll focus on the deejay because I want to get a deejay.
Uh, during shar months, I'm gonna be focusing on that.
And then these guys work on.
Maybe next month.
I'll try to have those done by the end of next month, for sure.
So that is it for this work in progress.
Guys gonna give him a bath, get it all washed up, and then I'll work on the painting.
And all of that is gonna do a little bit of weathering on there and some decals on.
That's pretty much it.
So that's it for this video.
Thanks so much for watching.
I'll see you next time, E.