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That was really awesome.
Just classic cheese pizza.
Yeah, really straightforward fun pizza.
But we're in Los Angeles.
California pizza.
It kind of started.
All right, let's let me.
Let's get weird.
Let's get weird.
Let's make some pizzas.
Don't get some topics.
Bra's OK, so I got something like l a fit.
Yeah, Brian, I'm Joji.
Last summer, we became master chefs of the 80 arising Summer Mansion.
And this year we're teaming up with even more chefs and special guests and asking a few of our 80 arising label mates to help us out.
Oh, welcome to the feet, mansion.
Welcome to the feast mansion.
Welcome to the Fees mansion.
Welcome to the feast mansion.
So I got something like l a food.
Okay, Right.
You're familiar.
All right.
Double double Classic.
Roscoe's chicken waffles.
Langer's pastrami must be really pinto.
And we're gonna do is like, make pizza with you.
I don't know what you guys think.
I want to make a high risk, high reward pizza, but I don't want to just do something that's automatically gonna fail.
Can you do a chicken and waffles pizza like, do you think it makes any sense to go that route.
Now, I think all this is completely idiotic, right?
But when I want to tell you keep is much liquid away from the does possible.
Like, do it in moderation and keep it fun, and then keep it fun.
Yeah, because, I mean, it comes out.
It's fun to be like a total idiot.
So I think what we're doing, All right.
So we can all just make you guys back.
I'm here to coach.
Just holler at me.
I'm right here with, you know.
I'm like a lifeguard.
Shelley Chiles, T.
I'm gonna want Shawn for a classic.
Right in here.
No, no, no, no.
She just trust me.
Trust me.
Trust me.
Trust me.
Go make sure that's liquid on the edge.
A little fun.
It's going to have some fun out here.
That's what we're here for You.
I'm going for a chili dog pizza here.
Chiles and dogs.
Good move.
So, what's inspiring you, Sean?
The birds beach.
The last bird that lived was in 1978.
And then now, baby bird, that exists out.
There are robots now.
They're all drones.
That's why they're on the power lines.
They're charging up.
I'm doing a moat.
Amo tu Moz room remote since two.
What is it Wasn't Mozart.
What do you know?
You're telling me and it's not Your mozzarella Said, uh, doing a bit of mozzarella off his bitch.
I might fuck with cole slaw because I'm pro Syrian Pizza.
You do, like, close on, General.
Yeah, They don't trust you anymore.
I'm just doing whatever I feel like would taste good.
I'm not sure what style I'm going for yet, but this is how we believe could pesto Bo Cousteau or pizza right here.
Oh, you just put that right in the middle.
That seat.
You're a super What is this white gelatinous stuff here?
Oh, Yup.
Game over.
It's all grade.
Oh, time to spend.
Oh, model.
But we're here.
We're gonna have some fun, right?
Oh, no, you're right.
I fucked this up.
No, I can solve it.
You know, it's a lasagna piece and I pulled it with Alfredo's.
They were all afraid of me.
Should be like a cigar or something.
I tried, but it didn't work.
Are you how you feel about their shots?
fired up.
I am ready to fire it up.
Do you have any onions?
If not, that's okay right there, didn't you, You little London Action.
Yeah, that looks good, Shawn.
I mean, it's artful.
Your distribution of the you say that.
Like, I like to think presentation's important with your eyes first.
That's what they say about this.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm just gonna correction here with sauce.
Okay, move in.
We're gonna go in.
He's just gonna pop this open, changing up the game a little bit, pointed some fried chicken on there.
That's just gonna smack changing game.
Did you pull that from the display?
Oh, where's that?
Has been out there for a long time, but well, there's It's cued up nicely for you.
Right there.
I was going for more, like, kind of non chipotle vibe.
You feel me causing acute up.
I mean, there's not he's not like, out of he's not out about.
Not with coleslaw.
Kind of looks is a perfect combination, sweetie.
Like the obvious move was go for the pastrami, but he's sick.
When you thought I gave it, I gave the pastrami the lowest rumor rating to I really feel like a dumb ass right now.
L A's finest, all mixed up mill.
Bless Alfredo sauce.
Here's my card.
Yeah, there's like a transformation in the Steve Urkal becoming Stefan.
Every time we pop, it'll take a look at what you gonna call that, Shawn?
This is the Shawn's footlong special, and this is the pizza, you see.
Oh, fried chicken was fucking crazy.
Why am I always snapping someone?
Please tell me I said Jodi's pizza's ready.
Sean speeds those also ready and my pizza in the oven now, but I feel like we need a judge or something.
You need something tastier food.
Tell us which one's the best objective.
Because I know there are some abominations.
Yeah, I was a pizza judge once, and I promised myself I would never do that.
You know, someone fair.
Tough, but fair.
Tough, but fair.
Okay, I know somebody.
Yeah, She's here.
Nicky, this is the big chili.
It is a pizza version of pink's chili dogs.
So we have a chili base, some chopped up hot dogs, cheese, onions in the pizza oven out the pizza oven and made specially for you.
Hey, Nicky.
This one is called the shower curtain puller.
Coleslaw, some Swiss cheese, most rela cheese and bits of fried chicken with just a Motorola base.
No, no, that's not it.
Marineris Mariner almost freaked out, right?
This one's called Mom, that your mother has some pastrami, and there's some pepperoni and then some cheese and some pesto in the middle.
Hey, Intriguing.
All right, you guys, um, scared and excited at same time.
I'm just gonna do this.
Look, is that a good grimace?
So fun fact.
My dad used to work at Pinks.
So I like that.
It's very doggy.
That was That's what I was going for.
So all right.
On to the next one.
Pickle help you this'd chicken?
It's got afraid of it.
And that's what I've got to say.
Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
Is that good?
When she laughs on the bite, I don't generally you saying that Alfredo is not like, Okay.
Interesting moving on you so much festive.
Uh, that's doesn't grand middle.
That's the ass right in the middle.
I don't I don't feel about that.
Gets pastrami too.
You're right.
So sorry.
Okay, That was a good fight.
Artist's vision.
Whole artist's vision came together right there.
Really nice, right?
Stay away from the coleslaw.
So that's what it's a really close call.
You guys, um, what I think, but I think Oh, did you like it?
Did you like it was delicious across looks great to look at that factor.
And it's also the way you pitched it.
So, like, I expected it in my brain would be like for this to be a dog.
It was like exactly that.
So, like hit hit, all executed.
I think this is This is also very it's a collective, right?
And that was just like, you're classing Blake.
Okay, if I had, like, not an Asian grandma, like, I feel like I would make something like this to safety, but yeah, like overall three very good pizzas, But mine was the best.
Yes, you go.
So Anthony wouldn't tell you this, but you were gone for a while.
Um, and while you were going, we need hot sauce together.
Wait pretty pretty hard.
Only get up.
Brian, I have something.
Tell you to what you guys were making these pizzas.
I made my own l a pizza.
Are you serious?
It's called San Chose Backdoor.
And it's Oh, yeah.
You got it right there.
Yeah, it away.
It's out past or pizza.
And what did that come from?
Pineapple puree on the bottom.
Uh, mozzarella, diced onion, pickled jalape o And past or pork officials.
A little cilantro on top.
I really like the juxtaposition.
Yeah, that I was Yes, I was going forward.
Um, thank you.
All right, well, I think that we need to try this pizza with a dab.
I'm just gonna go with a double rich and finish this pizza off this lot.
I finished it off.
All right, that's it.
Should we do it?
Go for it.
All right, Sanchez.
Backdoor means dragon in the clouds.
Years hot, pliable.
There's a dairy.
Oh, Uh huh.
You know, Sean.
Fuck you, man.
Uh, so way all made pizza, and we all learn how to make it heats up.
And then we're all dying, and I think I'm having a panic attack, but I'm not sure, but I think overall, it was a great experience, right?
I'm so glad you guys invited me to your mansion.
So happy you make me jump.
I have.
Jody, come here.
We're gonna say about a camera way.
Good bye.
He's mentioned.
Greatest fucking cooking show in the world.
There's no doubt, No doubt.
Hey, what's going on?
Hot ones Fans, this is Shaun Evans.
Checking in with a very exciting hot sauce update our first ever collaborative sauce.
It's here.
88 rising.
First we feast, joining forces to make dragon in the clouds.
You saw me, Jo Jin Rich Brian mixing it up in the cauldron.
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And of course, you know your boy brought the heat.
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