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  • It is written in an old Hindu Scripture:

  • He who sees all beings in his own self

  • and his own self in all beings,

  • loses fear.

  • It is my hope that in the upcoming year, 2020,

  • you can hold on to this concept

  • like a pillar to model your life around.

  • I have to admit that I find myself

  • walking a pretty fine line right now

  • between causing you to feel fear towards 2020,

  • and making you aware of 2020

  • in a way where you can embrace and integrate your fear

  • and see it objectively enough that you can welcome 2020

  • on a physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual level.

  • Fear is a central theme that all people of Earth

  • are going to be grappling with in 2020.

  • As you already know,

  • a major evolutionary shift in humanity has been well underway for years.

  • But shifts and transformations are not an overnight thing.

  • When you hear the word shift

  • or transformation,

  • most people have this warm fuzzy expansive feeling.

  • But if you know anything about shifts

  • or about change in general,

  • you know that something that's usually implied in them is resistance.

  • In the year 2020

  • this resistance rises to a head or to a peak.

  • Now rather than in this already lengthy forecast,

  • going deep into what to do about your fear,

  • I'll give you a little tip;

  • I wrote a book called: The Anatomy of Loneliness

  • And in fact when I wrote this book

  • It was geared specifically towards this year 2020.

  • And one of the chapters in that book is entirely on fear.

  • So if this is something like a central theme

  • that you want to be focusing on,

  • I recommend picking up a company of that book

  • and reading that chapter specifically.

  • Many of you have begun to lose your faith in humanity

  • because it seems like the people around you

  • and the world around you

  • as this peak is something that we all amount towards,

  • have lost their mind.

  • This is a common sensation

  • when Humanity is brought to a crossroads.

  • A threshold has been crossed.

  • 2020 is a turning point.

  • Now if you ask me how this change is being forced,

  • it's being forced by all of those shadowy aspects

  • which used to be in the closet,

  • being brought to the foreground and into plain view.

  • Now believe me,

  • when these things are brought into plain view,

  • it's going to shock you.

  • It has been shocking you,

  • it will continue to.

  • Basically the old,

  • what is not working,

  • has to fall away

  • to make place for the new.

  • This is a turning point for Humanity

  • towards the new.

  • It is a crossroads between

  • the way it has been and the way it will be.

  • Not just on a personal level, but also a global level.

  • And a crossroads divides us,

  • it puts us in a state of opposition.

  • On a personal level there are parts of us

  • that want to go right

  • and parts that want to go left.

  • When it comes to a societal level,

  • There are certain people who want to fight for the new way

  • and people who want to continue the old.

  • To be completely honest with you,

  • this year will be a year of battle.

  • A battle of the sexes, a battle of the races, a battle of creed's,

  • a battle of politics, a battle of self versus other

  • and a year of protests regarding change.

  • The frequency pattern in the world in 2020

  • is similar to the pattern in the year 532

  • and in 629

  • and making a huge jump

  • so you can maybe relate to it better, the year 1834,

  • and 1898, and 1914, and 1966 and 2001.

  • To understand the kind of things that this frequency gives rise to,

  • all you need to do is look back in history

  • at these specific years and the kind of things that went on.

  • It is a frequency that causes societal systems shakeups.

  • That's a bit of an understatement.

  • It dredges societal issues to the surface.

  • It's a frequency that creates major world events.

  • That tend to make history.

  • People tend to look back on these years

  • with a sense that they marked an end of an era.

  • It is a potent wild and volatile frequency

  • full of both gravity and tension.

  • You could consider it a crisis of the collective consciousness.

  • It will be tempting

  • when you look back in time,

  • to think that this pattern of this frequency that's present in 2020

  • causes negative things to happen.

  • That's not actually the case.

  • What it causes is massive shifts within humanity.

  • This pattern causes the reestablishing

  • of what defines a thing and how that thing operates.

  • It is a restructuring of our lives,

  • of our society,

  • of our world in general.

  • That's going to spill good news for certain industries.

  • The year 2020 will be a year of intense progression

  • for technology, sciences, world trade, travel, air and space advancement.

  • As well as the move away from fossil fuels

  • and patriarchy.

  • During times like this,

  • opposing systems and beliefs crash.

  • This creates both national and international crisis

  • and conflicts that often have lasting traumatic consequences,

  • as well as lasting positive changes

  • that redefine human life.

  • Which is why this pattern to events that get into the history books.

  • 2020 is a catapult for a revolutionary decade.

  • It's really important to realize that we're actually all together in this.

  • Now when it comes to the central theme

  • of 2020,

  • it is to redefine.

  • 2020 is a year where the intensity of opposition and conflict

  • is turned up to the boiling point.

  • So as to put people in a position

  • to have to make

  • conscious personal choices.

  • People and societies must decide and define

  • who they are, what they believe in,

  • what they stand for.

  • And guess what?

  • This is going to be causing

  • a major redistribution of power.

  • People are going to be redefining themselves.

  • Cultures are going to be redefining themselves.

  • Societies are going to be redefining themselves.

  • The world itself is going to redefine itself.

  • The scene that comes to mind

  • when trying to capture this essence of 2020,

  • is the scene in Braveheart.

  • Basically, he's sitting on his horse

  • and he's riding back and forth

  • in front of the army that he's about to lead into battle

  • and he's trying to convey to them

  • why it is that they're about to go ahead and fight a fight

  • they most likely are gonna lose.

  • It's for the sake of who they are and what they stand for.

  • The collective consciousness of the universe itself,

  • which just so you know,

  • humanity is a fragment of,

  • has already decided that the time has come

  • to integrate self and other,

  • individual and collective.

  • Obviously,

  • these seemingly opposed concepts

  • have been at odds.

  • But this opposition between them is slated for an end.

  • This means you will be facing the task of redefining yourself

  • while integrating what is other.

  • This is a phase within Humanity

  • to learn how to have yourself and have others too, at the very same time.

  • This year you will be redefining yourself

  • and defining yourself as a process of individuation.

  • You're going to be answering questions like this:

  • Who am I?

  • What do I stand for?

  • What is my truth?

  • Do other people define me?

  • How do I keep myself when I'm in relationship

  • with another person or within a group?

  • You will establish a sense of loyalty towards yourself.

  • This sense of loyalty is going to lead you to a place

  • where you're no longer making compromises.

  • And it's this place where fear is going to arise.

  • The dominant theme around fear,

  • when it comes to 2020,

  • I should say one of many,

  • is this concept of me in the context of relationship.

  • Let's just be honest,

  • humans are terrified of each other.

  • Fear is the pushing away of that which you do not want to include

  • as a part of yourself.

  • Fear is at its core, the opposite of love.

  • So fear causes you to individuate,

  • but unconsciously and out of pure resistance.

  • Here's the good in the bad news in this:

  • this largely unconscious individuation process

  • is inevitably going to lead people to that point

  • of the unification between self and other.

  • Here's how it goes:

  • When we are individuating,

  • on an unconscious level,

  • we're pushing all things away from ourselves.

  • We're causing the opposition,

  • to the degree that we understand

  • and come to the awareness,

  • that what we personally stand for,

  • our personal values

  • and what we personally desire,

  • is in fact, unity.

  • This is where ironically,

  • the new battle becomes the battle to end battles.

  • It's at this point that relationships

  • become a conscious choice.

  • Love itself becomes a conscious choice.

  • I'm going to be honest with you though,

  • this awareness

  • that what a person personally wants

  • and that choice point they come to

  • where what they're choosing is relationship

  • and deliberately choosing unity,

  • this awareness is going to come

  • much more harshly to some, than to others.

  • The truth that has already been accepted

  • at an objective level within the universe

  • and that humanity must catch up to,

  • is that we can't keep opposing each other.

  • We must end the zero-sum game.

  • Now for those of you who are curious about what the zero-sum game is,

  • I did a video on it;

  • It's going to be included in the links on the descriptions on this video.

  • Basically within the greater universe the decision has been to heal division.

  • Sadly to come to a choice point

  • where all fragments within the universe

  • desire integration again,

  • instead of division,

  • division is gonna have to get worse.

  • This means the suicide crisis will rise.

  • The opioid crisis will rise.

  • This means that loneliness is going to get a whole lot worse

  • because people haven't recognized loneliness itself

  • as the great problem of humanity.

  • In other words,

  • loneliness is the crisis of the human race.

  • Those of you who have heard me speak before,

  • know that I talk a lot about the fact that some people

  • need a whack a tree at 70 miles an hour moment

  • in order to awaken.

  • The awareness and decision

  • to integrate within the universe,

  • is like a massive tsunami.

  • That tsunami is headed towards

  • all fragments within source consciousness.

  • Basically source is pointing this tsunami

  • towards all parts of itself.

  • You must get on board with and ride the tsunami.

  • If in response to your fear

  • you try to oppose that tsunami of change

  • by getting controlling, rigid,

  • sticking to what you know,

  • being set in your ways

  • and holding to what was and is familiar,

  • you will get hit by it.

  • In the case you don't already know,

  • a tsunami is traveling at the speed of a jet aircraft.

  • You will not outrun it

  • and you will not be able to fight against it.

  • The question to ask yourself is:

  • What role do I want to play in this new structure?

  • Redefining yourself can feel like the owning of a new form.

  • Now doing this is kind of like a personal rebirth.

  • As such, there will be labor pains in the transition.

  • Society will be confronted with all the things that need to change about society.

  • You will be confronted with all the things

  • you need to change about yourself.

  • This opposition can lead us to a sense of thwarted motivation.

  • It can lead us towards a feeling of being fed up, quite frankly,

  • and when people become fed up,

  • they like to throw in the towel.

  • For this reason, it's really important to understand

  • that a lot of people

  • are going to be jumping on board with spirituality this year.

  • Will all of them be doing it in the "right way"?

  • No!

  • Here's what I mean by that:

  • when we feel fed up and we want to throw in the towel,

  • often we use spiritual practice

  • as a way of escaping from our physical reality

  • or escaping from whatever we are fed up with.

  • You couldn't do anything worse in 2020,

  • than to use spirituality and those practices of a spirituality

  • shadow work, it doesn't matter what you're subscribing to,

  • as a method of escapism.

  • Those spiritual practices which you subscribe to,

  • they have to be used in a completely different way.

  • Where you're using them

  • to gain objective perspective and clarity.

  • Where you're using them to really develop resources

  • so as to take that clarity and those resources

  • directly into and commit to

  • your physical temporal experience.

  • In 2020 in order to redefine yourself,

  • you must decondition yourself

  • from patterns that no longer serve you or the world you live in.

  • You redefine yourself, so as to give your life new meaning.

  • You reevaluate your values and priorities

  • and from there, take action to build your life around those core values.

  • This means you must heal from your past

  • and no longer beneficial ways that your past made you adapt.

  • You must redefine reality.

  • Everything that causes you to feel oriented and stable

  • in the truth of reality,

  • may very well be thrown out the window.

  • Therefore the way to approach 2020

  • is with curiosity and flexibility.

  • You must be willing to let go of what you think you know.

  • You must be willing to let go of the old

  • and consider completely new perspectives and ways of doing things.

  • This is a great year to practice the art of going back to the drawing board.

  • It is a year for redefining what you need to cultivate in your life

  • and what you need to let go of.

  • This is a year to realign with your deepest desires, needs and values.

  • By reassessing and realigning

  • with your deepest desires and values and ideas,

  • what is going to be happening here

  • is that you're going to be developing

  • a sense of inner authority.

  • That inner authority is really important

  • because it means you're going to be entering into relationships

  • while keeping your own personal truth.

  • But here's the thing about truth, isn't it?

  • The fact that you're developing truth,

  • means that one of the central themes of 2020

  • is going to be true that versus lies.

  • Becoming aware of what is true,

  • may just cause us to throw everything we thought was true

  • out the window.

  • Inevitably it causes us to adjust.

  • Again,

  • this is all going to force flexibility.

  • What's going to really benefit you this year,

  • as you saw in all of the above reasons that I've given you,

  • with flexibility with changing your attitudes,

  • with taking on new perspectives,

  • with shifting everything you thought you were,

  • redefining yourself,

  • air is the element to master in 2020.

  • As you redefine yourself,

  • what is going to become...

  • Strikingly obvious to all of us,

  • is that as a collective,

  • humanity is facing a responsibility crisis.

  • ~ Laughter ~

  • Basically what its gonna seem like

  • is that nobody's taking responsibility

  • and absolutely everyone is pointing fingers.

  • From the personal level,

  • to the politics level,

  • it's like across the board of all a society.

  • So part of redefining ourselves

  • is to really make it clear

  • what we are and what we aren't responsible for

  • and taking personal responsibility

  • for those things that are our responsibility

  • is a central theme to redefining ourselves

  • in a way where we have solid structure in our lives.

  • As for earth itself,

  • it is also going to be redefining itself.

  • I'm gonna let you use your own mind

  • to imagine what might happen

  • when the earth itself

  • begins this process of redefining itself.

  • But as for the upcoming year,

  • the frequency of 2020 will lend itself to some earthquakes

  • and even more than that, to floods.

  • If you're in an area that is prone to,

  • or at risk of flooding,

  • make sure you have insurance for floods

  • as that is showing up as the most dominant natural disaster

  • in the upcoming year.

  • Consider having a plan for these types of things,

  • part of your personal plan

  • to commit to taking personal responsibility.

  • Consistent with a theme of fear,

  • inflammation is the dominant malady

  • or physical ailment that is facing all of humanity across the board for 2020.

  • Anything you can do on top of facing and integrating your fear

  • in order to decrease inflammation

  • is going to benefit you in 2020.

  • It is a year to take anti-inflammatory actions.

  • For example, support your body with an anti-inflammatory diet,

  • exercise, get enough sleep, hydrate

  • and de-stress in whatever ways work best for you.

  • 2020 is also a year of intense Karmic return.

  • There are some of these cycles

  • over the course of our history,

  • where the patterns within the universe

  • are incredibly intense in terms of karmic return.

  • 2020 is no joke.

  • Those of you who have sown flowers,

  • will see the positive return of having planted flowers.

  • Those of you who have sown weeds,

  • will see the negative return of having planted those weeds.

  • In 2020 the reality that what goes around comes around,

  • is the overall concept within the universe itself

  • that it is interested in teaching to all aspects of itself,

  • and Humanity is one of those aspects.

  • Seeing as how this pattern causes the re-establishing

  • of what defines a thing and how that thing operates,

  • in 2020 you need to consciously invest your resources

  • as if each investment was a vote for the future you want.

  • Sticking with the concept of karmic return,

  • consider everything you do as the planting of a seed for the future.

  • Each seed is a vote for either a weed or a flower.

  • 2020 is a year to look beyond

  • to a larger vision.

  • Beyond to the larger vision of what you want in your life.

  • Beyond to an overall vision in terms of what you want for society itself

  • and to hold to that vision like a compass

  • that is pointing you north,

  • no matter what storm it may encounter on the way.

  • I want you to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I willing or even ready to redefine myself?

  • If not, you need to lovingly resolve that resistance.

  • Ask yourself:

  • What am I afraid will happen if I redefine myself?

  • What do I need to let go of on a mental emotional and physical level,

  • so I can commit my resources on all levels

  • to what really matters to me.

  • Having heard all this information,

  • how are you reacting to it?

  • Did you only notice all negative?

  • Could you potentially be trapped

  • in one of your old patterns

  • of perceiving yourself to be only powerless?

  • In case you didn't pick up on it,

  • 2020 is a wide-open door

  • for opportunity for the new.

  • Most people get stuck in a box.

  • Most people live and die inside that box.

  • Most people they define themselves

  • or they are defined by others

  • and they stick to that definition

  • and do not change it.

  • 2020 is the peak of an entire phase

  • where the universe itself

  • is going to break that box for you if you don't choose to do it yourself.

  • 2020 is the crossroads of personal choice

  • and you are not a victim to a crossroads.

  • You can choose to go right or you can choose to go left

  • and you can even choose to not choose at all.

  • 2020 holds the truth,

  • that you can redefine yourself at any moment.

  • And that other people's ways of defining you

  • don't have to add up to your definition of yourself.

  • In order to ride this wave of tsunami of 2020,

  • you need to take a proactive role

  • in getting on that wave

  • of redefining yourself.

  • And if all of this

  • is only terrifying you,

  • you don't see the flip side of this coin.

  • And if all that I have shared,

  • does nothing but terrify you,

  • it means you're not seeing the flip side of this coin.

  • You're not seeing the beauty of this energy.

  • You can see the beauty in that man

  • who decides that despite years spent in one career,

  • he's going to switch his time and focus

  • on what really fills him with passion.

  • You can see it in that woman who has always been a doormat,

  • but who decides to walk away.

  • You can see it in those people

  • who have always been fiercely independent

  • and afraid of intimacy,

  • deciding to really commit to an interdependent relationship.

  • You can see it in America deciding to abolish slavery.

  • You can see it in women getting the vote.

  • You can see it in that medical innovation

  • that changes our entire approach to illness.

  • You can see it in the reshaping of politics.

  • It is never too late to redefine yourself.

  • You can't be too old to redefine yourself

  • and if it is never too late to redefine yourself,

  • then that means it's never too late to redefine the world.

  • Have a great year.

It is written in an old Hindu Scripture:

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2020年的預測(世界預測)----------白天鵝 (Forecast for 2020 (World Predictions) - Teal Swan)

  • 6 0
    lu111 posted on 2021/01/14
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