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today, of course.
Is Super Tuesday many of the votes.
And you know this?
Many of the votes for Super Tuesday were cast by U.
S mail.
Did you know that?
Which means we will never know the results.
We will spend the rest of our lives and never know.
Yeah, Did you Male energy.
I voted by mail for the first time.
I'm like, Why have I not been doing this all along?
It was so easy.
I went to the voting.
They have a modern anyone use the modern California voting machine today.
Wow, I don't know what's going on.
This is important shit.
What is wrong with you people?
I spent the whole day going to TV Tapings Way were a wheel of fortune.
We couldn't make it.
There's a modern machine where you feed a piece of paper in and you put in all your votes and then it takes you put it out and it shows it to you.
And then you feed it back in again and it shreds.
It doesn't shred it.
I just thought for a minute I was afraid it was going to be Yeah, that's how that's how you vote now.
It's very cool.
It was very interesting.
Uh, speaking of voting many Bloomberg I'm sorry.
Many Bloomberg.
I've had a lot to drink.
Uh, that's what I do on Super Tuesday.
Michael Bloomberg, Did you hear this?
He spent $36 million on ads in California alone?
In fact, when I was watching TV last night, a Bloomberg ad popped up in the middle of a Bernie Sanders ad.
That's how right out of his forehead, he came out of his forehead.
Mike Bloomberg.
And then he ran away at a large man.
Uh, analysts say Democrats are now circling the wagons around Joe Biden.
That's the phrase.
Yeah, by and said the last time wagons were circled around me, I was five.
And Mon Paul, we're headed to Oregon territory.
Good old days.
That's the applause of an audience.
That's saying, let's move it along.
I could read you guys.
Okay, that's enough.
What else you got?
What else you got?
Keep going.