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So there's nine energy numbers now, based on your year off birds and your gender, you will find out your direction.
Butter is something else that is for the rest of your life.
You have that number, but every year there's a change of energy, and every energy number has a color or a symbol for 2019 to put in their success direction toe activated extra to have more abundance coming forward.
Yeah, Now this information is in your workbook.
But you can take pictures, of course.
So the people that have energy number one, they're called wealth creators.
Now it doesn't mean they just easily create Well, that's mostly that we have to learn the most lessons about.
Well, sorry.
So your success direction is South east?
Now, this year, your color.
Because I work with quantum physics and 24 colors that really activate you this year, your heward is clarity.
You need to focus on being clear in your life, setting your goals, living by your goals and using the color aqua blue.
So just wearing something in that color once in a while and even putting something in aqua blue or like a symbol off.
Still, water in the Southeast will bring your energy up for this year.
Create more success and money.
People have energy.
Number two are also the ones that are number five.
And our men there called the teachers.
They were here to share their wisdom.
But before the shadow with some there are like wisdom collectors.
They're the readers.
They just want to know everything that is in the world.
Jack Canfield, for example, is a number two, Right.
So he has written, you know, so many books.
So it's not just reading it, but also sharing it.
Yeah, So success direction is north east.
Your color is ivory white like a off white, and you keyword is transparency.
Be need to be transparent in your structure in what you want to bring.
Don't be confused.
Be very clear on everything.
And a little symbol is wind chime.
Energy number three are bring ear's off lights.
They are entertainers.
They just want to be in the spotlight.
Yeah, day sometimes can be quite shy in normal life.
But when the moment light is on the left out there, right, they love to bring, you know, the energy up, so their success direction is south and their color is ruby red like a warm red.
And their key word for this year is about balance.
Don't go too high.
Don't go too low.
Always balance your life.
Enough sleep, enough workouts and a simple is a laughing Buddha or anything that makes you laugh.
The energy number four or the managers.
The managers are the ones that have like an idea, and they're so good strategically to fulfill that idea and to manifest it so they love to help others also, too, really create businesses.
Their color is cobbled blue.
The word for them is empowerment.
So by using this words, you will actually attract more success and abundance.
And the symbol for them is a bamboo.
The energy number five from men already share was a teacher.
Yeah, for energy number five for the women Come back when we talk about energy number AIDS because it's the same energy number six are the creators.
The creators are the ones that, like have ideas outside of the box, and others will say this is not possible and they were like, Yeah, I will find a way I think about their also connecting with a technology.
I t Anything about the West Coast off America?
What happens in the West Coast of America?
You have Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley could never been on the East Coast.
It's not possible because the creative forces or stronger on the West Coast.
That's why we're in California, right?
So D color is Irish blue, and the key word is focus.
So I t people need to really focus this year, and everyone has number six and the activator is a bubbling fountain.
Never put a bubbling fountain in your bedroom.
Yeah, it's too active.
Always put it in the west off your office.
Yeah, the seven or advisors they are the ones that just people come and want advice from them.
They know so much.
And there are, you know, really, a lot of healers have that or a lot of people die.
Our coaches, they're actually connect with that.
So the color for that is the diamonds.
Me there keyword is fate, So they need to trust himself a bit more this year, and the symbol is an AMA typist and energy number eighths or the female five.
They're the connectors.
They just love connecting with people.
They are really good and putting the puzzle pieces together like I haven't an eight and one of the things I love to do.
I love creating romance for people.
That's why I'm into secret talking about romance.
I just love people to connect and be friends.
Yeah, and that's why you know, I love to connect with you, So if you afterwards or today want to have a hug with me or picture with me, please come to my stand on outside because I love connecting with you.
Okay, so your color is an opal, and transformation is your key word for this year and again, you need to hang a little wind chime in the southwest And energy number nine the healers The hell is this year to have the golden luck on them.
Yeah, this is a year where a lot of healing will happen in the world.
By the way.
Yeah, after a few years off a lot off imbalance and division.
This will be a year off healing.
So abundance is your key words and putting golden items in the east or for you.
For example, the east.
You are wearing something.
Gold will be really successful.
Now there are abundant spots that work for everyone.
So this is definitely something to do for everyone.
If you want more cash flow this year in 2019 who wants more Castro?
Of course we all want.
Then get yourself a bubbling fountain.
Not a big one.
Just small bubbling fountain and put it in the west off your office or the west off your living room, not in your bedroom.
And if your bedroom and office is one place, unplug it when you go to sleep.
So what does it do?
Well, the West this year has new beginnings on it.
Everything with I t everything with technology.
Everything with creativity will actually start a new cycle off nine years.
So I'm really happy that we came to L.
Because this is the West Coast and that means also for mine.
Valerie Union.
There will be a new flow off energy coming in, but make sure that happens.
Toa each one of you.
Yeah, So this is for 2019.
And remember, we work in from sway with the Chinese New Year, so it's actually till February 2020.
Yeah, and when you do the function for life, you will see, Then you will always get the updates for every year.
Where to put your fountain.
Now, if you want, like, amazing windfalls like your investments are working like out of the blue, like gold could drops down.
So that is the East.
That means that this year, everything coming from the East will be bringing golden luck, but also mean countries in the East will bring a lot of golden luck.
And as the e stands for everything with a healing, it will be a year off.
A lot off healing.
Yeah, And I think we all could use some off that.
Yeah, in many countries.
So place something in gold's or like a ball of golden coins, and it can be fake coins.
You can be even chocolate coins.
That's all good.
Right, But not paper money.
Yeah, you find like a ball, and you fill that with coins and a big candy quarters, but and make sure that the ball itself is kind of a gold looking ball.
Yeah, And then you can also activate a center.
The center of your house this year has the lucky eight on it and d color for this year.
For long term.
Weld is speech.
You don't know what peach looks like.
I have it on, all right.
There's a reason for my outfits, by the way.
Yeah, so make sure that you clear out a center off your home.
Don't put any images up there that are violent or feeling images off being stuck.
So puts their an image of your family because your center has a family luck.
But also put a beautiful crystal there and not like a small crystal Bellick.
Ah, handful crystal like a quartz crystal or an AMA typist.
And the color piece.
Now this is really important.
Whatever is in the center is always what happens in the world.
And so this is a year where we have to make a decision to let go off the fear and to go into joy.
Because the last years in the fires Two year and the Earth Doc year, the Chinese astrology signs there was a lot of fear, and we're coming now in the earth pig here and our pictures like the muddy pig.
So the pigs like rolling in the Martin like, Oh, I have fun with my friends.
So this is a time to really connecting with your friends and family and take time to enjoy each other.
And each decision you'll make this year really go within yourself and say, Is this a decision?
Out of fear was a decision that makes me joyful.
If the decision, whatever direction you want to go, makes you fearful, don't go there.
This is a year that we can't have that we really need to focus on joy.
I would say, Definitely Mind Valley right is about joy.